Exploring the Applications and Interpretations of Fractional Derivatives

In summary, fractional derivatives are a way to take derivatives of fractional order rather than the usual integral order. The paper made perfect sense to me, and I'm curious to know what the physical interpretation is. I haven't seen any applications of complex orders, nor of fractional derivatives of complex functions, but there are a lot of physical applications.
  • #1
I recently read a paper on fractional derivatives. That is how to take derivatives of fractional order rather than the usual integral order. The paper made perfect sense to me, however I wondered:

1) Are there geometric interpretations of fractional derivatives? Kind of like how first derivatives give us slopes of tangent lines and second derivatives tell us about a functions concavity.

2) Are there physicsal applications?

Thanks to anyone who has answers or can point me in the right direction.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The only geometrical interpretation I have seen is Igor Podlubny's Geometric and physical interpretation of fractional integration and fractional differentiation which is on Arxiv. There is also Parvate & Gangal Calculus on fractal subsets of real line, again on Arxiv. The latter is very hard to read though.

As for applications? Oh God. Where to begin. Podlubny's book Fractional Differential Equations has a whole chapter on it. We not only have a dedicated journal Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis but also the application only Fractional Differential Equations. Take a look at the References section of the Wikipedia page on the subject. Or Podlubny's http://people.tuke.sk/igor.podlubny/fc_resources.html" .

The million dollar question is what is the physical interpretation. Too many papers fall into "here is an experiment and we can model it with fractional derivatives" and give no reason as to why. Papers on this topic range from capital-b Bad to down right mathematical BS. The best paper I have seen is Neel, Abdennadher and Solofoniaina A continuous variant for Grunwald-Letnikov fractional derivatives. I highly recommend this as it derives everything from first principles.

NB: everything I wrote above is about real fractional calculus. I haven't seen any applications of complex orders, nor of fractional derivatives of complex functions.
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  • #3
There are a lot of physical applications. Some are listed in :
K.B.Oldham, J.Spanier, "The fractionnal Calculus", Academic Press, N.-Y., 1974.
An interesting application in electrotechnology, in the field of impedances calculus, is a generalization of the resistance, inductance, capacitance to a more general notion : see section 7, p.4 in the paper "La dérivation fractionnaire"
[ written in French, but the table in p.4 showing the components generalization can be as well understood in English ]
  • #4
Thank you both for the information.

FAQ: Exploring the Applications and Interpretations of Fractional Derivatives

What is a fractional derivative?

A fractional derivative is a mathematical operation that extends the concept of a derivative to non-integer orders. It allows for the calculation of derivatives of non-integer order functions.

Why do we need fractional derivatives?

Fractional derivatives have many applications in physics, engineering, and other fields. They can be used to describe complex systems with memory, such as viscoelastic materials and biological systems. They also provide a more accurate representation of certain physical phenomena, such as diffusion and fractal behavior.

How is a fractional derivative calculated?

To calculate a fractional derivative, we use the Riemann-Liouville or Caputo definition, which involves integrating the function over a certain interval and then taking a fractional power of the integration variable. Alternatively, we can use the Grünwald-Letnikov definition, which is based on a finite difference approach.

What is the physical interpretation of a fractional derivative?

The physical interpretation of a fractional derivative depends on the specific application. In general, it can be seen as a measure of the rate of change of a function with respect to a non-integer order of time or space. It can also represent the amount of memory or history of a system.

What are some real-world examples of fractional derivatives?

Fractional derivatives have many applications in various fields. In physics, they are used to model the behavior of viscoelastic materials, such as rubber and polymers. In engineering, they are used to describe the diffusion of particles in porous media and the dynamics of electrical circuits. In finance, they are used to model stock prices and financial derivatives. They are also used in signal processing and image processing to enhance and analyze signals and images.
