Exploring the Dispersion Relation for a Boson Gas Under an Harmonic Potential

  • Thread starter lokofer
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    Boson Gas
In summary, the question is if we know what the Partition function is, we could obtain the specific Heat, and other important Thermodinamical entities...but could we know what the "dispersion relation" w(k) for k real is?.
  • #1
Let's suppose we have a Boson Non-interacting gas under an Harmonic potential so

[tex] V(x)= \omega (k) x^{2} [/tex]

the question is if we know what the Partition function is [tex] Z= Z (\beta ) [/tex] we could obtain the specific Heat, and other important Thermodinamical entities...but could we know what the "dispersion relation" w(k) for k real is? , i have looked several books about "Solid State" but i don't find any info about how to get dispersion relations using partition functions or similar..or if we can find an Integral or differential equation for the w(k)..thanks
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  • #2
We can really only know the partition function if we know w(k). For a given Hamiltonian for which we can find the eigenspectrum, the partition function for n non-interacting, once we know the partition function for a single particle in this potential we are able to formulate the many-body partition function. I this what you are asking is to calculate the response function for the system, which is different from w(k)
  • #3
Sorry "Epicurus" I'm not Brittish or American so my english sometimes sounds ambigous..my problem is..

-Let's suppose we know the TOTAL partition function for the system [tex] Z(\beta ) [/tex]

- If we have a Non-interacting Boson gas we have that: [tex] Z(\beta)= \prod _k Z_k (\beta) [/tex]

- I wish to calculate fro this...the "dispersion relation" [tex] \omega (k) [/tex] using the functions i know (Total partition function and Specific Heat, Gibss function and similar that can be obtained from the Total partition function )... for example getting a differential equation or other type of equation for [tex] \omega (k) [/tex] so it can be solved by numerical methods to obtain the "frecuencies"..Hope it's clearer (my question) now...
  • #4
1-The expression you have written down in the third line is incorrect.
  • #5
- Are you referring that for a Non-interacting gas the "total partition function" (Harmonic approach) isn't equal to the product of all the partition function for all the particles taking N=1 ?...
  • #6
Yes that correct. You talking about the distinguishable case, not the bosonic case.
  • #7
- Well in any case...is there any form to obtain the "structure" (unit cell) of the gas or the dispersion relation, speed of sound [tex] c(k)= \frac{d \omega }{dk} [/tex] or any quantity related to the "frecuencies"...? I know that from the partition function you could calculate "Entropy" , "Energy" (U) and other Thermodinamical functions but not the "frecuencies"..perhaps you could use X-ray scattering or other method but if you don't know the "shape" (unit cell) of the gas i think you can't do anything.

FAQ: Exploring the Dispersion Relation for a Boson Gas Under an Harmonic Potential

1. What is a dispersion relation?

A dispersion relation is a mathematical relationship that describes the dependence of a wave's frequency or wavelength on its momentum or energy. It is often used to study the behavior of waves in various physical systems, such as in boson gases under an harmonic potential.

2. How is the dispersion relation for a boson gas under an harmonic potential explored?

The dispersion relation for a boson gas under an harmonic potential can be explored using theoretical models and experimental techniques. Theoretical methods involve solving equations that describe the interaction between the bosons and the harmonic potential. Experimental methods involve studying the behavior of real boson gases under an harmonic potential and measuring their dispersion relation.

3. Why is exploring the dispersion relation for a boson gas under an harmonic potential important?

Studying the dispersion relation for a boson gas under an harmonic potential can provide valuable insights into the behavior of boson gases, which are important in many areas of physics. It can also help us understand the effects of external forces, such as the harmonic potential, on the dynamics of boson gases.

4. What are some potential applications of understanding the dispersion relation for a boson gas under an harmonic potential?

Understanding the dispersion relation for a boson gas under an harmonic potential can have various applications in fields such as condensed matter physics, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics. It can also have practical applications, such as in the development of new technologies and materials.

5. Are there any challenges in exploring the dispersion relation for a boson gas under an harmonic potential?

Yes, there are some challenges in exploring the dispersion relation for a boson gas under an harmonic potential. This includes the complexity of the mathematical equations involved, the difficulty in creating and controlling boson gases in laboratory settings, and the limitations of experimental techniques. However, with advances in technology and theoretical methods, these challenges can be overcome.
