Exploring Genes: Commonalities and Differences in Animals and Plants

  • Thread starter Rothiemurchus
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In summary, the conversation discusses the role of genes in the animal and plant world and their impact on evolution. It raises questions about the most common gene, the differences between plants and animals, the importance of gene mutations, and the implications of a genetic code with more building blocks.
  • #1
Which gene is the commonest in the animal and plant world and why?
Which gene makes a plant most different from an animal?
If genes hadn't mutated in the past, how different would the world be today?
If there was more to the genetic code than ATCG i.e five,six or seven building blocks for the gentic material, what difference would that make to evolutionary biology,on another planet,for example?
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
is this a homework question?
question 1, u should know this, or at least know some examples
question 2, look at how the two live differently, there is a probably a gene behind that.
question 3, no mutation means hmmm we wouldn't be here today. don't care how u are going to argue that one or against it, but it is too easy to argue anyway.
question 4. more than nuc acid, means more combos, means, hmmm actually I can argue either way.
  • #3

The commonest gene in both animals and plants is the gene that codes for ribosomal RNA (rRNA). This gene is essential for protein synthesis and is found in all living organisms, making it the most abundant and widely conserved gene in the world.

The gene that makes plants most different from animals is the gene that codes for photosynthesis. This gene allows plants to convert sunlight into energy, a process that is not present in animals. This fundamental difference in energy production is what sets plants apart from animals.

If genes had not mutated in the past, the world would be vastly different today. Mutations are a driving force of evolution, leading to the diversity of species that we see today. Without mutations, there would be limited genetic variation, and species would not have been able to adapt and evolve to changing environments. The world would likely be dominated by a few species, and there would be little diversity in the natural world.

If there were more building blocks in the genetic code, it would have a significant impact on evolutionary biology. It would open up the possibility for even more genetic variation and potentially lead to the development of new traits and characteristics in organisms. On another planet, this could lead to the evolution of completely unique and different species that are not found on Earth. It could also potentially change the way we understand the process of evolution and the role of genetics in shaping life on other planets.

FAQ: Exploring Genes: Commonalities and Differences in Animals and Plants

1. What are genes and how do they contribute to the commonalities and differences between animals and plants?

Genes are segments of DNA that contain instructions for traits and characteristics. These instructions are passed down from parents to offspring and can contribute to the shared traits and differences between animals and plants. For example, both animals and plants have genes that determine eye color, but each species may have different variations of this gene that result in different eye colors.

2. How does genetic variation impact the diversity of animals and plants?

Genetic variation refers to the differences in genes within a population. This variation is crucial for the survival and adaptation of species. In animals, genetic variation can lead to diverse physical traits and behaviors, while in plants, it can result in different adaptations to environmental conditions. Without genetic variation, species would be less able to adapt to changing environments and would have a higher risk of extinction.

3. What techniques are used to study genes in animals and plants?

Scientists use a variety of techniques to study genes in animals and plants, including DNA sequencing, gene editing, and genetic engineering. DNA sequencing allows researchers to determine the exact sequence of nucleotides in a gene, while gene editing techniques like CRISPR-Cas9 allow for precise changes to be made to specific genes. Genetic engineering involves manipulating the genes of an organism to introduce new traits or alter existing ones.

4. How do genes play a role in the evolution of animals and plants?

Genes play a crucial role in the evolution of animals and plants. Over time, genetic mutations and variations can result in changes to an organism's physical traits, behaviors, and adaptations. These changes can give certain individuals an advantage for survival and reproduction, leading to the passing down of these traits to future generations. This process, known as natural selection, drives the evolution of species.

5. Can genes be shared between different species of animals and plants?

Yes, genes can be shared between different species of animals and plants through a process called horizontal gene transfer. This occurs when genetic material is transferred between organisms through means other than reproduction, such as through viruses or bacteria. Horizontal gene transfer can contribute to the diversity and evolution of species by introducing new genes and traits into different populations.

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