Exploring Science in Movies: Finding the Perfect Film for Your Classroom Project

In summary, the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still has a scene where Prof Barnard is working on a celestial mechanics problem and Klaatu explains that it is easily solvable with separation of variables. The movie Interstellar covers many science concepts with visuals of wormholes, black holes, neutron stars, time dilation, gravity waves, and sonar. The movie can also be used to illustrate why something is wrong, such as an explosion happening way in the distance people see the flash and hear the boom simultaneously which is wrong, or astronauts talking to mission control and the response is immediate instead of a known delay.
  • #1

I am in search of some movie suggestions that incorporate different concepts such as sound waves, magnetic fields, doppler effect, transmission of light, inverse square law. The movie doesn't need to necessarily incorporate all of those concepts. I am working on a school project and need to demonstrate a scene from a movie and illustrate a few of the concepts that may be applied. I have not seen very many science fiction movies or action movies. I assume that either of those genres would be the easiest to use for examples.

I apologize if I am posting in the wrong forum, as this is technically a homework question, but I've seen other posts about movies here.

Thank you!
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  • #2
There's a scene in the old black and white sci-fi movie The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951) where Prof Barnard is working on a celestial mechanics problem on the board and Klaatu (Michael Rennie) explains that it is easily solvable with separation of variables and crosses out some terms and further explains that's how his spacecraft works.

Of course, the recent Interstellar movie covers many science concepts with visuals of wormholes, black holes, neutron stars time dilation gravity waves...

You could also consider showing a scene and explaining why its wrong. A common problem is say an explosion happening way in the distance people see the flash and hear the boom simultaneously which is wrong since sound travels so much slower but for dramatic effect the movie director fore goes the physics.

Another is astronauts talking to mission control and the response is immediate instead of a known delay.

For sound waves, perhaps the movie The Hunt for Red October where sonar is used to locate the sub but its drive is so quiet no one can hear it reliably.
  • #3
jedishrfu said:
There's a scene in the old black and white sci-fi movie The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951) where Prof Barnard is working on a celestial mechanics problem on the board and Klaatu (Michael Rennie) explains that it is easily solvable with separation of variables and crosses out some terms and further explains that's how his spacecraft works.

Of course, the recent Interstellar movie covers many science concepts with visuals of wormholes, black holes, neutron stars time dilation gravity waves...

You could also consider showing a scene and explaining why its wrong. A common problem is say an explosion happening way in the distance people see the flash and hear the boom simultaneously which is wrong since sound travels so much slower but for dramatic effect the movie director fore goes the physics.

Another is astronauts talking to mission control and the response is immediate instead of a known delay.

For sound waves, perhaps the movie The Hunt for Red October where sonar is used to locate the sub but its drive is so quiet no one can hear it reliably.
Thank you so much. This is very helpful!

Related to Exploring Science in Movies: Finding the Perfect Film for Your Classroom Project

1. What are some good movie recommendations for a family movie night?

Some good movie suggestions for a family movie night could include animated films like Toy Story or Moana, as well as classics like The Wizard of Oz or E.T. If you're looking for more recent releases, Zootopia and Inside Out are great choices.

2. Can you recommend any movies that are good for a date night?

For a date night, romantic comedies like When Harry Met Sally or Crazy Rich Asians are popular choices. If you're in the mood for something more dramatic, The Notebook or The Fault in Our Stars are good options. Alternatively, a classic like Casablanca or Roman Holiday can never go wrong.

3. What are some good movie suggestions for a horror movie marathon?

If you're a fan of horror movies, some popular choices for a marathon could include The Conjuring series, A Quiet Place, or Get Out. For a classic horror film, The Exorcist or The Shining are must-sees. And for some comedic relief, Scream or Cabin in the Woods are great choices.

4. Are there any must-watch movies that everyone should see at least once?

Some must-watch movies that have stood the test of time include The Godfather, Star Wars, The Shawshank Redemption, and Pulp Fiction. These movies have become cultural icons and are often referenced in pop culture. Other classics like Forrest Gump and The Silence of the Lambs are also highly recommended.

5. Can you suggest any good movies based on true events or biographies?

For movies based on true events or biographies, Schindler's List, A Beautiful Mind, and Hidden Figures are powerful and moving films. The Social Network and The Theory of Everything are also well-liked for their portrayals of real-life individuals. Additionally, the sports biopics Rudy and Remember the Titans are inspiring and popular choices.

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