Exploring Kinetic Energy of Rod on Frictionless Surface

In summary: The translational KE is given by T_trans = 1/2 m v_cm^2, where m is the mass of the rod and v_cm is the velocity of the center of mass. In this case, the rod is falling in the gravitational field, so v_cm = dy/dt. The rotational KE is given by T_rot = 1/2 I w^2, where I is the moment of inertia of the rod about its center of mass and w is the angular velocity. In this case, I = 1/12 m L^2 (for a thin rod) and w = d(theta)/dt.Combining these two equations, we get T = T_trans + T_rot = 1/
  • #1
A thin homogeneous rod hsa length L and mass M. Initially the rod is vertical at rest on a frictionless surface. The rod is given a slight push and begins to fall in the gravitational field.

1) write an expression for the kinetic energy T of the rod as functions of M,L,g, theta and d theta/dt

2) if y is the distance the center of mass drops. find d y/dt as a function of L, g and theta

#1)i know the Kinetic energy of the rod is given by the equation

T= 1/2 I w^2

where w = omega = d theta/dt
and I = M(L/2)^2

so T = 1/2 M(L/2)^2 d theta/dt^2

T = 1/8 M L^2 d theta/dt^2

The answer is T = 1/8 M L^2 d theta/dt^2 (Sin^2theta + 1/3)

i don't know where the (Sin^2theta + 1/3) comes from


i don't even know where to start on this one

but the answer is Y prime = sintheta sqrt ( (3gL(1-costheta) / 4-3cos^2theta)

any help would be greatly appreciated
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  • #2
dowjonez said:
#1)i know the Kinetic energy of the rod is given by the equation

T= 1/2 I w^2
That would be true if the rod were purely rotating, but it's also translating: the total KE is the sum of the translational KE (of the cm) and the rotational KE (about the cm).
  • #3

Thank you for your question. I am happy to provide a response to your inquiry about the kinetic energy of a rod on a frictionless surface.

First, to address your question about the expression for kinetic energy, the equation you have written is correct. The additional term (sin^2theta + 1/3) comes from the parallel axis theorem, which takes into account the rotation of the rod about its center of mass. This term is necessary for a more accurate calculation of the kinetic energy.

Now, for the second part of your question, we can use the conservation of energy principle to find the relationship between the distance the center of mass drops and the given parameters. The potential energy of the rod at its initial position is equal to its kinetic energy at any point during its fall. So, we can write:

Mgy = 1/8 M L^2 d theta/dt^2 (sin^2theta + 1/3)

Where y is the distance the center of mass drops, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and theta is the angle at which the rod falls.

From here, we can rearrange the equation to solve for d theta/dt:

d theta/dt = sqrt(8gy / L^2 (sin^2theta + 1/3))

And since we know that d y/dt = L/2 * d theta/dt, we can substitute the above expression for d theta/dt to get:

d y/dt = L/2 * sqrt(8gy / L^2 (sin^2theta + 1/3))

Simplifying further, we get:

d y/dt = L/2 * sqrt(8g / (sin^2theta + 1/3))

I hope this helps to answer your question. If you have any further inquiries, please don't hesitate to ask. Keep exploring the fascinating world of kinetic energy and its applications!

FAQ: Exploring Kinetic Energy of Rod on Frictionless Surface

1. What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. It is dependent on the mass and velocity of the object.

2. How is kinetic energy related to the motion of a rod on a frictionless surface?

In this scenario, the kinetic energy of the rod is solely dependent on its velocity. Since there is no friction, there is no external force acting on the rod to slow it down, so its kinetic energy will remain constant as long as it maintains its velocity.

3. What factors affect the kinetic energy of the rod on a frictionless surface?

The only factor that affects the kinetic energy of the rod in this scenario is its velocity. The mass of the rod will also affect its kinetic energy, but since it is not changing in this scenario, it is not considered a variable.

4. How can the kinetic energy of the rod be calculated?

The kinetic energy of the rod can be calculated using the formula KE = 1/2 * m * v^2, where m is the mass of the rod and v is its velocity.

5. What is the significance of exploring the kinetic energy of a rod on a frictionless surface?

Exploring the kinetic energy of a rod on a frictionless surface allows us to understand the concept of kinetic energy and its relationship with velocity. It also helps us to see the impact of external forces, such as friction, on the kinetic energy of an object.
