Exploring Linux Commands: Queries & Interesting Finds

In summary, the person is asking for commands to compress files in Linux, how to check the man page for /etc/passwd, and for clarification on the "set uid bit" for the "su" command. They also ask about why the killall -e command does not work for killing processes. They also request for interesting and difficult commands to be mentioned. The response provides the commands gzip or bzip for compressing files, the man command for checking the man page for /etc/passwd, and explains that the "set uid bit" is used for authentication purposes. It also suggests that the killall -e command may not work due to wanting to kill all processes, including essential ones.
  • #1
i have some queries..i was trying to find out some commands in the manual..

--what command can be used for compressing files in Linux..

--how to check man page for /etc/passwd ?

--and i am not clear with this uid command?
why is the "set uid bit" set for "su" command?

--and in killing processes,why does killall -e doesn't work??

And please tell about interesting and hard to figure commands which you are familiar with..
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  • #2
1) gzip or bzip make sure to tar a group of files first.
2) man passwd
3)set uid bit means that one must authenticate as what ever user is designated in order to open what ever it is... it is set for su because that is the switch user command and you don't want some one running around being able to get into everyone elses account.. now do you? :-)

4) do you want to kill bash and all the services as well?
  • #3

There are a few commands that can be used for compressing files in Linux, but one of the most commonly used is "gzip." This command is used to compress and decompress files in the gzip format. Another commonly used command is "tar," which is used to create and extract archives. For example, to compress a file using gzip, you can use the command "gzip [filename]." To extract a gzip file, you can use the command "gunzip [filename]." To compress multiple files into one archive using tar, you can use the command "tar -czvf [archive name] [files]."

To check the man page for /etc/passwd, you can use the command "man /etc/passwd." This will bring up the manual page for the passwd file, which contains information about user accounts and their settings.

The "uid" command is used to display the user ID of a specific user. The "set uid bit" is a special permission that can be set for a command, such as "su," which allows a user to temporarily switch to another user's account without needing their password. This is useful for system administrators who need to perform tasks as another user without having to log in and out.

As for the "killall -e" command not working, it could be due to a few reasons. One possibility is that you are not using the correct syntax. Another possibility is that the process you are trying to kill does not have the "e" (exact match) option available. It's always a good idea to double-check the syntax and read the manual page for the command to understand its functionality.

Some interesting and hard to figure out commands that I am familiar with include "sed" and "awk," which are powerful text manipulation tools, and "find," which is used to search for files based on various criteria such as name, size, and permissions. Another useful command is "ssh," which allows you to securely connect to a remote computer and execute commands on it. These are just a few examples, as there are countless commands in Linux that can be useful and interesting to explore. I recommend experimenting with different commands and reading their manual pages to learn more about their functionality.

Related to Exploring Linux Commands: Queries & Interesting Finds

1. What is Linux and why is it popular among scientists?

Linux is an open-source operating system that is widely used in scientific research due to its flexibility, stability, and security. It allows scientists to customize and modify the system to fit their specific research needs.

2. What are some commonly used Linux commands for exploring files and directories?

Some commonly used Linux commands for exploring files and directories include "ls" for listing files and directories, "cd" for changing directories, "pwd" for displaying the current working directory, and "mkdir" for creating a new directory.

3. How can I search for a specific keyword or phrase within a file using Linux commands?

You can use the "grep" command to search for a specific keyword or phrase within a file. For example, "grep keyword filename" will search for the keyword within the specified file.

4. Are there any hidden files or directories in Linux that I should be aware of?

Yes, there are hidden files and directories in Linux that are denoted by a period (.) at the beginning of their names. These files and directories typically contain important system configuration settings and should not be deleted or modified without proper knowledge.

5. Can Linux commands be used to manipulate data and perform calculations?

Yes, Linux commands can be used to manipulate and analyze data. For example, the "awk" command can be used for data manipulation and the "bc" command can be used for performing calculations.

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