Exploring Light Refraction: Measuring Angle of Deviation with Mirrors

In summary, the person is seeking help with designing an experiment to determine the angle of deviation of a light ray using only mirrors. They have found the definition of angle of deviation and the equipment they can use, but are unsure of how to proceed. The conversation then devolves into jokes about the experiment and their teacher's competence.
  • #1
I have to design an experiment to fidn how the angle of deviation of a light ray depends upon the angle between two mirrors. I've found what the angle of deviation is (change in velocity experienced by a light ray after one or more refractions) but I don't know how to create an experiemtn using only mirrors instead of a prism. The equipment I can use is a ray box and 2 mirrors as the equipment for the experiment. Can someone give me an idea of how I can go about doing this experiment? Any links or information is grealty appreciated
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  • #2

Sorry girl... ur screwed... there is no such thing as an angle of deviation in regards to reflection. If it is, it is just a basis of theory, because light does not change direction, but rather new light is created. I have to say, you teacher is crap, as this experiment does not make sense. What exactly are you trying to find out? This experiment does not proove or justify anything. You're teacher must be some stupid asian idiot like mine. lol. nah really... I'm just screwing with you... i don't know ****... ha ha ha ha :biggrin:
  • #3

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your experiment idea. Using mirrors to study refraction is a great way to explore the concept and its relationship to the angle of deviation. Here are some suggestions for how you could set up your experiment:

1. Start by setting up your equipment. Place one mirror on a flat surface, and position the other mirror at a 45-degree angle to the first mirror, creating a right angle. Make sure the mirrors are securely propped up so that they do not move during the experiment.

2. Set up your ray box so that it shines a beam of light towards the first mirror. You can use a protractor to measure the angle of incidence, which is the angle between the incident light ray and the normal (perpendicular) to the first mirror.

3. Observe the reflected light ray on the second mirror. Use a protractor to measure the angle of reflection, which is the angle between the reflected light ray and the normal to the second mirror.

4. Now, adjust the angle of the first mirror and repeat the process. You can try different angles and record the corresponding angles of incidence and reflection.

5. Use your measurements to calculate the angle of deviation by subtracting the angle of incidence from the angle of reflection. This will give you an idea of how the angle of deviation changes with different angles of incidence.

6. To further explore the relationship between the angle of deviation and the angle between the mirrors, you can vary the angle of the second mirror while keeping the first mirror fixed. Record your measurements and analyze the data to see if there is a pattern.

I hope these suggestions help you design your experiment. Remember to keep careful records of your measurements and to repeat the experiment multiple times to ensure accuracy. Good luck!

FAQ: Exploring Light Refraction: Measuring Angle of Deviation with Mirrors

1. What is light refraction?

Light refraction is the bending of light as it passes through different mediums with varying densities. This is caused by a change in the speed of light, resulting in a change in direction.

2. How do mirrors affect light refraction?

Mirrors reflect light, causing it to change direction. When light reflects off a mirror, it follows the law of reflection, where the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

3. What is the angle of deviation?

The angle of deviation is the difference between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction. It is the measure of how much the light changes direction when passing through a medium.

4. How is the angle of deviation measured with mirrors?

To measure the angle of deviation with mirrors, you will need to use a protractor and a ray box. First, draw a line on a piece of paper where the ray box will shine the light. Then, place the mirror on the line and shine the light onto the mirror. Use the protractor to measure the incoming and outgoing angles of the light and calculate the angle of deviation.

5. Why is measuring the angle of deviation important?

Measuring the angle of deviation can help us understand how light behaves when passing through different mediums. It is also essential in fields such as optics and physics, where the properties of light are studied and utilized in various applications.

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