Exploring Physical Symmetries: A Simplified Explanation

  • Thread starter werner heisenberg
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In summary, the conversation is about discussing physical symmetries, specifically those present in the early universe and the existence of a Grand Unified Theory. The conversation touches on the symmetries of solid geometric objects, the four fundamental forces (electromagnetism, weak and strong nuclear forces, and gravity), and the concept of spontaneous symmetry breaking. The participants also mention the difficulty in understanding these concepts and the lack of a successful theory of quantum gravity. They also discuss the possibility of particles transforming into one another and the challenge of reconciling this idea with their perceived differences.
  • #1
werner heisenberg
Can somedody explain me in a relatively plain languaje what are physical simetries
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
werner Heisenberg said:
Can somedody explain me in a relatively plain languaje what are physical simetries
in what sense please? Here are some simple degrees of rotational and mirror symmetries for solid geometric objects:

A sphere is symmetrical in all rotations and mirror-images. It looks the same in any aspect.
A cylinder is symmetrical when rotated about its central axis, and is mirrror-symmetrical when its central axis is flipped 180 degrees.
A cone is symmetrical when rotated about its central axis, but does not possesses mirror symmetry when that axis is flipped 180 degrees - the apex is now on the "wrong" end.

If you're looking for explanations of symmetries that ought to exist for our Universe to have been able to arise from "nothing", that's a huge project.
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  • #3
When I refer to physical simetries I'm talking about all that stuff saying that at some moment in the past (in fact a little fraction of a second after the big explosion) the 4 forces (electromagnetism, the weak and strong and gravity) were the same. The particles involving the forces were the same and the fields too. Sorry if I'm not too rigurous in my exposition but the main problem is that I do not understand it
  • #4
werner Heisenberg said:
When I refer to physical simetries I'm talking about all that stuff saying that at some moment in the past (in fact a little fraction of a second after the big explosion) the 4 forces (electromagnetism, the weak and strong and gravity) were the same. The particles involving the forces were the same and the fields too. Sorry if I'm not too rigurous in my exposition but the main problem is that I do not understand it
Nobody understands it. That symmetry (believed to exist by BB theorists before one Planck time) represents an unknown singularity. In this cosmology, all symmetries were spontaneously broken in about a billionth of a second.
  • #5
werner Heisenberg said:
When I refer to physical simetries I'm talking about all that stuff saying that at some moment in the past (in fact a little fraction of a second after the big explosion) the 4 forces (electromagnetism, the weak and strong and gravity) were the same. The particles involving the forces were the same and the fields too. Sorry if I'm not too rigurous in my exposition but the main problem is that I do not understand it
The answer to include all forces will require an understanding, or reasonable theory of the "Grand Unified Theory" (GUT), but none are workable as of this date last I heard.

where part states that:
Currently, there is no accepted candidate for a theory of quantum gravity. The search for an acceptable theory of quantum gravity, and a quantum mechanical grand unified theory, are important areas of current physics research. Until such a search is successful, the gravitational interaction cannot be considered as a force because it is of a geometrical rather than dynamical nature
(My Italics)

Also see the whole page at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_unified_theory where it is mentioned several times.
  • #6
thanks, I will take a look at this page and try to understand something
  • #7
But how can a particle turn to another. I can't conceive a Z particle turning into an electron or a photon. they are just not the same and I suposed that they have always benn different

FAQ: Exploring Physical Symmetries: A Simplified Explanation

1. What are physical symmetries and why are they important in science?

Physical symmetries refer to the properties or characteristics of a physical system that remain unchanged under certain transformations, such as rotation or reflection. They are important in science because they provide a framework for understanding and predicting the behavior of physical systems, from subatomic particles to the entire universe.

2. How do physical symmetries play a role in the laws of physics?

Many of the fundamental laws of physics, such as the conservation of energy and momentum, are based on physical symmetries. These symmetries help to explain why certain physical phenomena occur and how they behave in predictable ways.

3. Can physical symmetries be broken?

Yes, physical symmetries can be broken under certain conditions. For example, in the early universe, there was a symmetry between particles called leptons and quarks. As the universe cooled, this symmetry was broken, resulting in the different types of particles we see today.

4. How are physical symmetries related to the concept of beauty in science?

In science, the concept of beauty refers to the simplicity and elegance of a theory or explanation. Physical symmetries are often seen as beautiful because they provide a simple and elegant explanation for complex phenomena. The more symmetrical a theory or explanation is, the more beautiful it is considered to be.

5. How can understanding physical symmetries help us in practical applications?

Understanding physical symmetries has led to numerous practical applications in fields such as engineering and technology. For example, the study of symmetries in crystals has led to advancements in materials science and the development of new materials with specific properties. Additionally, the discovery of symmetries in quantum mechanics has led to the development of technologies such as transistors and lasers.
