Exploring the Cause of String Theory Vibrations/Oscillations

In summary, according to this TV show, string theory is about vibrating energy that can turn into different types of particles.
  • #1
I hope this not a dumb question. In t.v. programs I see about String Theory there is something vibrating or oscillating. What's vibrating or oscillating I don't know, but what is causing the vibration or oscillation.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'm not sure and it is just a theory but it think in the theory that everything you see is made up of vibrating strings. So different types of Quarks would be strings vibrating in different ways giving them different properties. I don't think this has been proved and I don't think everyone agrees with it. Someone else might be able to explain it in better detail.
  • #3
You really shouldn't be asking this question. I think that it is wonderful that you have peaked an interest in physics from national TV programing, however, theories such as string theory and really any principles of physics, proven or not, can not be understood to any degree with a television and a question on a forum. I am by no means trying to stifle your interest. I am only suggesting that if you are truly fascinated and want to gain a deeper understanding of the universe, you must start with the basics.

It is like attempting to read musical notation, when all you know how to do is read guitar tabs.

The foundations of knowledge must be in place if you want to truly KNOW something as far out as string theory, or as seemingly simple as Newtonian physics.

But anyway here's a link to get you started so you don't have to wait 15 or 20 years:http://www.superstringtheory.com/"
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  • #4
I've heard (also on a TV show) that it's about energy vibrating.

But personnally I prefer not to care and just think that the string theory physicists just handle mathematical descriptions of some sort of multi-dimensional oscillation that seems to be able to describe some physical reality (not much yet, though), without caring about what these mathematical expressions really describe.

It's like the equation of Schrodinger in quantum physics, describing particles with some sort of wave function. As of what I understand from it, nothing really vibrates, it's merely about probabilities to find the particle on some spot that "vibrate".
  • #5
By what I've read, its vibrating energy, in which with each vibration, it could turn into a different particle. So all the several bunches of elementary particles found are all essentially different versions of the same thing...or at least I think this is how it works according to theory.

FAQ: Exploring the Cause of String Theory Vibrations/Oscillations

1. What is string theory and why is it important?

String theory is a theoretical framework in physics that aims to explain the fundamental nature of particles and the forces that govern them. It proposes that particles are not point-like objects but tiny, vibrating strings. String theory is important because it attempts to reconcile two seemingly incompatible theories in physics, General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and has the potential to provide a unified understanding of the universe.

2. What do we mean by "vibrations" or "oscillations" in string theory?

In string theory, the fundamental particles are not considered to be point-like objects, but rather as tiny strings that vibrate at specific frequencies. These vibrations or oscillations determine the properties of the particles, such as their mass and charge.

3. How do we explore the cause of string theory vibrations/oscillations?

There are multiple approaches to exploring the cause of string theory vibrations/oscillations. One method is through mathematical calculations and simulations, using the principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity. Another approach is through experiments, such as the Large Hadron Collider, which can test the predictions of string theory.

4. What are some potential implications of understanding the cause of string theory vibrations/oscillations?

If we can fully understand the cause of string theory vibrations/oscillations, it could lead to a more complete understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe. It could also potentially lead to new technologies and insights into phenomena such as gravity and black holes.

5. What are some current challenges in exploring the cause of string theory vibrations/oscillations?

One of the main challenges in exploring the cause of string theory vibrations/oscillations is the lack of experimental evidence. String theory is a highly complex and abstract concept, making it difficult to test in real-world scenarios. Additionally, there are different versions of string theory, and it is not yet clear which, if any, accurately describes our universe.

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