Exploring Gravitational Particles/Waves: Interference & Shadows

In summary: Fermions like electrons and protons do not emit gravitons/waves randomly. They only do so when they are in a state of extreme energy, like when they are about to decay. Then, they emit a whole bunch of them.Then why doesn't mass 'shrink' over time as gravity is emitted, just as a light source loses energy?Mass doesn't "shrink" over time, because it doesn't really have a definite size in the first place. It's more like density changes.
  • #1
Mr J
If gravity is effected by "wave particles", per Einstein's theory and now confirmed by recent observations, why do we not detect 'interference' - gravitational 'shadows' - or do we?

Consider that with light waves, a photon once it hits a detector, nothing behind the detector registers the photon. This is the very basic idea of a shadow. Also, each time a light source emits a photon, it loses energy.

So - if gravity is also transferred by a wave particle (a graviton), why do we not witness "gravitational shadows"? For example, if I stand on a huge lead block on the planet earth, wouldn't the block absorb all the gravitons/waves from the earth? Why don't I fly into space? Do the waves pass through the lead block, accelerating it to the source, then affect me without losing any energy? Is gravity quantized - Do gravitons/waves drop to a lower energy state when they encounter mass? Where is the actual 'source' for the gravity wave/particles? With a light source, we know where the photons originate. Do fermions emit gravitons/waves randomly all the time? Then why doesn't mass 'shrink' over time as gravity is emitted, just as a light source loses energy?

Perhaps these are basic questions, but it seems to me that just by simple observation it doesn't appear that gravity behaves as either a wave or a particle.
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  • #2
Mr J said:
If gravity is effected by "wave particles", per Einstein's theory and now confirmed by recent observations, why do we not detect 'interference' - gravitational 'shadows' - or do we?
Einstein’s theory predicts gravitational waves. It says nothing about wave particles. GR is a classical theory.

Gravitational waves can interfere just like other types of waves. However, setting up an experiment that could show this would be immensely difficult. Keep in mind that we have only just detected the existence of gravitational waves at all.
Mr J said:
So - if gravity is also transferred by a wave particle (a graviton), why do we not witness "gravitational shadows"?

You are confusing the wave part with the potential part. Either way, a gravitational wave interacts way too weakly to be appreciably distorted by encountering matter. It goes right through. A more apt analogy would be shining light through a window. Some of the light may be absorbed or reflected, but most just goes right through.
  • #3
Mr J said:
Also, each time a light source emits a photon, it loses energy.
This effect has been directly observed - Hulse and Taylor measured the orbital decay of a binary pulsar, and showed that the decay rate matched the predicted energy loss from gravitational radiation.

This is not to say that gravitational fields involve a continuous emission of gravitational waves. They don't. It's precisely analogous to electromagnetism - an electron sitting there with an electric field doesn't lose energy and doesn't emit electromagnetic radiation. An accelerating electron, however, does emit electromagnetic radiation, and the energy comes from whatever made it accelerate.
Mr J said:
why do we not witness "gravitational shadows"?
We would expect to be able to see gravitational wave shadows, but as far as I'm aware everything is pretty much transparent to gravitational waves, so the effect would be incredibly faint. Again, a static gravitational field is not a gravitational wave, and they do not behave the same way. We don't expect gravity shadows.
Mr J said:
Is gravity quantized
We expect so (the simplest argument I've seen is that matter is a source of gravity and matter is described by quantum field theory - so it would be odd if gravity were not quantised given that its source is), but we do not have a working theory yet. Largely, I suspect, because we're shooting blind. We've never spotted gravity acting inconsistent with classical relativity, so we don't know what a quantum theory exactly looks like.
Mr J said:
Where is the actual 'source' for the gravity wave/particles?
Gravitational waves (not gravity waves, by the way, which are a kind of surface wave in fluids) comes from stress-energy distributions with a changing quadropole moment. So, for example, two masses on opposite ends of a stick, spinning. Or two planets, orbiting.
Mr J said:
Do fermions emit gravitons/waves randomly all the time?

FAQ: Exploring Gravitational Particles/Waves: Interference & Shadows

1. What are gravitational particles and waves?

Gravitational particles and waves are theoretical particles and disturbances in the fabric of space-time that are thought to be responsible for the force of gravity. They are predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity and are currently being studied and explored by scientists.

2. How are gravitational particles and waves detected?

Gravitational particles and waves are incredibly small and difficult to detect directly. Scientists use large, sensitive detectors such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) to detect the subtle distortions in space-time caused by these particles and waves.

3. What is interference in the context of gravitational particles and waves?

In the context of gravitational particles and waves, interference refers to the phenomenon where two or more waves combine and either amplify or cancel each other out. This is important in detecting and studying gravitational waves, as it allows scientists to distinguish them from other sources of noise.

4. What do shadows have to do with gravitational particles and waves?

Shadows are used in experiments to study the properties of gravitational particles and waves. By measuring the shadows cast by objects in the path of gravitational waves, scientists can gather information about their strength, direction, and other characteristics.

5. How do gravitational particles and waves impact our understanding of the universe?

Studying gravitational particles and waves can provide valuable insights into the inner workings of the universe. By observing the behavior of these particles and waves, scientists can learn more about the nature of gravity, the formation of galaxies and black holes, and the origins of the universe itself.

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