Exploring Gravitational Field Lines: A Classical Perspective

In summary, this diagram illustrates how radiation occurs when an accelerating charge is involved. Classical gravitation does not work the same way, as displacement of the mass affects the gravitational field lines and can cause a break in the force.
  • #1
I was looking for a qualitative explanation on how radiation occurs classically and came across this diagram.


Which is for an accelerating charge.

Then I started thinking if this break can occur for the gravitational field.

Does the same thing happen for the gravitational field lines for a accelerating mass? I mean, once the mass displaces, wouldn't that cause the field lines in the vicinity to differ than those of the field lines afar? Is this possible classically?
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  • #2
Not with classical gravitation. To make Newton's law of gravity work, you have to require that the gravitational force between two objects at any given moment is based on where they are at that moment. If you displace an object, its gravitational field lines everywhere instantaneously change to point to the new position; there's no speed of light propagation delay as with electromagnetism which is governed by Maxwell's equations.

Newton himself found this action at a distance problematic, and of course it's hopelessly incompatible with special relativity. That incompatibility was Einstein's primary motivation for developing General Relativity.
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  • #3
Nugatory said:
Not with classical gravitation. To make Newton's law of gravity work, you have to require that the gravitational force between two objects at any given moment is based on where they are at that moment. If you displace an object, its gravitational field lines everywhere instantaneously change to point to the new position; there's no speed of light propagation delay as with electromagnetism which is governed by Maxwell's equations.

Newton himself found this action at a distance problematic, and of course it's hopelessly incompatible with special relativity. That incompatibility was Einstein's primary motivation for developing General Relativity.

Oh right that makes sense. The idea of a field came after Newton. I guess it dealt with the mysterious action at a distance problem for electric force.

FAQ: Exploring Gravitational Field Lines: A Classical Perspective

What is the purpose of exploring gravitational field lines?

The purpose of exploring gravitational field lines is to gain a better understanding of how gravity works and how it affects objects in space. By studying these lines, we can visualize and analyze the strength and direction of the gravitational force between different objects.

What is the classical perspective on gravitational field lines?

The classical perspective on gravitational field lines is based on Isaac Newton's theory of gravity, which states that the force of gravity between two objects is directly proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This perspective also considers gravity as a force that acts instantaneously between objects.

How are gravitational field lines represented?

Gravitational field lines are represented by curved lines that radiate outwards from a massive object. The density of these lines represents the strength of the gravitational force at a particular point. The closer the lines are, the stronger the force, and the further apart they are, the weaker the force.

What is the significance of closed vs open gravitational field lines?

Closed gravitational field lines indicate that the gravitational force is balanced, and the object will remain in a stable orbit around the massive object. Open gravitational field lines, on the other hand, indicate that the force is unbalanced, and the object will either escape or crash into the massive object.

How does the distance between objects affect gravitational field lines?

The closer two objects are, the stronger the gravitational force between them, and therefore, the gravitational field lines will be closer together. As the distance between objects increases, the force and the density of the field lines decrease, resulting in further spaced field lines.
