Exploring Gravitational Effects of a Neutron Star on an Object

In summary, The conversation discusses the potential energy of gravity, the change in mass of a neutron star when an object with 1 kg mass falls onto it, and the effect of observers on the surface of the star. The conclusion is that the mass of the star will increase by 1.1 kg from the perspective of an observer on the surface, due to the conversion of energy from the impact into additional particles with non-zero mass.
  • #1
I try to find answer to quite basic question.
Let's imagine neutron star and object with mass of 1 kg located far from the neutron star. Total energy of the object is ##E = U_g + mc^2##, for case when its velocity is zero and and ##U_g## is potential energy of gravitation.
The neutron star have such mass and radius, what ##U_g =\frac{1}{10} mc^2 ##
The object failed to the star, energy was dissipated in the star, nothing emitted into space.
How mass of the star will be changed?
Will it be increased by 1 kg or by 1.1kg, from point of view of distant observer?
And how mass of the star will be changed if observer is located at surface of the star?
Is any easy way to find answer from GR equations?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Why do you consider the potential energy of gravity to be positive?
  • #3
Under the conditions you've specified, with no energy being radiated away so that the star-plus-object can be treated as a single closed system, the total mass of that system will be the same whether the object is floating around outside the star or squashed onto the surface of the star. In principle you could put the whole thing inside a giant opaque box so you couldn't even see what the object was doing, and the mass inside the box would remain constant.
  • #4
jbriggs444 said:
Why do you consider the potential energy of gravity to be positive?
Really, forgot minus
  • #5
Nugatory said:
Under the conditions you've specified, with no energy being radiated away so that the star-plus-object can be treated as a single closed system, the total mass of that system will be the same whether the object is floating around outside the star or squashed onto the surface of the star. In principle you could put the whole thing inside a giant opaque box so you couldn't even see what the object was doing, and the mass inside the box would remain constant.
I think at least from point of view of observer on surface of star mass of star should increase on 1.1 kg.
Energy of impact is equivalent to 0.1 kg. The energy may create, for example, photons, photons may create electron/positron pairs, etc. And that additional particles have non zero mass.
Is something incorrect in it?
  • #6
Ans said:
I think at least from point of view of observer on surface of star mass of star should increase on 1.1 kg.

For a carefully chosen definition of what counts as "the mass of the star" before and after the object falls to the surface of the star, yes.

FAQ: Exploring Gravitational Effects of a Neutron Star on an Object

1. What is a neutron star?

A neutron star is a celestial object that is created when a massive star collapses in on itself after running out of fuel. It is extremely dense, typically with a mass of about 1.4 times that of the sun but a diameter of only about 20 kilometers.

2. How does a neutron star produce gravitational effects?

A neutron star produces gravitational effects because of its extremely high density. The immense mass of the star creates a gravitational pull that is much stronger than that of a typical star, which can cause significant distortions in the fabric of space-time.

3. What is the Schwarzschild radius of a neutron star?

The Schwarzschild radius of a neutron star is the distance from the center of the star at which the escape velocity equals the speed of light. For a typical neutron star with a mass of 1.4 solar masses, the Schwarzschild radius would be about 2.5 kilometers.

4. How does the gravitational pull of a neutron star affect nearby objects?

The gravitational pull of a neutron star can have a significant effect on nearby objects. It can cause objects to orbit around the star at extremely high speeds, and can also cause objects to be stretched and distorted by the strong gravitational forces.

5. Can the gravitational effects of a neutron star be observed from Earth?

Yes, the gravitational effects of a neutron star can be observed from Earth. Scientists can use various telescopes and instruments to measure the gravitational pull of a neutron star on nearby objects, as well as the distortions in light caused by its strong gravitational field.

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