Exploring Lightwave Movement: Is the Sun Shining from Inside or Outside?

  • Thread starter RingoKid
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In summary, according to the conversation, it is suggested that light is not actually moving towards us in a wave, but rather we are moving towards it due to the expansion of the universe at the speed of light. This concept is related to string theory and the possibility of our universe being trapped between two branes. It is also proposed that the perception of light as a particle and a wave may be an illusion caused by the speed of consciousness. However, the validity and plausibility of these ideas are still uncertain and open to discussion.
  • #1
light/energy remains in a fixed position, is propagated in the higher dimensions of string theory and the universe by virtue of the spacetime bubble expanding at lightspeed creates the illusion of light wave movement towards us. I think to check this would require a frame of reference which is outside of the physical universe given we are always observing from within the system and i don't know if that's possible.

Meaning light isn't moving towards us as a wave we are moving towards it, we just have no way of telling because the light source, us, everything, is in motion relative to everything else in the universe.

I see the light ...uh no it sees you

This makes it possible for light to be an effect of a string operating in at least one dimension and a crossover dimension of time. Time being the thing which links our 3d universe to the other dimensions. It also makes it possible for our universe to be embedded in a bubble skin which is equivalent to being trapped between 2 branes and expanding at lightspeed in a higher medium

This brings to mind the classic people interacting on a train scenario. They are moving about to and fro from carriage to carriage appearing to move in relation to each other or remaining stationary yet when viewed from outside the train the whole thing is moving forward meanwhile the sun is shining on the train and thru the windows form a point outside of the moving train...

... But what if the engine pulling it at the front is traveling faster than the later carriages so you get a stretching effect only the people on the train have no real idea just a sense of things moving awkwardly when looking out the window ?

kinda makes sense to me but please feel free to shoot it down, feed it back, whatever

thanx in advance

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  • #2
all I'm looking for is a little feedback and some pointers in the right direction...

c'mon guys what you got to lose ?

the silence is getting deafening
  • #3
It doesn't seem valid to me. I don't get the light standing still thing; the speed of light has been measured, i.e. detected, since Roemer in the 17th century.
  • #4
thanx self adjoint...

I'ts just something I thought about

photons are stationary 1d strings which flicker in and out of our universe.

our universe is moving forward at light speed trapped between 2 spherical branes

at every point in spacetime is a string and they are what changes as the universe passes by

so what we think is lightwaves coming towards us is actually the universe rippling by at lightspeed

we just can't tell cos we are always on the inside looking out and vibrating at rate in sync with our universe.

so the universe could be constantly recreating itself all the time and leaving ripples of itself which by an uncertainty principle could create alternate universes so alike yet different.

does that make sense, it may not be plausible or probable but is it possible ?

  • #5
If i believe the above to be true does that make it true, if only to me ?
  • #6
ok then...

how about this ?

I project my consciousness to the source of the light at a speed determined to be that of the light coming towards me...

...but nobody is the wiser

the "speed of consciousness" is the illusion of the propagation of light as a particle and a wave towards me...

so it's probably got a few kinks that need ironing out but...hmmmmmmmmm


FAQ: Exploring Lightwave Movement: Is the Sun Shining from Inside or Outside?

1. What is lightwave movement?

Lightwave movement refers to the movement of light waves through space. Light waves are electromagnetic radiation that can be visible or invisible to the human eye, and they travel at a speed of approximately 300,000 kilometers per second.

2. How do light waves travel?

Light waves travel in a straight line, unless they are refracted or reflected by a medium such as air, water, or glass. They can also be diffracted, which causes them to spread out and create patterns of light and dark.

3. Is the sun shining from inside or outside?

The sun is shining from the outside. The sun is a star that emits light and heat through nuclear fusion reactions in its core. This light and heat travel through space and reach the Earth, providing us with warmth and light.

4. How does light reach our eyes?

Light reaches our eyes through a process called vision. When light waves enter our eyes, they are focused by the lens and projected onto the retina. The retina contains specialized cells called rods and cones that convert the light into electrical signals, which are then sent to the brain for interpretation.

5. How does lightwave movement impact our daily lives?

Lightwave movement impacts our daily lives in many ways. It allows us to see our surroundings, helps plants grow through photosynthesis, and is used in various technologies such as communication, medicine, and entertainment. Understanding lightwave movement also allows us to better understand the universe and the objects within it.
