Exploring Superposition in Electrical Circuits: What is i3?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of superposition in electrical circuits and the physical processes that occur when two currents are combined. The use of Kirchoff's Laws and the Superposition theorem are suggested as the best approach to analyze this circuit. The idea of using electric fields or simplified models of electron flow is discouraged, and it is recommended to use more complicated models such as Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations.
  • #1

If we want to find i3, we can apply the superposition theorem to the circuit below.


It gives

For V2 set to 0: i3' = V1 / R1
For V1 set to 0: i3'' = V2 / (R1 || R2)
i3 = i3' - i3'' = V1/R1 - V2 / (R1 || R2)
i3 = 10 / 500 - 2.5 / 83.3 = -0.01A

My question is
Do the i3' and i3'' currents really exist. By exist I mean part of electrons flowing through V2 flow in one direction and the other part flow in the opposite direction? And when i3 is measured it is the net current of i3' and i3''.

Or only i3 exists so all electrons flow through V2 in the same direction. If so how does the superposition happens? E. g., do V1's electric field interact with V2's electric field "directly"?

Or it is this way, if we look at a single electron which flows through V2's branch the force applied by V1's field sums up with force applied by V2's field and the resulting force defines the electron's speed and direction? If so, how to calculate the values of the force applied by V1 and the force applied by V2?

So in general, what I want to know is how does superposition happens in electrical circuits?

Thank you!


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  • #2

I should strongly advise you against trying to use electrons for ordinary electrical calculations. What's wrong with Current? All the equations use it and it avoids all those dodgy models involving electrons that people carry in their heads. Forget "electric field" here. What counts is Potential difference. The same current will flow whatever shape / length the resistors and wires happen to be so the field (volts per meter) is irrelevant.

Kirchoffs Laws etc. work perfectly for situations like this.
V2 is a voltage source and that defines the current I4 through R2.
The PD across R1 is also defined by the difference between the two Voltage sources V1 and V2. So the Current I2 is determined by that. The voltage source V2 will source or sink just the right amount of current (I3) so that I4 is what you calculated already.
The only problem you might consider having would be if the tow 'batteries' were not ideal - but that would be specified and would involve, effectively, some more simultaneous equations.
  • #3

Thanks for your answer.

I agree using Kirchoffs Laws or the Superposition theorem is the best approach to analyse this circuit.

What I'm trying to do is to imagine what physical processes actually happen when two currents sums up.
I would be pretty happy with a simplified model if what actually is going on is a very complicated process.
Just to have some "image" of this process in my head.
Or a reference to a book/site where I can read up about this process would be great.

Or a simplified explanation and a reference to the complex one would be just perfect :)
  • #4

Fair enough but you need to start off in a valid direction. Electric fields can hardly help and neither can very simplified models of electron flow.
The 'next level' of complication needs to be much more complicated if it is to hold water.
  • #5

sophiecentaur said:
The 'next level' of complication needs to be much more complicated if it is to hold water.

Could you name a couple of such model?
I found this Wikipedia's article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comput...ics#Finite-difference_time-domain_.28FDTD.29"
Though I don't understand a single word in it, to be honest. But just out of curiosity, do some of the things described in this article look like such models?
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FAQ: Exploring Superposition in Electrical Circuits: What is i3?

1. What is superposition in electrical circuits?

Superposition is a principle in electrical circuits that states that the individual effects of multiple sources of voltage or current can be calculated separately and then added together to find the total effect. This allows for easier analysis of complex circuits.

2. How does superposition relate to i3 in electrical circuits?

I3, or the current through a specific resistor in a circuit, is a result of the superposition principle. It is calculated by taking the sum of the individual currents that would flow through the resistor if each source were acting alone.

3. Why is i3 important in understanding electrical circuits?

I3 allows us to better understand the behavior of a specific resistor in a complex circuit. By using the principle of superposition, we can isolate the effects of each source and determine the impact on the current through the resistor.

4. How do you calculate i3 in a circuit with multiple sources?

To calculate i3, you would first calculate the current through the resistor caused by each individual source acting alone. Then, you would add these currents together to find the total current through the resistor.

5. Can superposition and i3 be applied to all electrical circuits?

Superposition and i3 can be applied to linear circuits, which are circuits where the components follow Ohm's Law and have a linear relationship between voltage and current. Non-linear circuits, such as those containing diodes or transistors, do not follow this relationship and cannot be analyzed using the superposition principle.

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