Exploring Math Studies: Pros and Cons

  • Thread starter Damidami
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Your Name] In summary, the individual has started a blog to share their mathematical exercises and solutions, citing the advantages of using technology such as saving paper and ease of collaboration. They also mention a potential disadvantage of others being able to see their mistakes, but believe the benefits outweigh this. They ask if others have a similar approach and share their own experience of using technology in problem-solving. Ultimately, they believe it is a personal preference and value the use of technology in making work more efficient.
  • #1
First of all, this is not a single question, but I wasn't sure where I could post it, and it has to do with lots of doubts about differents exercies I've got. Let me explain:

I'm starting a career in mathematics and I have a blog where I'm uploading the exercises I'm supposed to do in each course. I think there are many advantages on doing this;
1] First of all I don't waste lots of paper what seems both economic and ecologically efficient. (I also hate losing a paper with some calculations I made and the wanting to check something on it)
2] Second I can keep all my tracks of previous years in an easily transportable and very readable (digital) format.
3] And third, anyone anywhere and anytime in the world can be able (with an internet connection) to read how I solved (or tried to solve) a specific problem, helping her/him with their studies, and maybe if she/he finds a mistake or sees why I couldn't solve a specific problem they could comment it to me and that would help me a lot (that is the reason why I'm writing this post)
4] One last plus is that being in the computer solving the problems makes it handy to check some calculation or graph something in maple or wolframalpha, or check some definition with wikipedia.

One requisite is beeing able to type latex just as if you where writing on paper (It's way more easy to learn that, that to learn to solve the problems) Most of the time I'm thinking how to solve the problem than writing. (And if I want to write something on paper, I do it, no one prevents me that too)

The only disadvantage of working this way I see, is that I don't like the idea that everyone can sees how I couldn't solve this or that "dumb" problem, but I think the advantages just mentioned way overpass this only issue.

There are lots of exercises that I couldn't finish, and I write in red my doubts. There is a minor problem though: My first language is spanish, and that is the language I'm writing in the blog. Still, the google translator isn't perfect but I think the idea can be read with it (I think someone familiar with the concepts can "see" what they are talking about in any language, when it's about math)

In the comments you can write in english if you want, I can both read and write in english (sometimes with the help of the dictionary)

So, here is the blog:

Here it is with google translate into english:
http://estudiandoenexactas.wordpress.com (english)

My questions:
(1) Do you do something similar (solve your problems in the computer instead of on paper), or know someone who do it?
(2) If you do, would you tell me you experience with it? If you don't, could you tell me why not?

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  • #2

Dear fellow mathematician,

I think it's great that you have started a blog to share your exercises and solutions with others. I value the use of technology to make our work more efficient and environmentally friendly.

To answer your first question, I personally do not solve all of my problems on the computer, but I do use it for certain calculations and graphing. However, I have colleagues who do solve all of their problems on the computer and they have found it to be very helpful and efficient.

In terms of my experience with using technology to solve problems, I have found that it can be very helpful in checking my work and catching any mistakes. It also allows for easier collaboration with others, as you mentioned in your post. However, I also find that writing out problems on paper helps me to better understand the concepts and think through the solutions.

As for why I don't solve all of my problems on the computer, I think it ultimately comes down to personal preference and what works best for each individual. Some people may find it easier to solve problems on paper, while others may prefer the convenience and organization of using technology.

Overall, I think it's important to find a balance between using technology and traditional methods in our work. Your blog is a great way to share your knowledge and learn from others, so keep up the good work!

Best of luck in your mathematical journey.

Related to Exploring Math Studies: Pros and Cons

1. What are the benefits of studying math?

Studying math can improve critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and logical reasoning. It also provides a strong foundation for understanding other subjects such as science and finance. Additionally, studying math can lead to a wide range of career opportunities in fields such as engineering, finance, and data analysis.

2. What are some potential drawbacks of studying math?

Some students may find math to be challenging and frustrating, leading to a dislike for the subject. It can also require a significant amount of time and effort to fully understand complex concepts. Furthermore, studying math may not be directly applicable to some career paths, making it less relevant for certain individuals.

3. How can I make the most of my math studies?

To make the most of your math studies, it is important to stay organized, practice regularly, and seek help when needed. It can also be helpful to connect math concepts to real-life applications to better understand their relevance. Additionally, finding a study group or tutor can provide support and improve understanding.

4. Is it necessary to have a strong math background to excel in math studies?

While having a strong foundation in math can be beneficial, it is not necessary to excel in math studies. With dedication and hard work, anyone can improve their math skills and understanding. However, having a strong background may make the learning process easier and lead to quicker progress.

5. What are some resources available for exploring math studies?

There are many resources available for exploring math studies, including textbooks, online courses, tutoring services, and educational websites. Additionally, many schools and universities offer math support centers and workshops for students. It can also be beneficial to seek guidance from a math teacher or professor for personalized recommendations.

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