Exploring the Concept of Bulk and Parallel Universes Across Multiple Dimensions

  • Thread starter Vinni
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In summary, parallel universes are thought to exist in higher dimensions, separate from our own universe. This idea is supported by braneworld models of cosmology, where each universe is represented as a brane in a higher dimensional space. The term "bulk" refers to the dimensions orthogonal to the brane. While these parallel universes are not directly observable, the concept of gravity from these universes potentially affecting our own remains an open question.
  • #1
Is the bulk the manifold container with 12 dimensions? Also are parallel universes those that operate across different dimensions? For instance our universe operates in dimensions 1, 2, 3, but a parallel universe could operate in dimensions 4,5,6?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
In standard braneworld models of cosmology, parallel universes can be thought of as separate branes evolving in a higher dimension space. So, for example, in such a set-up our universe would be a 3-brane (3 extended spatial dimensions). We can imagine a 4th spatial dimension orthogonal to the 3 dimensions of our brane. We could then in principle fill the 4th dimension with many other 3-branes (think of stacking cd's on a spool -- the cd's are 3-branes and the spool axis is the 4th orthogonal dimension). If each 3-brane could support a universe, then this construct would provide an example of parallel universes.

To answer your first question, the 'bulk' is the term used to describe the dimensions orthogonal to the brane of interest. The dimensionality depends on the model.
  • #3
And a bit more here with some links:


In general the bulk is not accessible, not observable, to us. In string theory, for example, forces such as the electromagnetic and nuclear forces are represented via vibrating strings whose ends are attached to branes...so they are 'stuck' in our three dimensional space.

Gravity, however, may be unattached strings which can "float" off into the bulk and it may be that is why it is so weak in our observable three dimensions of space...it diffuses into extra dimensions we can't so far observe. So one open question is whether the gravity from parallel universes might somehow be detectable in ours.

FAQ: Exploring the Concept of Bulk and Parallel Universes Across Multiple Dimensions

1. What is the concept of bulk and parallel universes?

The concept of bulk and parallel universes refers to the idea that there may be multiple universes existing alongside our own. These universes could have different physical laws, dimensions, and even versions of ourselves.

2. How are bulk and parallel universes different from each other?

Bulk universes are theorized to exist within the same space and time as our own universe, but in a different dimension. Parallel universes, on the other hand, are thought to exist in a separate space and time, with their own unique set of physical laws.

3. What evidence supports the existence of bulk and parallel universes?

Currently, there is no concrete evidence to support the existence of bulk and parallel universes. However, some theories in quantum mechanics, cosmology, and string theory suggest the possibility of their existence.

4. Can we ever prove the existence of bulk and parallel universes?

It is currently impossible to prove the existence of bulk and parallel universes as we do not have the technology or means to observe or interact with them. However, with advancements in science and technology, it is possible that we may one day have evidence or even the ability to travel to these universes.

5. How does the concept of bulk and parallel universes impact our understanding of the universe?

The concept of bulk and parallel universes challenges our understanding of the universe and forces us to question the limits of our current knowledge. It also opens up the possibilities of other realities and dimensions, expanding our perception of the universe and our place within it.

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