Exploring New Physics with Mu2e: The Search for Leptoquarks

In summary: Leptoquarks" is a generic term for anything that allows the conversion of leptons to quarks, and vice versa, so leptoquarks could evade the approximate lepton flavor conservation in the Standard Model.Everything that violates lepton flavor can lead to those processes.
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  • #2
Models of new physics that introduce new particle species or new couplings (types of interactions beyond the familiar electromagnetic, weak, and strong) can lead to an observable rate of muon-to-electron conversion, and there are loads of such models in the wild. New particles could come about due to supersymmetry, the presence of a heavy neutrino, or an extended Higgs sector (i.e., more Higgs particles than are absolutely necessary for electroweak symmetry breaking). New heavy bosons could lead to new interactions that we haven't yet probed. (This is analogous to how the weak force is negligible at low energies: it is mediated by heavy gauge bosons. If there are even heavier ones out there, perhaps they lead to additional forces that we have to work hard to detect.) "Compositeness" is the idea that elementary particles aren't actually elementary, and the heretofore unnoticed substructure could lead to anomalous interactions across lepton families. "Leptoquarks" is a generic term for anything that allows the conversion of leptons to quarks, and vice versa, so leptoquarks could evade the approximate lepton flavor conservation in the Standard Model.

All these and more could lead to muon-to-electron conversion. If a signal is observed, it will be Earth shattering, but it will also be difficulty to pick apart what sort of new physics is the cause using just the Mu2e experiment.
  • #3
I think the heavier gauge bosons can't give you a direct muon to electron transition (since they would probably have to couple with the neutrinoes as well). Instead the process they are talking about is (at least what I got from the article) [itex] \mu \rightarrow e \gamma[/itex].
This interaction would be detectable either by looking at the electron's energy (in this case it can be discrete-in contrast to the weak-interaction muon decay) and the photons (for energy conservation) can be detected quite easily. So such a process would give a pretty-clear signal.
This process is obviously violating the leptons' generation number and up to now it's the main reason it's unobserved. Theories that allow for lepton number violation can explain such a process.
  • #4
There are three related muon processes physicists are looking for, experiment names in brackets:

μ -> eee ("Mu3e")
μ -> eγ ("MEG")
μ -> e ("Mu2e" - where 2 means "to", not "two")

Mu2e is looking for a direction conversion inside a nucleus, the signature would be an electron with a kinetic energy of (nearly) the muon energy. The other two experiments look for normal decays and reconstruct the invariant mass of the products.

All three experiments look for peaks at the muon mass, with a continuous background up to this same energy. They all need a good energy resolution to have as few background events as possible in their signal region.

Everything that violates lepton flavor can lead to those processes.
Expected sensitivities for branching fractions I found: about 10-16 for Mu2e and Mu3e, about 10-13 for MEG. That allows to test energy scales way beyond the reach of the LHC (1000+ TeV) in some models.
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  • #5
mfb said:
Mu2e is looking for a direction conversion inside a nucleus, the signature would be an electron with a kinetic energy of (nearly) the muon energy. The other two experiments look for normal decays and reconstruct the invariant mass of the products.

Didn't we say that this would violate the energy somewhere else? Or is a nucleus recoil going on?
  • #6
The nucleus takes the recoil, right.
  • #7
Ok ;)
  • #8
Dear Envelope,

Thanks! its interesting, indeed. Hope so if they are enough lucky they will probe new physics signal by using this single channel.

"Compositeness" is really attractive idea, could you guys explain lepto-quarks a little more? Its expected nature? Quantum numbers etc.

FAQ: Exploring New Physics with Mu2e: The Search for Leptoquarks

1. What is the purpose of the Mu2e Detector?

The Mu2e Detector is a state-of-the-art scientific instrument designed to study the phenomenon of muon-to-electron conversion. This is an extremely rare process that has the potential to provide insights into the fundamental laws of physics beyond the Standard Model.

2. How does the Mu2e Detector work?

The Mu2e Detector uses a combination of powerful magnets, detectors, and sophisticated electronics to capture and analyze the behavior of muons as they convert into electrons. The detector is designed to be highly sensitive in order to detect even the rarest of events.

3. What makes the Mu2e Detector unique?

The Mu2e Detector is unique in its precision and sensitivity. It is able to detect muon-to-electron conversion events at an unprecedented level, with a sensitivity that is 100 times more precise than previous experiments. Additionally, the detector is designed to operate at very low temperatures, allowing for greater accuracy and minimizing interference from background noise.

4. What are the potential implications of the Mu2e Detector's findings?

The Mu2e Detector has the potential to provide groundbreaking insights into the fundamental nature of matter and energy. By studying muon-to-electron conversion, scientists hope to uncover new physics beyond the Standard Model, which could potentially explain mysteries such as dark matter and the imbalance between matter and antimatter in the universe.

5. When will the Mu2e Detector be operational?

The Mu2e Detector is currently under construction and is expected to be operational in 2023. Once operational, it will begin taking data and conducting experiments to search for muon-to-electron conversion events. The detector will continue to operate for several years, with the potential for upgrades and improvements in the future.

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