Exploring First-Year Engineering GPA Comparisons in Canada

In summary, the average GPA for first year engineering students at the speaker's university in Canada is set at a low 60%, which is lower than the targeted average of 2.8-3.2 in the US. The first year is intentionally made difficult and results in a high dropout rate, but the following years tend to have better grades. The speaker also mentions that different departments within the university have varying averages, with engineering courses having lower averages compared to arts and science courses. The speaker also shares their own experience of doing well above the average but having to work hard for it.
  • #1
I am a first year engineering student and was wondering what average GPA's are compared to other universities. I attend a university in Canada which uses a percent based system and the college of engineering sets the average first year at a low 60%.
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  • #2
No clue how to translates to the US system but in the US the average engineering undergrad GPA is targeted to be 2.8-3.2. Tests usually have an average of ~70% at my school.
  • #3
Interesting. At the university I attend they make the first year the most difficult. They let in 200 more people than they have seats for in the second year so they make it as difficult to maintain a low 60 percent average and so about 200 people drop out. Second year is a little easier. Then the 3rd and 4th get a little more easy. Is it the same at your university?
  • #4
Yeah generally for the 3rd and 4th year classes the class gets better grades. And the dropout rate in the first year is huge, many people just switch to economics or whatever.
  • #5
Derek - I'd be curious to know if this is an actual written policy somewhere that you've specifically seen or if you're working on hearsay.

The reason I say that is because when the work gets tough, it's easy for such rumours to run rampant. Forcing a 60% average seems a little on the low side, but it's not unreasonable for averages to be in the high sixties to low seventies.
  • #6
Yeah I am just commenting by word of mouth. It makes sense though. Universities grade on a bell curve with the average being at around a low 60, at least at my university. I hear of slightly different averages elsewhere. Usually the average on a calculus midterm or final is around 50%.
  • #7
Oh I just noticed you're not an engineer. There's a difference between averages in engineering and arts and science. Here are some facts for you that I 100% know. I am taking a general physics course right now covering waves, relativity, nuclear etc and the average on the midterm was a 74%. This physics course is within the department of physics which is under arts and science. Then I am taking an engineering dynamics course and the average for the midterm was 63%. Then there are the calculus courses. Oh boy are the calculus courses different between the different departments. There are calculus 1 and 11 for engineers and then there is calculus 1 and 11 that are for science students. the difference in average is 20%! So yeah maybe the average could be around 70 for other colleges but for engineering it is much lower.
  • #8
in my undergrad school not in the US nor Canada, the average for physics is about 2.8 and math is about 2.7. Though I know one who got 3.5 and went to caltech for PhD. So no excuse I could have done better. With protests every year, i think the situation is better now. Yes you are right. You should select courses wisely. But I think having interest and working hard are more important.
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  • #9
I posted this thread because I am curious. I do well above the average but have to work hard for it and am usually always stressing about it.

FAQ: Exploring First-Year Engineering GPA Comparisons in Canada

1. What are the main factors that affect first-year engineering GPA in Canada?

The main factors that affect first-year engineering GPA in Canada include high school grades, standardized test scores (such as the SAT or ACT), academic rigor of courses taken, extracurricular activities, and personal motivation and study habits.

2. How does the first-year engineering GPA in Canada compare to other countries?

According to a study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Canada ranks in the middle of the pack for first-year engineering GPA when compared to other developed countries. However, individual universities in Canada may have higher or lower average GPAs compared to other countries.

3. Are there any significant differences in first-year engineering GPA between provinces in Canada?

Yes, there are some differences in first-year engineering GPA between provinces in Canada. For example, a study by the Council of Ontario Universities found that students in Ontario have higher first-year engineering GPAs compared to students in Quebec.

4. How do first-year engineering GPAs in Canada differ between male and female students?

According to data from Statistics Canada, there is a small difference in first-year engineering GPA between male and female students in Canada. However, this difference is not statistically significant and does not reflect a gender-based performance gap.

5. Can first-year engineering GPA predict future academic success in Canada?

While first-year engineering GPA can be a good indicator of future academic success, it is not the only factor that determines a student's performance in their undergraduate studies. Other factors such as personal motivation, study habits, and extracurricular activities can also play a significant role in a student's academic success.

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