Exploring the Dimensions of the Higgs Field

In summary, the Higgs field is 4 dimensional and has a scalar component with a non-zero vacuum expectation value. The other three components have zero vev and their particle excitations are not physical. The physical mass of particles is a single number, but the running mass varies with energy and is used in perturbation theory. Exciting the Higgs does not change the value of the field, as it is fixed at the vev. This is because particles are small fluctuations in the background of the vev, and the Higgs vev is the only one that can be non-zero for the vacuum to be Lorentz invariant. However, to make the theory quantizable, we must couple the massive fields to the Higgs and
  • #1
Is the Higgs field 4 dimensional?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes, it's an SU(2) doublet with two complex components, or equivalently 4 real components.
  • #3
RobTheHoff said:
Is the Higgs field 4 dimensional?
There is only one Higgs field, and it is a scalar (a Lorentz invariant). It has the same value everywhere, and to all observers.

The other three fields that vasilis refers to are not observed. They are absorbed and become part of the W and Z bosons when those particles acquire a mass.
  • #4
Bill_K said:
There is only one Higgs field, and it is a scalar (a Lorentz invariant). It has the same value everywhere, and to all observers.
Unless we excite it in the LHC?
  • #5
mfb said:
Unless we excite it in the LHC?
Even in the LHC, the Higgs field has the same value, namely v = 246 GeV. Producing an excitation (Higgs boson) does not change the value of the field.

If v ever changed, the masses of all the fermions and gauge bosons would change, since they are proportional to it. The weak coupling constants depend on it also. And obviously this does not happen!
  • #6
Sorry, I don't understand that. How can a field get excited and not change at all - at the same time?
246 GeV is the vacuum expectation value. We don't have a vacuum if there is a Higgs boson.
  • #7
Hijacking the thread a bit, I have a question about Higgs vev. It's stated that it is 246 GeV.

I'm puzzled by the unit used. GeV is energy unit. So, there is 246 GeV of Higgs field... in what? Cubic meter? Cubic millimeter? Cubic Planck lenght?
Why unit is not, say, GeV/(mm^3)?
  • #8
nikkkom said:
Hijacking the thread a bit, I have a question about Higgs vev. It's stated that it is 246 GeV.

I'm puzzled by the unit used. GeV is energy unit. So, there is 246 GeV of Higgs field... in what? Cubic meter? Cubic millimeter? Cubic Planck lenght?
Why unit is not, say, GeV/(mm^3)?
It's not the energy OF anything, it merely serves to set the scale. All the particle masses are proportional to v.

For example, MW = ½ g v, where g is the (dimensionless) weak coupling constant. MW = 80 GeV and g = 0.65, so v comes out to 246 GeV.
  • #9
Bill_K said:
Even in the LHC, the Higgs field has the same value, namely v = 246 GeV. Producing an excitation (Higgs boson) does not change the value of the field.

By this logic, electromagnetic waves should not have any field strength since the vev of the field is zero and producing excitations (photons) would not change the field value.
  • #10
Orodruin said:
By this logic, electromagnetic waves should not have any field strength since the vev of the field is zero and producing excitations (photons) would not change the field value.
See, mfb? This is why your comment was counterhelpful. Maybe you'd like to try explaining to Orodruin the difference between a macroscopic field and its quantum excitation.
  • #11
Also the masses change with energy (yukawa coupling constant is a running constant)?
  • #12
Is the Higgs field 4 dimensional?

Yes, but only one of the components has a non zero vacuum expectation value (vev) and physical particle like excitations.

The other three have zero vev and their particle excitations are not physical scalar like excitations.

Also the masses change with energy (yukawa coupling constant is a running constant)?

It is important to note that the physical mass (pole mass) is a single number. The running mass which varies with energy (or more correctly, scale) is a parameter used in perturbation theory with the scale chosen to improve convergence.

Even in the LHC, the Higgs field has the same value, namely v = 246 GeV. Producing an excitation (Higgs boson) does not change the value of the field.

I believe Bill_K means that if you look on the expectation value of a zero vev field in a state with an excitation from that field ( such as looking at the expectation value of the higgs field without the vev in a state with a higgs boson) the expectation value is still zero. You need to build states which are a superposition of states with different particle numbers for the field to have non zero expectation value.
  • #13
In regard to the confusion about the exciting the Higgs,

By definition, a particle is a quantum flluctuation about a vacuum, i.e pick a classical field configuration of minimal energy, that is the vev of your field, consider small fluctuations about it and quantize them (have them obey Bose or fermi-Dirac statistics). This is precisely what is meant by exciting the vacuum with a single creation operator. Note, in QFT the fields appearing in the lagrangian should always be understood as a two-term structure: the vev plus the fluctuation.

Since the vacuum must be Lorentz invariant, the only field which can have a non-zero vev is the (scalar) Higgs field. (Of course we can have non-zero vevs for non-abelian gauge fields, e.g. Instanton backgrounds and etc, but for our discussion we can ignore these). So, for most fields the vev piece is set to zero and what really appears in the lagrangian is just the fluctuation which you would like to quantize.

Now, the essential point is that the background is fixed at the vevs of your fields and it never changes. Thus, we have zero vevs for all the fields but the Higgs. Particles should be thought as small (quantum) fluctuations propagating in this background with their mass parameters depending on the vev of the Higgs field. For all these to work out nicely though, we must couple the "massive" fields to the Higgs field, which appears in L with a zero vev at the moment, then add a spontaneously-symmetry-breaking potential term in the Lagrangian which picks up the vev of the Higgs and thereafter we need to consider a shift of the Higgs in order to make sure that the theory will be quantized on a true (stable) vacuum. Note that initially there are no mass terms for these fields. After the shift, the massive fields acquire a mass term from the vev piece as well as some other coupling terms with the Higgs. So, the mass terms do not involve any interactions with the "quanta" of the Higgs field but rather they contain an explicit factor of its vev. In other words, all the particles feel heavy when they propagate in the presence of this non-zero vev.

Higgs excitations do not alter the vev and hence, neither the mass parameters. They only turn on interactions among the massive fields and the Higgs bosons with a yukawa coupling parameter. You can probe these interactions at different energy scales and determine the value of the yukawa coupling at these energies. You can also determine the mass parameters and then given e.g. Mass of W = g.v/2 you can determine v=vev, and confirm that it's independent of the probe scale.

FAQ: Exploring the Dimensions of the Higgs Field

1. What is the Higgs field?

The Higgs field is a fundamental quantum field that permeates all of space and gives particles their mass. It was first proposed by Peter Higgs and other theorists in the 1960s and has since been confirmed by experiments at the Large Hadron Collider.

2. How does the Higgs field interact with particles?

The Higgs field interacts with particles through the Higgs mechanism, which is responsible for giving particles their mass. When particles interact with the Higgs field, they acquire energy that manifests as mass.

3. What are the dimensions of the Higgs field?

The Higgs field is a scalar field, meaning it has no directional properties. It exists in all three spatial dimensions, as well as in time, making it a four-dimensional field.

4. How is the Higgs field related to the Higgs boson?

The Higgs boson is a particle that is associated with the Higgs field. It is a manifestation of the fluctuations in the Higgs field and is responsible for giving other particles their mass through the Higgs mechanism.

5. How does the Higgs field impact our understanding of the universe?

The discovery of the Higgs field and the Higgs boson has greatly advanced our understanding of the fundamental forces and particles that make up our universe. It has also provided evidence for the existence of the Higgs mechanism, which helps explain the origin of mass in the universe.

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