Exploring Properties of Virtual Photons in Positive/Negative Interactions

In summary, the book provides a comprehensive and clear explanation of the properties of virtual photons and their role in interactions between positively and negatively charged particles.
  • #1
Usaf Moji
I'm having a lot of difficulty finding info on the properties of virtual photons - things like their polarization when exchanged between positively and negatively charged particles.

Feynman says, in his book QED: the strange thory of light and matter, at p. 120:

Photons, it turns out, come in four different varieties, called polarizations, that are related geometrically to the directions of space and time. Thus there are photons polarized in the X, Y, Z, and T directions. (Perhaps you have heard somewhere that light comes in only two states of polarization - for example, a photon going in the Z direction can be polarized at right angles, either in the X or Y direction. Well, you guessed it: in situations where the photon goes a long distance and appears to go at the speed of light, the amplitudes for the Z and T terms exactly cancel out. But for virtual photons going between a proton and an electron in an atom, it is the T component that is the most important.) [emphasis added]

Unfortunately, he doesn't elaborate beyond that.

Does anyone know of a book, or where I can find info, in simple plain English as above, that describes the properties of virtual photons (such as their polarization) when exchanged between positively and negatively charged particles?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The book A Quantum Approach to Condensed Matter Physics by Philip L. Taylor and Olle Heinonen is a good source of information on the properties of virtual photons. The book covers topics such as the wavefunction of a photon, the polarization of a photon, and the interaction between a photon and a charged particle. It also discusses the scattering of virtual photons off particles and the associated cross-sections.
  • #3

I can understand your frustration in finding information on the properties of virtual photons. This is because virtual photons, unlike real photons, cannot be directly observed and measured. They are theoretical particles that are used in quantum field theory to explain the interactions between charged particles.

However, based on current theories and calculations, we can infer some of the properties of virtual photons. One important property is their polarization, which refers to the orientation of the electric and magnetic fields of the photon. In positive/negative interactions, the virtual photon can have four possible polarizations, as mentioned in the quote from Feynman's book: X, Y, Z, and T.

The X, Y, and Z polarizations refer to the spatial directions of the photon, while the T polarization refers to the time direction. In simple terms, this means that the virtual photon can interact with charged particles in different ways depending on its orientation in space and time.

Another important property of virtual photons is their charge, which can be positive or negative. This charge determines the strength of the interaction between the charged particles. For example, a positively charged virtual photon will interact differently with a negatively charged particle compared to a positively charged particle.

It is also important to note that the properties of virtual photons can change depending on the energy and distance of the interaction between the charged particles. This is due to the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics, which states that we cannot know both the position and momentum of a particle at the same time.

In conclusion, while there may not be a single book or source that fully describes the properties of virtual photons in positive/negative interactions, current theories and calculations can give us some understanding of their properties. As scientists, we continue to explore and learn more about these theoretical particles through experiments and theoretical models.

FAQ: Exploring Properties of Virtual Photons in Positive/Negative Interactions

1. What are virtual photons?

Virtual photons are particles that mediate the electromagnetic force between charged particles. They are considered "virtual" because they cannot be directly observed, but their effects can be seen in interactions between particles.

2. What is the significance of exploring properties of virtual photons in positive/negative interactions?

Understanding the properties of virtual photons in positive/negative interactions is important because it can help us better understand the fundamental forces of nature and the behavior of particles at a subatomic level. These interactions also play a crucial role in many natural phenomena, such as chemical reactions and the behavior of matter.

3. How do scientists study virtual photons in positive/negative interactions?

Scientists use a variety of experimental techniques, such as particle accelerators, to study the behavior of particles in positive/negative interactions. They also use theoretical models and mathematical equations to describe and predict the properties of virtual photons in these interactions.

4. What have scientists learned about virtual photons in positive/negative interactions so far?

Through extensive research and experimentation, scientists have learned that virtual photons have unique properties, such as varying amounts of energy and momentum, depending on the particles involved in the interaction. They have also discovered that virtual photons can exhibit both particle-like and wave-like behavior.

5. How do the properties of virtual photons in positive/negative interactions impact our daily lives?

The properties of virtual photons in positive/negative interactions are fundamental to many technological advancements, such as electronics and communication systems. Understanding these properties also helps us better understand the natural world and the behavior of matter, which can lead to further scientific and technological developments.

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