Exploring Rest-Energy in Relativity

  • Thread starter Elu314
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In summary: The total rest energy of the gas would be the same as the total rest energy of the two bricks as a system."In summary, the rest-energy of a system is the energy when its velocity, the average velocity of the molecules, is 0. The gas can be at rest while the individual molecules are not.
  • #1
I just read this passage, which is really all I've read about relativity so excuse me if this is basic. I don't understand how rest-energy is defined. I thought it was the energy content of the mass only, not including the energy due to motion (hence, rest, right?). But this passage says it is the sum of both. So why is it called rest-energy, then?
(Here, S refers to the system consisting of a contained ideal gas)

"Einstein's equation also says, of course, that if there is a change to the inertial mass of S, then there is a concurrent change to the rest-energy of S. Thus, if we remove one molecule from the gas sample, the rest-energy of the gas sample will diminish by an amount equal to the sum of the molecule's kinetic energy and the mass of the molecule times c2. We can modify our example to make it a bit more telling if we consider the gas sample to be at a temperature of absolute zero, i.e., if we consider the gas sample when all of its molecules are in a state of relative rest. In this case, the rest-energy of S is simply the sum of the masses of the molecules times c2. Let us suppose for simplicity that there are n molecules each of rest-mass m. The rest-energy of S is then simply E = n·mc2. If we remove one of the molecules from the gas, then the rest-energy decreases by an amount ΔE=mc2 and the new rest-energy of S becomes E′ = (n − 1)mc2."
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  • #2
The gas is made up of a large number of molecules. The rest energy of the gas is its energy when its velocity, the average velocity of the molecules, is 0. The gas can be at rest while the individual molecules are not.
  • #3
Welcome to PF!

Hi Elu314! Welcome to PF! :wink:
Elu314 said:
"Einstein's equation also says, of course, that if there is a change to the inertial mass of S, then there is a concurrent change to the rest-energy of S.

Thus, if we remove one molecule from the gas sample, the rest-energy of the gas sample will diminish by an amount equal to the sum of the molecule's kinetic energy and the mass of the molecule times c2.

Yes … the kinetic energy referred to is the KE within the sample, not hte overall KE of the sample as a whole.

It's clearer with a solid rather than a gas …

a solid has a uniform motion, with an associated kinetic energy m[1/√(1 - v2/c2) - 1], but inside the solid the molecules are vibrating slightly (dependent on temperature) …

those vibrations also have kinetic energy, which goes to make up m …

if you increase the speed of the solid, without affecting the vibrations, then the kinetic energy will increase according to that formula with the same m … that m (including the kinetic energy of the vibrations) is the rest-mass of the solid at that temperature. :smile:
  • #4
Imagine you have 2 bricks each with a rest mass of 1kg. One brick (m1) is moving to the left at +v/c and the other (m2) is moving to the right at -v/c both relative to you. The total momentum of the system (both bricks) is m1*v/sqrt(1-(v/c)^2) - m2/sqrt(1-(v/c)^2) = 0. The total rest energy of the two bricks is m1*c^2/sqrt(1-(v/c)^2)+m2*c^2/sqrt(1-(v/c)^2) = 2kg*c^2/sqrt(1-(v/c)^2). This rest energy of the two bricks (considered as a system) is greater than 2kg*c^2 because it includes their energy due relative motion. It is valid to have a rest mass for the two bricks as a system, because the two bricks have a total momentum of zero in your rest frame. This is the definition of the rest mass of a system, i.e. the total energy of the system measured in the reference frame where the total momentum of the system is zero. For a gas, just imagine millions of small bricks going in random directions with a combined total momentum of zero.

FAQ: Exploring Rest-Energy in Relativity

1. What is rest-energy in relativity?

Rest-energy in relativity refers to the energy that an object possesses due to its mass and its inherent motion. It is the minimum amount of energy that an object has when it is at rest.

2. How is rest-energy related to Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2?

Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2, relates the amount of energy (E) that an object has to its mass (m) and the speed of light (c). The rest-energy of an object is equal to its mass multiplied by the speed of light squared.

3. Can rest-energy be converted into other forms of energy?

Yes, rest-energy can be converted into other forms of energy, such as thermal energy or kinetic energy. This is demonstrated in nuclear reactions, where a small amount of mass is converted into a large amount of energy.

4. How does exploring rest-energy contribute to our understanding of the universe?

Exploring rest-energy allows us to better understand the relationship between mass and energy, as well as the fundamental principles of relativity. It also plays a crucial role in fields such as particle physics and cosmology.

5. Is rest-energy a measurable quantity?

Yes, rest-energy is a measurable quantity and can be calculated using the formula E=mc^2. However, since it is the minimum energy an object possesses, it is often difficult to directly measure and is typically calculated based on other observed energies.

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