Exploring the Giants of Our Universe: Mira and Betelgeuse

  • Thread starter juan avellaneda
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In summary: I'll have to compare notes with my astronomy friends and see who has observed/measured the largest stars.In summary, Mira is a binary star that is new to me. That's new for me. The photos show the real surfasce of Mira and Betelgeuse, wow. If I am not wrong, Betelgeuses diameter was first measured by interferometry. There are other supergiants waiting, like "Garnet" star, or R Hydra. What's the most giant star ever discovered?thanks a lot for this new sights of the stars
  • #1
juan avellaneda
mira is a binary star! that's new for me
and this photos show the real surfasce of mira and betelgeuse, wow
if I am not wrong , Betelgeuses diameter was first meassured by interferometry
there are other supergiants waiting, like "Garnet" star, or R hydra. Whats the most giant star ever discovered??
thanks a lot for this new sights of the stars
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
The biggest star ever discovered is epsilon Aurigae. It has a diameter of 2700 times the diameter of the sun

  • #3
Originally posted by meteor
The biggest star ever discovered is epsilon Aurigae. It has a diameter of 2700 times the diameter of the sun

I have been looking around and keep finding that Eta Carina and/or Garnet Star are largest actual diameter. Do you have a site for me re: epsilon Aurigae ?
  • #5
Originally posted by wolram
try , http://www.hposoft.com/Astro/PEP/EAURDATA.html
That gave light curves, and the home page mentioned the possibility of a giant "gas cloud" surrounding the two smaller stars accounting for the long period. I didn't see anything about the physical size of Epsilon Auriga itself except for its spectral class. ?? Anything more on the physical size of the star itself instead of associated (possible) gas clouds? If we count associated gas clouds with size, I think Eta Carina has them all beat.

From: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/astrospace-l/message/2005

"The "garnet star" has the largest known actual diameter:
http://features.LearningKingdom.com/fact/archive/1999/06/07.html "

Or maybe: http://www.astronomyinfo.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Big&Little.htm
" The star imaged below is possibly the largest star in the milky way galaxy. It is called Eta Carina in the southern constellation of Carina." But, http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0010271.html would support Epsilon Auriga.

No argument here, I just wonder if "they" know the largest individual star, now that my curiosity is peaked.
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  • #6
see this page
it says that the Garnet star (Mu Cephei) is the third largest star in the sky, and that the largest is Epsilon Aurigae

I have a notebook where I write curious facts about astrophysics and it my notes Epsilon Aurigae has a diameter of 2700 solar diameters. Mu Cephei has a diameter of 2500 solar diameters. It is also confirmed in this page
From the page you gave
it says that eta carinae has a diameter of 100 solar diameters, but
it's surrounded by two lobes of gas that makes it to seem bigger.
I wouldn't count those lobes as forming part of the star, just are gases that are been expelled in the final stages of eta carinae, just before it goes supernova.
It's just like when a star that reaches the end of the main sequence expells all these gases when it reaches the phase of planetary nebula. I don't think that we should count these gases like forming part of the star
I remember to have observed Epsilon Aurigae with my telescope. I didn't knew then that it was the biggest star, but when I read it, I was happy to have observed it.
Perhaps it's time to return to do some observational astronomy. It has been more than 3 months since I don't touch my telescope.I Have been lately very much busy studying theoretical aspects of cosmology
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  • #7
This reference gives absolute radii of several thousand stars, many determined with an accuracy of ~<1%. Apart from an item which seems obviously erroneous (RS Vul), the largest diameter in the list is "EPS AUR", at 2700 sol. #2 is "VV CEP" with diameter listed as 2000, 1940, and 1230 (three different observations). However, note that [tex]\epsilon[/tex] Aur has other entries: 1270, 1000, 716, ...

Mira ([tex]o[/tex] Cet) has lots of entries, one of which is 230.

[Edit: fixed typo, cleared up an ambiguity]
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  • #8
Meteor & Nerid;
Thanks for the links, that's what I needed. I didn't "want" to count associated gas as with Eta Carina. I have dabbled with stellar evolution for years, it just never dawned on me to wonder which star(s) were the largest measured to-date.

FAQ: Exploring the Giants of Our Universe: Mira and Betelgeuse

1. What are Mira and Betelgeuse?

Mira and Betelgeuse are two of the largest and most well-known stars in our universe. They are both red supergiants, meaning they are incredibly large and bright stars that are nearing the end of their lives.

2. How big are Mira and Betelgeuse compared to our Sun?

Mira and Betelgeuse are both significantly larger than our Sun. Mira has a diameter that is about 700 times larger than the Sun, while Betelgeuse is approximately 1,000 times larger. To put it into perspective, if our Sun were the size of a basketball, Mira and Betelgeuse would be the size of a large city.

3. How far away are Mira and Betelgeuse from Earth?

Mira is approximately 400 light years away from Earth, while Betelgeuse is around 640 light years away. This means that the light we see from these stars today actually left them hundreds of years ago, as light travels at a finite speed.

4. What makes Mira and Betelgeuse so special?

Aside from their size and distance, Mira and Betelgeuse are both known for their variability. Mira is a pulsating star, meaning it expands and contracts in a regular pattern, causing its brightness to fluctuate. Betelgeuse, on the other hand, is known for its irregular changes in brightness, sometimes becoming one of the brightest stars in the sky.

5. Are Mira and Betelgeuse in danger of exploding?

As red supergiants, both Mira and Betelgeuse are expected to eventually explode in a supernova. However, it is difficult to predict when this will happen for either star. Some scientists believe that Betelgeuse may explode within the next 100,000 years, while others think it could be much longer. Mira, on the other hand, is not expected to explode for at least another million years.

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