Exploring Military Enlistment Options for Higher Education Pursuits

In summary, joining the military would be a good idea for someone who is not able to finish their education due to a job and shared living space. However, if someone is able to serve their country and complete their education, the military is a good option.
  • #1
Power Biggs
Hello, forum

I would like to finish some higher education. Given my present situation I do not think I am able to finish all the courses at my CC with a job and a shared room. I have a somewhat empty resume and honestly don't think I am able to take care of myself. So, I am seriously looking into joining the military as enlisted. Fortunately, I am not an idiot and scored reasonably well on my AFQT (90 range). My recruiter wants me to go into the Navy Nuclear Field. I would love to; however, I won't be able to get a security clearance required for the nuc field due to my dual citizenship, which I am still wondering if I should get rid of. After all, I may not be able to get through nuclear propulsion school; and, nothing is guaranteed in the military.

So, given what I have said... What would you recommend I do? Does it look like I have the wrong mind-set? Thank you, I love physicsforum!
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  • #2
Hello Power Biggs,
I joined the military right after high school and will be pursing higher education when I get out next year. There are many opportunities to get an education while in the US military, for example TA which provides you $4,500 a year for college and of course you have the GI Bill. IF I were you I would figure out what's more important, your education or your job. If your education is more important I would join the reserve or active if your job is more important. If you go active your education will depend on your training schedule and how often you deploy. For example if you have a combat MOS and constantly doing back to back deployments then you will never find time for your education (like myself). Since you said your going into the Navy Nuclear Field, I don't think you would deploy to often, if at all, but don't quote me on that. And the military does guarantee a paycheck.

Semper Fidelis
  • #3
I spent 4 years in the Army, and personally glad I did it. I wasn't mature enough to do well in college and I didn't have the financial means to attend. So I joined the Army and I got a Post-9/11 GI Bill. This is the one you want, its the best deal. Also, mnmman is correct about the TA of 4500 a year. Now, let's say you do deploy ( which nowadays is kinda unlikely) you can still take 1-2 online classes. Now, given the structure of a deployment, you might not have a lot of time. Navy personnel, on average, tend not deploy as much as Marines or Army, but there is always a chance.

What I would do, since you don't have means of attending school I would join the Navy as active duty. Ask for a 3 year contract, this ensures you get 100 percent GI bill benefits. And MAKE SURE YOU SIGN FOR THE GI BILL. They will take 100 dollars out of your check a month for a year and you will reap awards of excess of 50,000 dollars through tuition payments, living allowances and book/supplies money. Make sure you get an HONORABLE discharge, because it's the only discharge that you can get the GI Bill with.

Now, after you get the GI bill, you will get a monthly living allowance, I'm going to get 1080 this year, per month. Then you also get ALL tuition and fees paid for, this is anything you charge to your student account before the VA pays the school. Normally, I charge my books and parking pass. Then you also get 1000 dollars a year for books and supplies. This "deal" only lasts 9 semesters, then after that you are on your own.

I did my 4 years in the Army, and now go to school full time. I am extremely self-sufficient, and require no addition income outside of what I can make during the summer and my GI bill. Another side note, I would save 25 percent or so of what u make in the Navy to maybe buy a car when you get out, or some saved up for living expenses.

Ultimately, it is up to you. It's a good deal, but you work A LOT for it. My deployment alone I prolly worked 100 hours a week on average. I did manage to finish 1 online class though, but it was to much. When you're not deployed, you can take 2-3 classes a semester if you have the ambition. I didn't because I was more interesting studying the anatomy of German women and the chemistry of German beer, if you know what I mean...

Any other questions, feel free to PM me.
  • #4
Thank you for the replies, mnmman and Windowmaker!

Given the NF I won't have much time for completing units at a college. Most of the units I would need to complete are not available online to my knowledge (Calc I/II/III, DE, LA).

Are there any particular fields in the military that can accredit you with a large amount of college credits? I know those units are applicable at certain colleges.

Would you recommend the air force or navy? "Engineering" as an "enlisted" is available in the AF; whereas, only as an officer in the Navy.
  • #5
Well, if you need calc 1/2/3 DE and LA, no military training is going to train you in those. Engineering in the military is a bit different. In the Army, its called Combat Engineer, which they build stuff but mostly do route clearance overseas.

The credits you get can depend on the MOS, if you Infantry, you're not going to get a lot as say if you go as a Nuclear specialist in the Navy.

What is NF?

If you need classes like history, English, a basic algebra course, statistics, econ, etc, you can probably take these all online if your motivated. I wasn't haha. Maybe you can, I'm telling you its difficult to do in the Military.

Another option could be is do the National Guard and use the TA for tuition. That way, your tuition is paid for, so all you got to pay for is books and a place to live.
  • #6
Yeah, I'm being too picky. I just can't wait for a phone call and try and relinquish my other cit. :D
Waiting is worse than making a better decision or rather indecision.
Thanks again.

FAQ: Exploring Military Enlistment Options for Higher Education Pursuits

What is the connection between military service and education?

There are several connections between military service and education. First, many military organizations offer education benefits such as tuition assistance and the GI Bill to help service members pursue higher education. Second, the skills and experiences gained during military service can be valuable in academic settings, such as leadership, discipline, and critical thinking. Finally, some individuals may join the military as a way to fund their education or to gain access to specialized training and education programs.

Can military experience count as college credit?

Yes, military experience can count as college credit in some cases. Some colleges and universities have policies in place to award credit for military training and experience, particularly in areas such as leadership and technical skills. This can help service members save time and money on their education, as well as accelerate their degree completion.

What are the benefits of pursuing education after military service?

There are several benefits to pursuing education after military service. First, it can help service members transition to civilian life and open up new career opportunities. Second, education can improve job prospects and earning potential. Additionally, it can provide personal and professional growth, as well as networking opportunities.

How can veterans use their military experience to their advantage in education?

Veterans can use their military experience to their advantage in education by highlighting their skills, experiences, and accomplishments on their resumes and in admissions essays. They can also seek out education programs that cater to veterans or have a strong veteran presence. Additionally, they can network with other veterans and use their military connections to access resources and support.

What resources are available to help military personnel pursue education?

There are many resources available to help military personnel pursue education. These include education benefits provided by the military, such as tuition assistance and the GI Bill, as well as scholarships and grants specifically for service members and veterans. There are also organizations and programs that offer support and guidance for transitioning to education, such as the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Student Veterans of America.

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