Exploring Science through Math & Physics

In summary, to become a mathematical physicist you need to have an interest in math and physics, have undergraduate level education, and take courses that will prepare you for a theoretical/mathematical physics program.
  • #1
What fields of study in science using advanced math and physics (maybe + engineering)?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Anything to do with Physics.
  • #3
Can you give me some examples (such as mathematical physics, engineering physics)?
  • #4
Condensed Matter Physics
High Energy Physics
Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Atmospheric Physics
Nuclear Physics
Meteor Physics
Circuit Physics (basically electrical engineering)
Classical Physics

I don't know what else to tell you, put any *reasonable* word in front of 'physics' and you get a field that if you go far enough in depth you will encounter high end physics and math.

If you're looking for a specific field in which to study at the undergrad level then you can usually only choose from General Physics and Astrophysics, some colleges will over materials science, nanotechnology, and maybe atmospheric physics. But you will never specialize to a specific field like above until graduate school
  • #5
What courses do I have to take to become a mathematical physicist?
  • #6
What level of education are you in right now?
  • #7
I'm a high school senior. I really interest in math and physics, so I want to major in both subjects. Therefore, mathematical physics is a good option for me. I would like to know how to become a mathematical physicist.
  • #8
First, don't worry about that until you're in your final year of your undergrad. You never know how your interests change when you actually get into the field. Having an interest in such an advanced field at such a young age isn't a strong indicator that you'll actually enjoy it when you get to that level of education. The math and physics you see in high school is NOTHING at all like the math and physics you'll see at the end of your undergrad and into graduate studies.

However, if all goes well and you are still really interested in this field throughout your college education then a double major math+physics is probably the best way to go right now. Unless there's a program in Theoretical Physics or Mathematical Physics. At the undergrad level you won't be doing what graduate students would consider a mathematical physics program. Yes, you'll be learning math and you'll be learning physics but it won't be mathematical physics.

Throughout your undergrad you'll want to educate yourself on what your prospective graduate schools offer in terms of a theoretical/mathematical physics program. Talk to your academic advisers and find out what they would suggest you take (courses) in order to best prepare yourself for your future in mathematical physics.

A double major doesn't allow for much in terms of electives so you'll probably have your hands tied in terms of what courses you can take so just go along for the ride. For your electives it's important you take courses that will benefit you in the future. A mathematical physicist won't benefit from a course in sexual psychology.
  • #9
Thank you very much!

FAQ: Exploring Science through Math & Physics

What is the connection between science, math, and physics?

The connection between science, math, and physics is that math is the language of science and physics is the branch of science that deals with the study of matter, energy, and their interactions. Math is used to describe and quantify the physical phenomena studied in physics. In other words, math provides the tools and methods for scientists to understand and explain the natural world in a precise and quantitative manner.

How can math and physics be used to solve real-world problems?

Math and physics can be used to solve real-world problems by providing a framework for understanding the underlying principles and mechanisms of natural phenomena. Through the use of mathematical equations and physical laws, scientists can make predictions and develop solutions to real-world problems, such as designing new technologies, understanding climate change, or developing medical treatments.

What skills are necessary for exploring science through math and physics?

The skills necessary for exploring science through math and physics include a strong foundation in mathematical concepts and principles, critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a curiosity about the natural world. It is also essential to have a solid understanding of scientific methods and the ability to apply them to real-world situations.

How can understanding math and physics lead to new discoveries in science?

Understanding math and physics can lead to new discoveries in science by providing a means to analyze and interpret data, make predictions, and test hypotheses. By using mathematical and physical principles, scientists can uncover new patterns and relationships in the natural world, leading to new discoveries and advancements in various fields of science.

What are some examples of how math and physics have contributed to scientific breakthroughs?

There are countless examples of how math and physics have contributed to scientific breakthroughs. For instance, the discovery of gravity by Isaac Newton was made possible by his use of mathematical equations to describe the motion of objects. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space and time, was also based on mathematical principles. Additionally, the development of modern technologies such as computers, cell phones, and GPS systems would not be possible without the application of math and physics principles.
