Exploring Static Queue Operations and Complexity

In summary: Q->Back would still point to the last element in the list, which is not the case anymore. (Kuznetsov)
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi! (Wave)

I am looking at the operations of a static queue.

pointer MakeEmptyQueue(void)
          pointer Q; /* temporary pointer */
          Q = NewCell(Queue); /* malloc() */
          Q->Front = 0;
          Q->Length = 0;
          return Q;

I have to find the complexity of the above algorithm. Isn't it $\Theta(1)$? (Thinking)

void Enqueue(pointer Q, Type x)
       if (Q->Length == N) then error
       else {
              Q->Length = Q->Length+1;
              (Q->A)[(Q->Front + Q->Length –1)% N] = x;

Could you explain me this command: [m](Q->A)[(Q->Front + Q->Length –1)% N] = x; [/m]? :confused:Also, the algorithm [m] Enqueue [/m] of the queue, as a linked list, is this:
void Enqueue(Type x, pointer Q)
       pointer P; /* temporary pointer */
       P = NewCell(Node);
       P->data = x;
       P->next = NULL;
       if (IsEmptyQueue(Q)) then Q->Front = P;
      else Q->Back->next = P;
      Q->Back = P;

Could you explain me why both pointers [m] Q->Back->next[/m] and [m] Q->Back[/m] have to point to [m]P[/m] ? (Thinking)At the algorithm [m] Dequeue[/m]:

Type Dequeue(pointer Q)
        if (IsEmptyQueue(Q)) then error;
        else {
               x = (Q->Front)->data;
               Q->Front = (Q->Front)->next;
               if (Q->Front == NULL) then
                  Q->Back = NULL;
               return x;

why are these lines needed? :confused:

if (Q->Front == NULL) then
   Q->Back = NULL;
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  • #2
evinda said:
Hi! (Wave)

Hey! (Blush)

I am looking at the operations of a static queue.

pointer MakeEmptyQueue(void)
          pointer Q; /* temporary pointer */
          Q = NewCell(Queue); /* malloc() */
          Q->Front = 0;
          Q->Length = 0;
          return Q;

I have to find the complexity of the above algorithm. Isn't it $\Theta(1)$? (Thinking)

Yep! (Nod)
void Enqueue(pointer Q, Type x)
       if (Q->Length == N) then error
       else {
              Q->Length = Q->Length+1;
              (Q->A)[(Q->Front + Q->Length –1)% N] = x;

Could you explain me this command: [m](Q->A)[(Q->Front + Q->Length –1)% N] = x; [/m]? :confused:

The queue is implemented as an array with N entries.
The Q->Front is an index in the array Q->A[0..N-1] that can be somewhere in the middle.
When we enqueue a new entry, we need to calculate where the new entry is, which is at the index Q->Front + Q->Length - 1, except that if the index is beyond the end of the array Q->A[0..N-1], we need to "wrap" around to the beginning.
We can wrap around with the modulo (%) operation. (Wasntme)
Also, the algorithm [m] Enqueue [/m] of the queue, as a linked list, is this:
void Enqueue(Type x, pointer Q)
       pointer P; /* temporary pointer */
       P = NewCell(Node);
       P->data = x;
       P->next = NULL;
       if (IsEmptyQueue(Q)) then Q->Front = P;
      else Q->Back->next = P;
      Q->Back = P;

Could you explain me why both pointers [m] Q->Back->next[/m] and [m] Q->Back[/m] have to point to [m]P[/m] ? (Thinking)

This is a different implementation for a queue using a bidirectional linked list instead of an array.
When we add an entry to it, the tail of the list, which is Q->Back, needs to be updated to point to it.
And if the list was empty to begin with, the head of the list, which is Q->Front, also needs to point to it. (Nerd)
At the algorithm [m] Dequeue[/m]:
Type Dequeue(pointer Q)
        if (IsEmptyQueue(Q)) then error;
        else {
               x = (Q->Front)->data;
               Q->Front = (Q->Front)->next;
               if (Q->Front == NULL) then
                  Q->Back = NULL;
               return x;

why are these lines needed? :confused:

if (Q->Front == NULL) then
   Q->Back = NULL;

Q->Back tracks the tail of the list.
When the list turns out to be empty, it needs to be updated to indicate there is nothing to point to anymore. (Nerd)
  • #3
I like Serena said:
Hey! (Blush)

Yep! (Nod)

I like Serena said:
The queue is implemented as an array with N entries.
The Q->Front is an index in the array Q->A[0..N-1] that can be somewhere in the middle.
When we enqueue a new entry, we need to calculate where the new entry is, which is at the index Q->Front + Q->Length - 1, except that if the index is beyond the end of the array Q->A[0..N-1], we need to "wrap" around to the beginning.
We can wrap around with the modulo (%) operation. (Wasntme)

Could you explain me why we have to put the new element in the
[m]Q->Front + Q->Length - 1 (mod N)[/m] position?
I like Serena said:
When we add an entry to it, the tail of the list, which is Q->Back, needs to be updated to point to it.
This is done by this command: [m]else Q->Back->next = P;[/m], right? (Worried)

But, what does this command: [m]Q->Back = P;[/m] do? :confused:

I like Serena said:
Q->Back tracks the tail of the list.
When the list turns out to be empty, it needs to be updated to indicate there is nothing to point to anymore. (Nerd)

So, does it only need to be updated, when there are no more elements? (Thinking)
  • #4
evinda said:
Could you explain me why we have to put the new element in the
[m]Q->Front + Q->Length - 1 (mod N)[/m] position?

What is it that you do not understand? (Wondering)

At index Q->Front we have the first entry in the queue.
Since there are Q->Length entries in the queue, we need to add that to the index.
And as always, there is some plus or minus 1 magic. (Nerd)
This is done by this command: [m]else Q->Back->next = P;[/m], right? (Worried)

Yes. (Smile)

But, what does this command: [m]Q->Back = P;[/m] do? :confused:

It sets the pointer to the back of the queue, to the new element that we have just added a the back of the queue. (Wasntme)
So, does it only need to be updated, when there are no more elements? (Thinking)

Yep! (Mmm)
  • #5
I like Serena said:
What is it that you do not understand? (Wondering)

At index Q->Front we have the first entry in the queue.
Since there are Q->Length entries in the queue, we need to add that to the index.
And as always, there is some plus or minus 1 magic. (Nerd)

I haven't understood why we take $\mod N$.

Could you explain it maybe to me with an example? (Thinking)
I like Serena said:
Yes. (Smile)
It sets the pointer to the back of the queue, to the new element that we have just added a the back of the queue. (Wasntme)

Yep! (Mmm)

I see... (Smile)

This is a different implementation for a queue using a bidirectional linked list instead of an array.

So, do we not implement a queue with a singly linked list? (Thinking)
  • #6
evinda said:
I haven't understood why we take $\mod N$.

Could you explain it maybe to me with an example? (Thinking)

Here's an example how a queue in an array works that I wrote for your friend. ;)
You should read [m]Front[/m] and [m]Back[/m] where is says $head$ respectively $end$.If there is 1 element in a queue, the queue looks like:
$$-\ \ - \ - \underset{\stackrel\uparrow{head}}o \underset{\stackrel\uparrow{end}}- \ \ -$$
That means that:
$$head+1 \equiv end\pmod{n}$$At some point in time the queue might look like:
$$o \underset{\stackrel\uparrow{end}}- - \underset{\stackrel\uparrow{head}}o o \ \ o$$

If we add one more element at the end, we get:
$$o\ \ o \underset{\stackrel\uparrow{end}}- \underset{\stackrel\uparrow{head}}o o\ \ o$$

At this point we cannot add any more elements, because if $head=end$, that means we consider this an empty queue. In other words, the queue is full or complete when:
$$end+1 \equiv head \pmod{n}$$

When $head=end$ we consider the queue empty.
So, do we not implement a queue with a singly linked list? (Thinking)

We could, and actually we should. (Nod)

The fact that a doubly linked list was chosen makes it a deque rather than a queue, since it supports taking elements from both sides. (Nerd)
  • #7
I like Serena said:
At some point in time the queue might look like:
$$o \underset{\stackrel\uparrow{end}}- - \underset{\stackrel\uparrow{head}}o o \ \ o$$

Why is it in this case $head+1 \equiv end \pmod{n}$ ? (Worried)
  • #8
evinda said:
Why is it in this case $head+1 \equiv end \pmod{n}$ ? (Worried)

It isn't. (Shake)
That condition only applies if there is 1 element in the queue. (Nod)
  • #9
I like Serena said:
It isn't. (Shake)
That condition only applies if there is 1 element in the queue. (Nod)

Which is then the general formula for the pointer tail? Or isn't there a general formula for the position it points to? (Thinking)
  • #10
evinda said:
Which is then the general formula for the pointer tail? Or isn't there a general formula for the position it points to? (Thinking)

The formula, or rather relation, is:
$$end \equiv head + m \pmod n$$
where $m$ is the number of items in the queue, and $n$ is the total size of the array. (Thinking)

Related to Exploring Static Queue Operations and Complexity

1. What is a static queue and how does it work?

A static queue is a data structure that follows the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle. It is a linear collection of elements that can be added at the back and removed from the front. In a static queue, the size is fixed and cannot be changed during runtime.

2. What are the basic operations of a static queue?

The basic operations of a static queue include enqueue (adding an element to the back of the queue), dequeue (removing an element from the front of the queue), isEmpty (checking if the queue is empty), and isFull (checking if the queue is full). Other operations may include peek (viewing the front element without removing it) and size (checking the number of elements in the queue).

3. What is the time complexity of the basic operations in a static queue?

The time complexity of enqueue, dequeue, isEmpty, and isFull operations in a static queue is O(1). This means that the time taken to perform these operations does not depend on the size of the queue. However, the time complexity of peek and size operations is O(n), where n is the size of the queue, as they require traversing through the queue.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a static queue?

The main advantage of a static queue is its simplicity and efficiency in terms of time complexity. It also requires less memory as the size is fixed. However, the main disadvantage is that it cannot be resized during runtime, which can lead to wastage of memory if the queue is not fully utilized. Additionally, if the queue is full, it may cause overflow errors.

5. How does a static queue differ from a dynamic queue?

A dynamic queue is a variation of a static queue where the size can be modified during runtime. This means that it can grow or shrink as needed, making it more flexible. On the other hand, a static queue has a fixed size, which cannot be changed once it is initialized. This makes a dynamic queue more efficient in terms of memory management, but it also introduces additional complexity in terms of implementation and time complexity.

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