Exploring Physics: Unveiling the Bohr Model

In summary, the Bohr model is correct, but it is incomplete and the dynamics it contains is essentially classical.
  • #36
GodsChild086 said:
So let me get something else straight...

I forgot that in Physics 20 I learned something about strong and weak nuclear forces. So is it the strong nuclear force that holds those electrons in orbit so that they don't go crashing into the nucleus?

No,the strong interraction only occurs at distances of about 10^-15 m (one fermi),while the electromagnetic interaction is responsable for the atom stability and it is universal,that means it occurs at any distance;the key is that electrons in atoms have close to zero probability of coming to within one fermi of the nucleus.They're most probably found at distances of Angstrom order (10^-10 m) which is 100000 times larger than the typical nuclear distance.
Going deeper into QFT,we say that electrons are leptons that do not "feel" the strong interraction.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
The strong force holds baryons and mesons together, while the residual strong force will hold atomic nuclei together... Atoms are held together by electromagnetic interactions between the nucleus and the surrounding electrons. Also the angular momentum of the electrons contributes to this interaction...
