Exploring the A004730 Sequence: Uncovering Its Meaning

  • Thread starter icystrike
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of double factorials and how they can be expressed in terms of the usual factorial. The sequence mentioned on the webpage is a series of double factorials and can also be written in terms of the usual factorial.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Can someone explain to me what is this sequence referred in the page?
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  • #2
It says what it is on the page, right? '!' is 'double factorial'. If n is even n! is the product of all of the even numbers up to n and if n is odd then it's the product of all of the odd numbers. I.e. 5!/6!=(1*3*5)/(2*4*6)=5/16. Then take the numerator. That's the 5 entry.
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  • #3
Thanks! =D I didnt know there is a double factorial
  • #4
Now I'm confused. 4!/5! should be 2*4/(3*5)=8/15. I don't see a 15 in the series.
  • #5
Dick said:
Now I'm confused. 4!/5! should be 2*4/(3*5)=8/15. I don't see a 15 in the series.

Never mind. I was looking at the denominator instead of the numerator.
  • #6
The series has included both numerator and denominator... So its Ok! =D
  • #7
These "double factorials" can always be written in terms of the usual factorial:

If n is even, say n= 2k, then
[itex]n!= 2(4)(6)...(2k-2)(2k)= (2(1))(2(2))(2(3))...(2(k-1))(2k)= 2^k k![/tex]

If n is odd, say n= 2k+ 1, then
[tex]n!= 3(5)(7)...(2k-1)(2k+1)= \frac{2(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)...(2k-1)(2k)(2k+1)}{2(4)(6)...(2k)}[/tex]
[tex]= \frac{(2k+1)!}{2^k k!}[/tex]

FAQ: Exploring the A004730 Sequence: Uncovering Its Meaning

1. What is the A004730 sequence?

The A004730 sequence is a mathematical sequence that begins with the number 12 and follows a specific pattern of adding the sum of its digits to the previous number in the sequence. The first few numbers in the sequence are 12, 13, 15, 20, 22, 26, 35, 37, 41, 56, and so on.

2. Who discovered the A004730 sequence?

The A004730 sequence was discovered by mathematician Neil Sloane in 1973. Sloane is known for his work in the field of combinatorics and is the founder of the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.

3. What is the significance of the A004730 sequence?

The significance of the A004730 sequence lies in its connection to the Fibonacci sequence, as well as its appearance in various mathematical and scientific phenomena. It also has applications in coding theory and number theory.

4. How is the A004730 sequence related to the Fibonacci sequence?

The A004730 sequence is related to the Fibonacci sequence through a specific property called the Lucas sequence. The Lucas sequence is created by starting with the numbers 2 and 1, and then adding the previous two numbers to get the next number in the sequence. The A004730 sequence can be seen as a variation of the Lucas sequence, with the initial numbers being 12 and 1 instead of 2 and 1.

5. What is the current understanding of the meaning behind the A004730 sequence?

Despite extensive research, the meaning behind the A004730 sequence is still not fully understood. Some theories suggest that it may have connections to the golden ratio or be related to the growth of certain biological structures. However, further exploration and analysis are needed to fully uncover its meaning.

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