Exploring Gravity: Sharing My Theory with the World

In summary: I am not a graduate student, postdoc, research staff, faculty, or anything like that. I am a person who just read a few popular mainstream physics books and researched some online resources.
  • #1
I have a theory about gravity and my question to the administrators is if I am allowed to share it here or where should I go to do so? It's not a complex theory and all the concepts and explanations are in English and intuitive mental images which I'll attempt to put in your head. I will share a little of my theory at a time so that I can break the questions for a clearer understanding and hopefully enough so that you can predict other parts of the theory I haven't shared yet.

The theory covers pretty much every area I can think of, from the big bang, behavior of black holes, identifying the uncertainty principle and Hubble's constant. The relation between EM and gravity and more.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Enos said:
I have a theory about gravity and my question to the administrators is if I am allowed to share it here or where should I go to do so? ...

I am not an administator but I will reply anyway, just casually and informally. Probably a moderator or other staff person will give a more official response later. The community here, or the board management acting on our behalf, or something like that, had a problem:

the problem was we were getting swamped with private QG theories which we didnt have the time and resources to evaluate and deal with in the open forum setting.

so a distinction was made, which has never been applied with 100 percent rigor, and which admittedly has an arbitrary aspect, between
PROFESSIONALLY RESEARCHED approaches to extending and unifying the prevailing models of matter and spacetime...and the approaches that are NOT professionally researched. I agree with this. Practically speaking it is about the best you can do and get the system to work.

If you haven't spent a substantial part of your life on the professional physics research ladder (grad student, postdoc, research staff, faculty etc) then if you invent a theory you probably have to post it elsewhere.

One possible venue for posting theory and research that doesn't qualify as professional output is the Independent Research section here at PF

I never visited there, so don't know anything about it. (I am more interested in watching the professional research scene, of stuff that is currently being published in professional journals and has lots of people working on it---lot of exciting progress these days, every month something new.)

Besides the PF "Independent Research" venue there PROBABLY ARE OTHER BOARDS where you can just go and post your ideas and explain them to people, if anybody happens to show interest.
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  • #3
marcus said:
I am not an administator but I will reply anyway, just casually and informally. Probably a moderator or other staff person will give a more official response later. The community here, or the board management acting on our behalf, or something like that, had a problem:

the problem was we were getting swamped with private QG theories which we didnt have the time and resources to evaluate and deal with in the open forum setting.

so a distinction was made, which has never been applied with 100 percent rigor, and which admittedly has an arbitrary aspect, between
PROFESSIONALLY RESEARCHED approaches to extending and unifying the prevailing models of matter and spacetime...and the approaches that are NOT professionally researched. I agree with this. Practically speaking it is about the best you can do and get the system to work.

If you haven't spent a substantial part of your life on the professional physics research ladder (grad student, postdoc, research staff, faculty etc) then if you invent a theory you probably have to post it elsewhere.

One possible venue for posting theory and research that doesn't qualify as professional output is the Independent Research section here at PF

I never visited there, so don't know anything about it. (I am more interested in watching the professional research scene, of stuff that is currently being published in professional journals and has lots of people working on it---lot of exciting progress these days, every month something new.)

Besides the PF "Independent Research" venue there PROBABLY ARE OTHER BOARDS where you can just go and post your ideas and explain them to people, if anybody happens to show interest.

Honestly, I quit school at grade 9 and my resources of learning physics come from books from Greene, Hawking, Einstein and other popular mainstream physics books. I also bought a few textbooks to get a clearer understanding of quantum mechanics and other theories. I read trusted online resources and of course been observing PF for awhile. I don't consider myself a person who just read a book and decided to tackle quantum gravity. I didn't even think of gravity until years after trying to make more sense of the Big Bang. Gravity just so happened to come with my Big Bang theory.

I'm not sure that your meaning of substantial amount of time will fall into the time I spent, but I'll explain the time I have put into this theory. I've been tackling physics for about 7 years on my own with an average of 6-12 hours a day. Every night before I sleep I made sure to room was pitch black and then I mentally visualized the universe from the Big Bang to the end and where ever my mind got stuck I worked on that part until it made sense. I am no Einstein but I do have a vivid imagination when it comes to physics. Personally I believe this is no crack pot theory because when my theory was near completion I accidentally identified what exactly the uncertainty principle is. Which I never put much thought into because I could never intuitively understand the uncertainty principle.
  • #4
Did you do any math in your theory or did you just think of it?
  • #5
The purpose of posting my theory in PF is for those who are interested in tackling the math. I can only provide the concepts and ideas and can not provide the math. But of course this is probably no place to share it so I must refrain from doing so.


Related to Exploring Gravity: Sharing My Theory with the World

1. What is gravity and how does it work?

Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that causes objects with mass to attract each other. It works by creating a force between two objects that is directly proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This force is what keeps planets in orbit around the sun and objects on Earth from floating into space.

2. How did you come up with your theory about gravity?

I have been studying gravity for many years and have conducted numerous experiments and observations. Through my research, I noticed patterns and inconsistencies in the current understanding of gravity. I used these observations to develop my own theory that could better explain the phenomenon of gravity.

3. How does your theory differ from the current understanding of gravity?

My theory suggests that gravity is not just a force between two objects, but rather a field that permeates the entire universe. This field is created by the curvature of space and time caused by massive objects. It also takes into account the effects of dark matter and dark energy, which are not fully understood in the current understanding of gravity.

4. What evidence do you have to support your theory?

My theory is supported by various experiments and observations, including the bending of light around massive objects, the behavior of galaxies and clusters of galaxies, and the expansion of the universe. It also offers explanations for phenomena that cannot be fully explained by the current understanding of gravity.

5. How do you plan on sharing your theory with the world?

I have already published my theory in scientific journals and have presented it at conferences and symposiums. I also plan on writing a book that explains my theory in detail and making it accessible to the general public. Additionally, I am open to collaborating with other scientists and researchers to further develop and test my theory.

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