Exploring Spring Buoyancy: How it Works & Effects

In summary,The spring scale works by measuring the upward force of the water tank; in case (2), the buoyant force is different than in case (3), and the body floats instead of sinking.
  • #1
1-How does this spring scale work?

2-Where does this increase in the reading of the normal balance(scale) come from?
Does it come from the rise in water level in the tank?Okay water already has aconstant mass

Does it come from the weight of the ball?I don't think so.

3-why does the apparent weight decreases as the ball goes down into the fluid(by increasing depth)??may be because the buoyant force increases..
the buoyant force is different in case(2) and case(3) although the ball already displaced the same volume of water-so buoyancy should be the same.can you realize my problem here?

4-In case(3)
The spring reads zero
which means that Fb=Fg
so the body should suspend in water instead of sinking ...or may be the spring is exerting a certain force to maintain the ball in this position.may be this question is related to the first one which is concerned with the mechanism of the spring balance

5-can we know from this picture if the spring has a smaller-equal-bigger density than that of water?or it just doesn't indicate?
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  • #2
1.- When the ball is at the bottom, the weight of it is being held by the bottom scale and the top feels nothing.

2.- In the middle, the ball is being pushed up by a force equivalent to the weight of the volume of water displaced...so the water is pushing up and so the scale at the bottom feels such reaction and the scale at the top feels the help

3.- Same as 2, except that there is water displaced.

4.- ...

From the readings, I gather this ball definitely sinks in water. In other words, the long line from the top scale down to the ball could be a rope and it would still work this way.
  • #3
Do you mean that the normal balance measures the upward force only,either the normal force of the water tank or the buoyant force?
  • #4
When the ball is not at the very bottom, the balance reports the weight of the water plus the buoyant force.
  • #5
2.- In the middle, the ball is being pushed up by a force equivalent to the weight of the volume of water displaced...so the water is pushing up and so the scale at the bottom feels such reaction and the scale at the top feels the help
first what do you mean by "the scale at the top feels the help"?which help?
When the ball is not at the very bottom, the balance reports the weight of the water plus the buoyant force.
how does the normal balance report both the weight of water plus the buoyant force??
may be due to the increase in pressure at the base f the tank due to rise in water,this indicades an increase in the total force affecting the base of the top ,thus increasing the reading of the normal balance.
Is it because water rises in the tank?does it measures the weight of water + weight of water that rises?how about the weight of this suspended ball?
3.- Same as 2, except that there is water displaced.
but this doesn't tell me why the buoyant force is different in case(2) and case(3) although the ball already displaced the same volume of water-so buoyancy should be the same

4-In case(3)
The spring reads zero
which means that Fb=Fg
so the body should suspend in water instead of sinking ...or may be the spring is exerting a certain force to maintain the ball in this position.may be this question is related to the first one which is concerned with the mechanism of the spring balance

I still don't know the answer to this question.

From the readings, I gather this ball definitely sinks in water. In other words, the long line from the top scale down to the ball could be a rope and it would still work this way.
if the body floats,then it would suspend in case 4 instead of sinkning in the bottom (Fg=Fb) true?or I still don't understand how this ballance works ?
  • #6
Let's supposed the you can reach the ceiling of the room you are in and you place a balance on the floor and you weigh yourself...how much do you weigh?

Now, raise your arms and push against the ceiling...how much does the balance reports?

It's the same when the ball is mid-water...because of Archimedes, the water exerts an upwards force on the ball, but because the ball will not float and go up, instead it stays where it is, then the balance under the water reports the weight of the water, plus the reaction force of pushing the ball up that will not move.

does this help?

Oh, and...

3.- Same as 2, except that there is water displaced.

I meant to say:

3.- Same as 2, except that there is LESS water displaced.
  • #7
Now, raise your arms and push against the ceiling...how much does the balance reports?
It would report much force,my weight + the force that i apply on the ceiling
  • #8

Related to Exploring Spring Buoyancy: How it Works & Effects

1. What is spring buoyancy and how does it work?

Spring buoyancy is the upward force exerted by a fluid on an object partially or fully submerged in it due to the displacement of the fluid. This force is directly proportional to the volume of the fluid displaced. In simpler terms, the more fluid an object displaces, the greater the upward force or buoyancy it experiences. This is due to the pressure difference between the bottom and top of the object, with the bottom experiencing a higher pressure due to the weight of the fluid above it.

2. What are the factors that affect spring buoyancy?

The three main factors that affect spring buoyancy are the density of the fluid, the volume of the fluid displaced, and the gravitational force acting on the object. The higher the density of the fluid, the greater the buoyant force. Similarly, the more volume of fluid displaced, the greater the buoyant force. Lastly, the gravitational force acting on the object has an inverse relationship with buoyancy, meaning that as the gravitational force increases, the buoyant force decreases and vice versa.

3. How does the shape and size of an object affect its spring buoyancy?

The shape and size of an object play a crucial role in determining its spring buoyancy. Objects with larger surface areas and irregular shapes tend to displace more fluid and therefore experience a greater buoyant force. This is why a large ship with a bulky structure can float on water, while a small stone with a smaller surface area sinks. Additionally, objects with a hollow structure, like a boat, also have a higher buoyancy due to the volume of air inside the object.

4. What is the difference between spring buoyancy and gravitational force?

Spring buoyancy is an upward force exerted by a fluid on an object, while the gravitational force is the force of attraction between two objects with mass. The direction of buoyancy is always upwards, while the direction of gravity is towards the center of the Earth. Additionally, buoyancy is dependent on the density and volume of the fluid, while gravity is dependent on the mass of the objects involved.

5. How does spring buoyancy affect objects of different densities?

Objects with a lower density than the fluid they are submerged in will experience a greater buoyant force, causing them to float. On the other hand, objects with a higher density than the fluid will experience a lower buoyant force, causing them to sink. This is why materials like wood, which have a lower density than water, can float, while materials like iron, which have a higher density than water, will sink.

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