Exploring the Double Slit Experiment

In summary, the photons emitted from the source are randomly directed, and as you turn the light intensity down, fewer and fewer photons are emitted and the interference pattern on the photographic film disappears.
  • #1
Hi all. I am just trying to get my head around the double slit experiment(I know I am not the first)
I am stuck trying to understand the initial state of the individual photons when they are being fired sequentially.(their direction and place of origin)(where the quantum confusion sets in)
An analogy often used is to imagine a gun shooting through the slits(bullets representing photons)and the surprise one would get if they created interference bands despite being fired sequentially. The thing with this is that the gun would have an initial direction which could be used to infer which slit each bullet went through.
Is the photon emitter not the same? light can be directed just like a machine gun(lasers for example)so how in this experiment is the emitter set up so that the individual photons are aimed at the two slits? how are the photons emitted such that we cannot infer their initial trajectory?
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  • #2
gonadgranny said:
Is the photon emitter not the same? light can be directed just like a machine gun(lasers for example)so how in this experiment is the emitter set up so that the individual photons are aimed at the two slits? how are the photons emitted such that we cannot infer their initial trajectory?

We're shining a coherent light source on a screen with two slits in it, illuminating both slits and forming an interference pattern on a piece of photographic film behind it. The number of photons emitted per second is proportional to the intensity of the light, and because we're illuminating the screen and both slits, we're talking about a flood of photons (it's worth calculating roughly how many photons are emitted from a 1 watt light source in a second - "flood" is an understatement).

Note that we are NOT aiming the photons. At best, we're aiming the beam of light, and we're aiming it so that it illuminates both slits equally.

Under these conditions, the only sensible thing that we can say about the trajectory of any single photon in the flood is that when the photon leaves a spot on the photographic film, that's where it was at that moment. We don't know anything about which slit it came through; all we know is that it was part of the flood of photons that came pouring through the two slits. It seems natural to assume that it passed through one slit or the other - but that's an assumption based on our experience with macroscopic objects like bullets, may or may may not be the way photons work - it's not something that has to be true.

Now comes the fun part... we reduce the intensity of the light while continuing to illuminate both slots equally. The number of photons per second is proportional to the intensity of the light, so as we turn the light intensity down we get fewer photons and fewer spots appearing on the photographic film every second. Turn the intensity down far enough, and we only have one photon in flight at a time (we can calculate this from the rate at which the spots appear on the film and the known travel time from light source to film). The interference pattern still appears, and we still have no way of knowing which slot any given photon passed through.
  • #3
do you know much about the emitting device which is used? i am trying to understand this intensity reduction process. which is works i assume by lowering electrical input energy which then excites fewer and fewer atoms which release less and less photons down to the point where single atoms are being excited.So these atoms would be random(to us) we don't know which one emits a photon.and when we put a detector at the slits the process is no longer random.and random means there is no observer to the process.so it seems that as soon as there is an observer in any process the pattern no longer appears? and is this the same for all quantum phenomenon, they cannot be witnessed so to speak, only their spooky manifestations?
  • #4
ps. thanks for the very detailed and informative reply.

FAQ: Exploring the Double Slit Experiment

1. What is the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment is a classic experiment in quantum mechanics that demonstrates the wave-particle duality of light and matter. It involves a light source being shone through two narrow slits onto a screen, creating an interference pattern of light and dark bands. This phenomenon can only be explained by understanding light and matter as both a wave and a particle.

2. Who first conducted the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment was first conducted by English scientist Thomas Young in 1801. His results were later confirmed and expanded upon by other scientists, such as Augustin-Jean Fresnel and Augustin-Louis Cauchy.

3. What are the implications of the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment has major implications for our understanding of the nature of reality. It challenges our traditional understanding of light and matter as distinct particles, and suggests that they may have both wave-like and particle-like properties. This has led to the development of the field of quantum mechanics and has sparked ongoing debates and research about the fundamental nature of the universe.

4. How does the double slit experiment relate to the uncertainty principle?

The double slit experiment is closely related to the uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. In the double slit experiment, the behavior of particles at the slits is uncertain, and this uncertainty is reflected in the interference pattern on the screen. This experiment highlights the fundamental unpredictability of quantum systems.

5. What are some real-world applications of the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment has many practical applications, particularly in the fields of optics and technology. It has been used to study the diffraction of light and to improve the resolution of microscopes. It has also been applied in the development of technologies such as electron microscopy, holography, and quantum computing. Understanding the principles behind the double slit experiment has also led to advancements in medical imaging and telecommunications.

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