Exploring Megalithic Structures & Ancient Civilizations

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  • Thread starter Whipley Snidelash
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In summary, there is evidence of a global megalithic civilization that spanned the hemispheres before all others, but it may not be receiving enough attention from mainstream archaeology. This could be due to factors such as the lack of physical evidence and written records, confirmation bias, limited funding and resources, and resistance to change. However, this evidence still raises important questions about the development of ancient civilizations and the potential connections between them.
  • #1
Whipley Snidelash
I have been watching lately many YouTube videos on megalithic structures. I am talking about the most ancient stonework in South America where the stones are cut and fit almost perfectly. These stones have many common features. They are cut to fit almost perfectly. They are all beveled at their interfaces. Many of them have a couple of knobs at the bottom edge or a couple of indentations.
These same exact features appear in stones in Egypt and elsewhere in the east. This seems to be pretty solid evidence, considering that we don’t know how to cut stones like that now, that a megalithic civilization was in the western and eastern hemisphere about the same time.

Also the Egyptian museum is full of stone vases that would be nearly impossible to make even today. These vases look like they were turned on a lathe and many are made of some of the hardest stone there is. There’s supposed to be an extremely small one made out of obsidian with walls around .3 inches thick. That would be impossible to make today without EXTREME difficulty and the best possible tooling available, maybe not even then. They were found under an older pyramid, exclusively as far as I know.

All of this seems to point to the fact that there was some kind of civilization that spanned the hemispheres before all the others that we know of.
Is archaeology ignoring this evidence by attributing all of this impossible stonework to Egyptians or Aztecs or Sumerians?
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  • #2
That's a load of nonsense. We don't discuss pseudoscience here, not even pseudoarchaeology.

Thread closed.
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  • #3
There are a few possible reasons for why mainstream archaeology may not be giving enough attention to the evidence of a megalithic civilization that spanned the hemispheres before all others.1. Lack of Physical Evidence: One of the main reasons why mainstream archaeology may not be giving enough attention to the evidence of a global megalithic civilization is the lack of physical evidence. While there are many impressive examples of megalithic structures in different parts of the world, they are often isolated and not connected to each other. This lack of physical evidence makes it difficult for archaeologists to make a strong case for the existence of a global megalithic civilization.2. Lack of Written Records: Another reason for the lack of attention given to the evidence of a global megalithic civilization is the absence of written records. Unlike ancient civilizations like the Egyptians or Sumerians, who left behind written records of their achievements and beliefs, there is no written record of a global megalithic civilization. This makes it difficult for archaeologists to understand the purpose and meaning behind these structures.3. Confirmation Bias: Archaeologists may also be influenced by confirmation bias, which is the tendency to interpret evidence in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs. In this case, mainstream archaeologists may be biased towards the idea that ancient civilizations developed independently and did not have connections or influences from other cultures. This bias may lead them to overlook or dismiss evidence that suggests otherwise.4. Lack of Funding and Resources: Archaeological research requires significant funding and resources, and it is often limited to specific regions or periods of time. This means that there may not be enough resources available to conduct extensive research on the evidence of a global megalithic civilization. As a result, this evidence may not receive the attention it deserves.5. Resistance to Change: The idea of a global megalithic civilization challenges the traditional understanding of human history and the development of civilizations. It is possible that some archaeologists are resistant to this idea because it would require a significant shift in their understanding and interpretation of the past. This resistance to change may also contribute to the lack of attention given to this evidence.

Related to Exploring Megalithic Structures & Ancient Civilizations

1. What are megalithic structures and why are they important?

Megalithic structures are large, prehistoric stone structures that were built by ancient civilizations. These structures are important because they provide insight into the technological capabilities and cultural practices of these civilizations.

2. How were megalithic structures built?

The construction of megalithic structures varied depending on the civilization and time period, but generally involved moving and arranging large stones into specific formations. Some theories suggest that ancient people may have used tools such as ropes, levers, and ramps to move these stones.

3. What is the significance of the alignment of megalithic structures?

Many megalithic structures are aligned with astronomical events, such as the solstices and equinoxes. This suggests that these ancient civilizations had advanced knowledge of astronomy and used these structures for religious or ceremonial purposes.

4. What can we learn from studying megalithic structures?

Studying megalithic structures can provide insights into the cultural, religious, and technological practices of ancient civilizations. It can also help us understand how these civilizations interacted with their environment and the natural world.

5. Are there any modern day megalithic structures being built?

While there are no exact replicas of ancient megalithic structures being built today, there are some modern structures that draw inspiration from them. For example, the Georgia Guidestones in the United States are a modern megalithic structure with inscriptions in multiple languages that serve as a message to future generations.

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