Exploring the Excitation Dynamics of He-Ne Lasers

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of a He-Ne laser and the reasons behind why only the He atoms get excited when energy is pumped into the system. The possible explanation is that it takes less energy for the He atoms to get excited compared to the Ne atoms. The conversation also mentions the importance of collisions between the He and Ne atoms for producing the laser line.
  • #1
hallo all,
I was wondering the following thing: when using a He-Ne laser, you pump some energy in the system to get the He excited, but why only the He atoms?

If you pump energy in the systems, wouldn't the Ne atoms get excited too ? (and I am not speaking about them getting excites because the collisions with the He atoms).

Is this simply because it takes less energy to get the He atoms excited then the Ne atoms (though , the difference is very very small)
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Perhaps some of the Ne atoms do get excited by themselves, but not sufficiently so as to have a constant population inversion. It is the many surrounding excited He atoms that allow the population inversion to be sufficient for continuous stimulated emission to occur.
  • #3
He-Ne lasers are interesting, and more complicated than the typical 'laser' diagram- which is odd considering how common they are.

A key step is the collision of He and Ne atoms to transfer energy- the He atoms are excited, collide with Ne atoms, and the Ne atoms produce the laser line:


FAQ: Exploring the Excitation Dynamics of He-Ne Lasers

1. What is a He-Ne laser?

A He-Ne laser is a type of gas laser that uses a mixture of helium and neon gas to produce a coherent beam of light. It operates in the visible spectrum, typically producing red light with a wavelength of 632.8 nanometers.

2. How does a He-Ne laser work?

A He-Ne laser works by exciting the gas mixture in a tube with an electrical discharge. This excitation causes the gas atoms to release photons, which bounce back and forth between two mirrors at either end of the tube, amplifying the light. One of the mirrors is partially transparent, allowing a portion of the light to escape and form the laser beam.

3. What are the applications of He-Ne lasers?

He-Ne lasers are commonly used in scientific research, as well as in a variety of commercial and industrial applications. They are used in barcode scanners, laser printers, and alignment tools, and are also used in holography, interferometry, and spectroscopy.

4. How do scientists explore the excitation dynamics of He-Ne lasers?

Scientists explore the excitation dynamics of He-Ne lasers by studying the behavior of the gas atoms and photons within the laser tube. This can involve measuring the energy levels of the gas atoms, analyzing the wavelength and intensity of the laser beam, and studying the effects of different electrical currents and gas mixtures on the laser's performance.

5. What are the potential benefits of understanding the excitation dynamics of He-Ne lasers?

Understanding the excitation dynamics of He-Ne lasers can lead to improvements in their design and performance, as well as potential applications in new technologies. This knowledge can also contribute to a better understanding of the physics behind gas lasers and other related fields of study.

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