Exploring the Concept of Tangent on a Large Circle

In summary, it is theorized that a tangent line will only touch a perfect circle at one single point, regardless of its size. This is because a circle has zero width, just like a tangent line. However, at a small enough scale, a circle can appear identical to a line. At this scale, a tangent line can intersect a curve more than once, but this is not true for a circle. The concept of "appear flat" can also be understood as being close enough to the surface of a circle for it to appear as a line. This center of the line, which is the intersection of the endpoints, is not a true endpoint but rather the boundary of infinity.
  • #1
Theoretically it is said that, tangent touches to a single point on a circle. But If my circle is very big, and large enough, then i think, it should not be a just single point where my tangent is touching, though is will be a very small portion depending on how large is the circle.

If i have a perfect sphere of size of earth, then a perfectly flat surface of size of football field will completely be touching on to the Earth's surface, and is not just at one point!

So, my question is, how big should be the radius of a circle, to perfectly allow 1 meter of area of a tangent touching perfectly on it?
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  • #2
If you have a perfect circle, then a tangent line will only touch the circle at one single point. It doesn't matter how large the circle is.
  • #3
A circle is a circle. Small or large does not matter because both the border of the circle and the tangent line are zero width.
  • #4
Maybe another way to look at this is: how close do you need to be to the surface of the circle/sphere for it to appear flat?
  • #5
adrianmitrea said:
Maybe another way to look at this is: how close do you need to be to the surface of the circle/sphere for it to appear flat?

Define what "appear flat" means.
  • #6
at a small enough scale, a circle is identical to a line; i am referring to a differential scale... however, a tangent will never intersect any curve more than once.
  • #7
adrianmitrea said:
at a small enough scale, a circle is identical to a line; i am referring to a differential scale...

A circle is never identical to a line. Or do you mean an infinitesimal scale?

however, a tangent will never intersect any curve more than once.

This is false, but it is true for a circle.
  • #8
that is what I meant by a differential scale

also, you are right, a tangent can intersect a cubic curve in more than one point, and that is just one case...
  • #9
from a topological point of view, both structures are infinite; without beginning or end. ie the "endpoints" of a line can coincide at infinity, and thus form a closed loop topologically equivalent to a circle. Furthermore, any segment of the line WILL contain the "center" of the line. I therefore propose that this center is the intersection of the endpoints of the line
  • #10
A line does not have endpoints.
  • #11
that is why I used quotes, they are not really points that terminate the line. they are more like the boundary of infinity; two coincident lines can "grow" at different rates, and the line that grows fastest will enclose the other line. The enclosed line would have endpoints within the outer line, as it is entirely contained in the outer line.

FAQ: Exploring the Concept of Tangent on a Large Circle

1. What is the definition of area of tangent on a circle?

The area of tangent on a circle is the measure of the region formed by the point of tangency between a tangent line and the circle. It is also known as the tangent area or tangent segment.

2. How is the area of tangent on a circle calculated?

The area of tangent on a circle can be calculated using the formula A = (r^2)/2, where r is the radius of the circle. This formula is derived from the Pythagorean theorem and is applicable for all sizes of circles.

3. What is the relationship between the tangent area and the radius of the circle?

The area of tangent on a circle is directly proportional to the square of the radius. This means that as the radius increases, the area of tangent also increases, and vice versa.

4. Can the area of tangent on a circle be negative?

No, the area of tangent on a circle cannot be negative. It is always a positive value, as it represents a physical measure of a region on the circle.

5. How is the area of tangent on a circle used in real-world applications?

The area of tangent on a circle has various applications in engineering, physics, and geometry. For example, it is used in calculating the surface area of a sphere, determining the contact area between a wheel and the ground, and finding the length of a chord on a circle.

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