Exploring Homology and its Applications in Spaces and Shapes

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In summary, the conversation discusses homology and its study of holes in spaces, specifically in relation to circles and spheres. The methods used to examine these structural aspects include topology, algebraic topology, analysis, geometry, and differential geometry, as well as additional methods such as group actions. The choice of method depends on the properties of the object being studied, rather than the object itself. The concept of relative homology and homotopy groups are also mentioned, with examples given for how they can be applied to different types of spaces. Ultimately, the focus is on defining cycle groups and boundary groups at each level or dimension, which then determine the corresponding homology groups.
  • #1
trees and plants
Hello there.This is about homology.In homology as I know we also study holes in spaces, so a circle has a hole, so does a sphere but quite differently.If we have half a circle or a somehow not quite closed curve but almost closed curve could we study it with groups or something like homology?Thank you.
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  • #2
You would examine it with the methods which represent the structural aspects you are interested in:
  • topology
  • algebraic topology
  • analysis
  • geometry
  • differential geometry
and additional methods like group actions dependent on these approaches. There is no answer until you settled what this curve is to you:
  • a one dimensional space
  • a connected, retractable space
  • a graph of a function
  • a segment of a circle
  • a curved space
The properties you are interested in determine the method, not the object itself.
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  • #3
If you have a singular chain ##\sigma\in C_n(X)##, not necessarily closed (as your "half circle" isn't), but its boundary is a chain in a subspace ##A\subset X##, then you can view ##\sigma## as representing a class in the relative homology group ##H_n(X,A).##

There is a similar notion for relative homotopy groups, where elements of ##\pi_n(X,A)## are (based) homotopy classes of maps ##(D^n,\partial D^n)\to (X,A)## such that ##\partial D^n## is mapped to ##A## throughout the homotopy.
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  • #4
It comes down ultimately to defining your cycle group, boundary group of the space at each "level" /dimension. That given, the factor n-groups will define the nth homology. An open arc as I understood you meant is contractible so all its homology groups are trivial. Harder, I would think is to study spaces like Gl(n, R), speces of continuous maps, etc., without any obvious geometry that I can tell.

FAQ: Exploring Homology and its Applications in Spaces and Shapes

1. What is homology and why is it important?

Homology is a mathematical concept that describes the relationship between different objects or spaces. In terms of shapes, it refers to the idea that two shapes are considered "homologous" if they can be transformed into each other through a series of continuous deformations. Homology is important because it allows us to classify and compare different shapes and spaces, and can be applied in various fields such as topology, biology, and computer graphics.

2. How is homology calculated?

Homology is calculated using algebraic topology, which involves converting geometric objects into algebraic structures called "simplicial complexes". These complexes are then analyzed using mathematical techniques such as homology groups and homology classes to determine their homology. In simpler terms, homology is calculated by looking at the holes and voids in a space or shape, and how they are connected.

3. What are some real-world applications of homology?

Homology has many practical applications, such as in image and shape recognition, computer animation, and data analysis. In biology, it is used to study the evolutionary relationships between species and to identify common ancestral traits. In chemistry, it has been applied to the study of molecular structures and reactions. Homology also has applications in engineering, robotics, and economics.

4. Can homology be applied to higher dimensions?

Yes, homology can be applied to higher dimensions beyond the 3-dimensional world that we can perceive. In fact, homology was originally developed for higher dimensional spaces, and its applications in 3D spaces are just a special case. Homology can be extended to any number of dimensions and is a fundamental tool in the field of algebraic topology.

5. How does homology differ from other methods of shape comparison?

Homology differs from other methods of shape comparison, such as similarity and congruence, in that it focuses on the underlying structure and connectivity of shapes rather than their appearance or size. Homology also allows for more flexibility in comparing shapes, as it takes into account deformations and transformations rather than just rigid motions. Additionally, homology is a more powerful tool for identifying similarities between shapes that may not be immediately obvious.
