Exploring QED in the Classical Limit: Uncovering Hidden Predictions

In summary, the conversation discusses the level of study on the classical limit of quantum electrodynamics (QED). One person questions if this has not been well-studied, while the other clarifies that it has been extensively studied in the context of external field problems, including effects like the Lamb shift and photon scattering. The claim that it has not been well-studied is not accurate.
  • #1
I recently read somewhere that the predictions of QED in the classical limit haven't been nearly as well-studied as, say, the classical limit of quantum mechanics.

This is a little confusing: doesn't QED just reduce to Maxwellian electrodynamics with additional small nonlinear quantum mechanical terms? If that's the case, it would seem that classical QED has been studied. Does the comment imply that Maxwell's equations with the nonlinear terms haven't been deeply investigated?

What else might remain of classical QED predictions to study?
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  • #2
What they probably mean by "QED in the classical limit" is more commonly called external field problems, in which the starting point is a classical electromagnetic field such as a Coulomb field, and radiative corrections to various processes are then calculated using QED. This includes things like the Lamb shift. Scattering of photons by a Coulomb field, etc. The claim that these things have not been well-studied of course is not true.

FAQ: Exploring QED in the Classical Limit: Uncovering Hidden Predictions

1. What is QED in the classical limit?

QED, or Quantum Electrodynamics, is a theory that explains the interactions between electrons and photons. The classical limit refers to the behavior of these particles when their energies are much larger than Planck's constant, making them behave like classical particles instead of quantum particles.

2. How is QED related to the classical limit?

In the classical limit, QED reduces to the classical theory of electromagnetism, known as Maxwell's equations. This means that the principles of QED still apply, but the equations become simpler and easier to solve in the classical limit.

3. What are some applications of QED in the classical limit?

QED in the classical limit has many applications, including explaining the behavior of electrons and photons in particle accelerators, the properties of materials in condensed matter physics, and the behavior of light in optical fibers.

4. How is the classical limit different from the quantum limit in QED?

In the classical limit, particles behave like classical particles and their energies are much larger than Planck's constant. In the quantum limit, particles behave like quantum particles and their energies are on the same scale as Planck's constant. This leads to different equations and predictions for the behavior of particles.

5. What are some current research topics related to QED in the classical limit?

Some current research topics include studying the behavior of particles in strong electric and magnetic fields, developing new techniques for particle acceleration, and exploring the properties of materials in extreme conditions. Additionally, there is ongoing research on finding ways to reconcile QED with other theories, such as general relativity, in the classical limit.

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