Exploring Newton's 2nd Law of Motion

In summary, force and motion are not always directly related, as stated by Newton's 1st law of motion. Additionally, Newton's 2nd law of motion states that force is proportional to acceleration with mass as the constant of proportionality. However, if acceleration is constant, the force is also constant and considered a conservative force. The equation for force can be defined proportionally to mass and acceleration. There is only one type of force, and it is independent of path. The vector potential in EM is related to the physical electric and magnetic fields, with the scalar potential being independent of path and the vector potential being dependent on path.
  • #1
Antonio Lao
Is force the cause of motion? If there is motion would there be a force also?

Newton's 1st law of motion says there can be motion even without force. This motion is a constant velocity (in particular such as the constant speed of light in vacuum).

Newton's 2nd law of motion says that the force is proportional to the acceleration with the mass as the constant of proportionality. But if the acceleration is constant then the force is constant for a constant mass system. Constant force is a conservative force. It's time rate of change is always zero.

If the acceleration is taken to be the constant of proportionality and that mass varies then force can be defined proportionally to the mass with the acceleration as the constant of proportionality.

There seem to be two kinds of force implied in Newton's 2nd law of motion depending whether mass or acceleration is taken to be the constant of proportionality.

If both mass (m) and acceleration (a) are not constant then we get

[tex] \frac {dF}{dt} = m \frac {da}{dt} + a \frac {dm}{dt} [/tex]

In the science of rocketry, this equation is taken into consideration.
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  • #2
Antonio Lao said:
Is force the cause of motion? If there is motion would there be a force also?
To avoid some confusion, let's change the word "motion" to velocity, the instantaneous time rate of change of a vector from a fixed point to an object. Then the answer to both of your questions is no.

Antonio Lao said:
Newton's 1st law of motion says there can be motion even without force.
True (again, with velocity instead of motion)

Antonio Lao said:
This motion is a constant velocity (in particular such as the constant speed of light in vacuum).
Well, not really. Newton was talking only about objects with mass. Light doesn't have mass, so it doesn't count.

Antonio Lao said:
Newton's 2nd law of motion says that the force is proportional to the acceleration with the mass as the constant of proportionality. But if the acceleration is constant then the force is constant for a constant mass system. Constant force is a conservative force. It's time rate of change is always zero.
Well, that's not what's usually meant by "a conservative force", but you're right, if the mass and acceleration of an object are constant, then the net force acting on the object must be constant.

Antonio Lao said:
If the acceleration is taken to be the constant of proportionality and that mass varies then force can be defined proportionally to the mass with the acceleration as the constant of proportionality.

There seem to be two kinds of force implied in Newton's 2nd law of motion depending whether mass or acceleration is taken to be the constant of proportionality.
No, there's only one kind of force. In the equation F=ma, F is the instantaneous force at a particular time t. At that instant, m has some value, and a has some value. Whether one or the other will be different a moment later doesn't affect F and certainly doesn't change in anyway what "kind of force" it is.

Antonio Lao said:
If both mass (m) and acceleration (a) are not constant then we get

[tex] \frac {dF}{dt} = m \frac {da}{dt} + a \frac {dm}{dt} [/tex]

In the science of rocketry, this equation is taken into consideration.
That's interesting; I haven't seen it before! If the rocket burns fuel at a constant rate, you could set dF/dt in the equation to zero. Is that how it's used?
  • #3
I am not sure, I think we need to consult with an expert in rocket technologies.
  • #4
But I'm sure that the rate of change of force with distance is not zero.

[tex] \frac {dF}{dr} \neq 0 [/tex]

This is an infinitesimal potential energy per unit area or the product of pressure and distance.
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  • #5
Can we also say that the divergence of force is not zero?

[tex] \nabla \cdot F \neq 0 [/tex]
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  • #6
Antonio Lao said:
Constant force is a conservative force.

That's not true.

If a constant force F is applied to a body, its total energy will continually increase (in the form of kinetic energy). What defines a conservative force is whether the work it does on a body is independent of path. Equivalent ways to state this are:




where V is a potential function.

edit: typo
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  • #7
Can anyone explain to me how the vector potential in EM is related to any type of force? I still don't understand what vector potential is?
  • #8
Antonio Lao said:
Can anyone explain to me how the vector potential in EM is related to any type of force? I still don't understand what vector potential is?

The vector potential A and the scalar potential F are related to the physical electric and magnetic fields by:

  • #9
Thank you very much, Tom. Stupid questions: Is this scalar potential independent of path? And vector potental dependent on path?
  • #10
Antonio Lao asked: "Is this scalar potential independent of path? And vector potental dependent on path?"

They're both independent of path, because they're functions only of postition (x,y,z). You use three equations to calculate A(x,y,z): Ax = f(x,y,z), Ay = g(x,y,z) and Az = h(x,y,z). Nothing in any of the functions f, g or h says how you got to that point, they just say, when you're at that point, here's the value of the function.

The thing that's "path independent" about some (but not) all vector functions, is the line integral of the vector function from one point in space (x1, y1, z1) to another (x2, y2, z2). The condition (as Tom Mattson said) for that line integral of a vector function F to be zero is that curl(F) = 0.

For cases where E and B don't vary with time (static fields) curl(E) = 0, so the line integral of E from one point to another is path independent. For the magnetic field curl(B) = J, so the line integral of B in a region where charge is flowing, is not zero.
  • #11

Thanks for these valuable elucidations.
  • #12
Antonio Lao said:

Thanks for these valuable elucidations.

You're welcome.

By the way, I learned about electricity and magnetism a LONG time ago and I've actually used them in one way or another pretty continuously since then. But when I see these potentials (even the electric one) I still have to stop and think whether the field is the gradient of the potential, or the other way around around

Maybe this is some kind of mental block (deficiency?) that I have. But I think it's because the way we're introduced to these two potentials is kind of backwards. E = grad(-V) and B = curl(A). It seems to me that an equation defining something should be solved for that thing.

The integral forms for V and A (where they are solved for explicitly) are more intuitively meaningful, at least for me. The equations are almost identical in form, but the difference shows that the fundamental source for a static electric field is charge and that the fundamental source for a static magnetic field is current. So the physics of the potentials seems more obvious in this form.

But grad and curl are powerful tools for doing calculations, because differentiating is often easier than integrating. Thanks to Mr. Gauss and Mr. Stokes, you get to use whichever way is easier for the problem you're working on.
  • #13
Again, thanks. Elementary particles are known to possesses magnetic moment. magnetic field exists because of motion of charge. The electron is a point particle so how do electric charges move inside the electron?
  • #14
Antonio Lao said:
Is force the cause of motion? If there is motion would there be a force also?
The force in archimedes's physics is geometrical potential i.e. a storage for the distance yet to be achieved. Because of it as long there is a force there will be motion and without force there cannot be motion. The equation behind this is F * dD > 0. I cannot prove it right but I doubt that anybody can prove it wrong either. It's sort of neutral.
Antonio Lao said:
If the acceleration is taken to be the constant of proportionality and that mass varies then force can be defined proportionally to the mass with the acceleration as the constant of proportionality.
Finally somebody considers physics like a real mathematician (like me). I had similar considerations for the definition of velocity dx=Vdt+tdV instead of dx=Vdt
Antonio Lao said:
There seem to be two kinds of force implied in Newton's 2nd law of motion depending whether mass or acceleration is taken to be the constant of proportionality.
Newton considers only the mass as constant. Archimedes considers the force - mass ratio as a constant but it is no acceleration at all. In the lever it is : F_1 * M_2 = F_2 * M_1

You kind of insure me that my effort won't be futile.
  • #15

Right or wrong, It's good to know that we are in the same wavelength so to speak.

FAQ: Exploring Newton's 2nd Law of Motion

What is Newton's 2nd Law of Motion?

Newton's 2nd Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Acceleration, states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. In simpler terms, the greater the force applied to an object, the greater its acceleration will be. This law is expressed mathematically as F=ma, where F is the net force, m is the mass of the object, and a is the resulting acceleration.

How does Newton's 2nd Law of Motion differ from the 1st Law?

The 1st Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an external force. This is different from Newton's 2nd Law, which specifically focuses on the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. The 1st Law is essentially a special case of the 2nd Law, where the net force acting on an object is equal to zero.

How is mass related to acceleration in Newton's 2nd Law?

Mass and acceleration are inversely related in Newton's 2nd Law. This means that as the mass of an object increases, its acceleration decreases, and vice versa. For example, a heavy object will require a greater force to accelerate at the same rate as a lighter object. This can be seen in everyday life, such as when pushing a shopping cart with a heavy load versus a lighter load.

Can Newton's 2nd Law be applied to objects in free fall?

Yes, Newton's 2nd Law can be applied to objects in free fall. When an object is in free fall, the only force acting on it is gravity. According to Newton's 2nd Law, the acceleration of the object will be directly proportional to the force of gravity and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. This is why objects of different masses will fall at the same rate in a vacuum, as demonstrated by the famous Galileo's experiment.

How is Newton's 2nd Law used in real-world applications?

Newton's 2nd Law has many practical applications in various fields such as engineering, sports, and transportation. It is used to design and improve structures, machines, and vehicles by understanding how forces affect their motion. In sports, coaches and athletes use this law to optimize their performance, such as in throwing a ball or running. In transportation, engineers use this law to design efficient and safe vehicles by considering factors such as mass, acceleration, and friction.
