Exploring the Doppler Effect: Red Shift, Blue Shift, or Just Curiosity?

In summary: So in summary, if you're chasing a light beam that is travelling away from you at a speed of .999c, then you will never be able to catch up to it and you will never see the light.
  • #1
This might be a stupid question, but it came to me the other day while reading. Since the speed of light is the same in all frames what would happen if you were chasing a light beam at .999% c, so you were heading right for it (but could never catch it) and it is ahead of you traveling at c. If you were to include the doppler effect what color would the light beam appear?
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  • #2
Since you'd never catch up with the light, you'd never see it at all!
  • #3
I don't understand the scenario. If the "light beam" is moving away from you, you won't see it at all.

[jtbell beat me too it!]
  • #4
if it were possible to see it?
  • #5
Quantum1332 said:
if it were possible to see it?
The doppler shift equation is based partly on the time dilation of the source in your frame--in other words, if a source is emitting wave peaks at a frequency of 5*10^14 per second (visible light) in its own rest frame, then because of time dilation, when it's moving with respect to you it will emit less peaks per second in your frame. In the limit as the velocity of a clock in your frame approaches c, the time between ticks of the clock approaches infinity, no matter how long between ticks in the clock's own frame...so analogously, in the limit as a source's velocity relative to you approaches c, the time between peaks of any signal it emits in your direction approaches infinity too. So I think the answer you're looking for is that the light from a source moving at c would be infinitely redshifted, even though that only makes sense as a statement about limits since a massive light-emitting source cannot actually move at c.
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  • #6
Quantum1332 said:
if it were possible to see it?


Black is black,
But I want my baby back.
For grey is is grey,
Since you went away.
  • #7
If you were heading away from the source emmiting light of a known frequency at .999c, so that the light from the source could catch up with you, then you would just use the relativistic doppler shift formula to convert the velocity into a redshift:


You would compute


to get sqrt(.001/1.999) and a redshift frequency factor of .022 (or a wavelength incrase of 44.7).

As various posters have pointed out, it doesn't make any sense to ask what the frequency is if you can't observe it.

Related to Exploring the Doppler Effect: Red Shift, Blue Shift, or Just Curiosity?

1. What is the difference between red shift and blue shift?

Red shift and blue shift refer to the change in wavelength of light from an object. Red shift occurs when the wavelength of light increases, making it appear more red, while blue shift occurs when the wavelength decreases, making it appear more blue. This phenomenon is caused by the movement of an object towards or away from the observer.

2. How does red shift provide evidence for the expansion of the universe?

Red shift, specifically cosmological red shift, is a result of the expansion of the universe. As light from distant galaxies travels through the expanding universe, its wavelength is stretched, causing it to appear more red. This is strong evidence for the expansion of the universe and is a key principle in the Big Bang theory.

3. Can blue shift occur in the universe?

Yes, blue shift can occur in the universe. This is often seen in objects that are moving towards the observer, such as stars or galaxies that are part of our own galaxy. The blue shift in their light indicates that they are moving closer to us.

4. How can red shift be used to measure the distance of objects in space?

Red shift can be used to measure the distance of objects in space through the use of Hubble's Law. This law states that the farther an object is from us, the faster it is moving away from us and the greater its red shift will be. By measuring the red shift of an object, scientists can calculate its distance from Earth.

5. Does the Doppler effect only apply to light?

No, the Doppler effect can apply to any type of wave, including sound waves. In fact, the Doppler effect was first discovered in sound waves, where it is commonly observed in the changing pitch of a siren as it approaches and then passes by an observer. The same principle applies to light waves, resulting in red shift and blue shift.

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