Exploring the Gravitational Constant: Insights from Lunar Missions

In summary: Measurement of the curvature of the Universe using weak lensingThe curvature of the Universe can be determined by measuring the distance to lensing objects, and the speed of the objects. By doing this, it is possible to infer the amount of curvature in the Universe.Weak lensing is a technique that can be used to measure the distance to large galaxies, and the speed of the galaxies. By measuring the distance to different galaxies, and the time between measurements, it is possible to infer the amount of curvature in the Universe.So far, the measurements have shown that the Universe has a significant amount of curvature. This suggests that the Universe is not flat, but has a curvature.
  • #1
Has the gravitational constant been measured elsewhere than Earth? Perhaps during the lunar missions?

I ask this because I'm wondering whether the gravitational constant is indeed constant throughout space, or at least something that can verify that.
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  • #2
Blenton said:
Has the gravitational constant been measured elsewhere than Earth? Perhaps during the lunar missions?

I ask this because I'm wondering whether the gravitational constant is indeed constant throughout space, or at least something that can verify that.

As we can observe gravitational effects of bodies within the solar system to very high accuracy, we know that its value is effectively constant within the whole solar system.

We also know from various experiments (such as lunar laser ranging) that if it is varying with time, any variation must be very small (less than with the age of the universe or its inverse).

Such experiments actually typically prove that the product of the gravitational constant and a quantity of mass, Gm, is constant, but it is usually assumed that mass itself is constant.

We cannot directly measure G accurately outside the solar system. However, General Theory of Relativity matches experimental results very accurately within the solar system and seems to provide a reasonable explanation of more distant gravitational effects (although not entirely satisfactory, as it needs to be supplemented by dark matter and dark energy on large scales), and in that theory G is a universal constant.

In alternative theories of gravity based on Mach's Principle, G is a function of the distribution of the masses in the universe, so would be expected to vary near a substantial mass such as the sun. However, in such theories it is possible that the main variation simply manifests as the Newtonian potential, and that the G we calculate is the effect due to all other masses in the universe, which is effectively constant in our vicinity.
  • #3
Extrasolar tests of variations in G over time have been conducted. No evidence of any significant variation has been detected. See, for example

Constraining a possible time-variation of the gravitational constant through "gravitochemical heating" of neutron stars

Precision timing of PSR J1012+5307 and strong-field GR tests
  • #4
But compared to the what 14 billion years age of the universe is it not probable that we are simply measuring it on too small of a time scale?
  • #5
The science involved in these papers goes very deep into the nature of reality and time. It is not easily absorbed, but, compelling, IMO. I agree, however, these studies do not confirm properties of the universe all the way back to the big event.
  • #6
If G varied, the energy produced in Type 1A supernovae would vary as well. It turns out this is a rather strong function of G, so we know that across space and time G doesn't vary by more than a few percent.
  • #7
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  • #8
Vanadium 50 said:
If G varied, the energy produced in Type 1A supernovae would vary as well. It turns out this is a rather strong function of G, so we know that across space and time G doesn't vary by more than a few percent.

Alternatively, if G were stronger in the past, the 1a supernova data can be explained alternatively - without concluding the cosmos is accelerating - the distances appear to be greater because the 1a events occur with a stronger G and less mass - but don't bet to heavily upon it.
  • #9
There is more evidence for dark energy than supernovae. You can't get around this constraint so easily.
  • #10
See also:

Confirmation of general relativity on large scales from weak lensing and galaxy velocities
Arxiv 1003.2185

FAQ: Exploring the Gravitational Constant: Insights from Lunar Missions

What is the Gravitational Constant?

The Gravitational Constant, denoted by the letter G, is a fundamental physical constant that represents the strength of the force of gravity between two objects. It is approximately equal to 6.674 x 10^-11 Nm^2/kg^2.

Who discovered the Gravitational Constant?

The Gravitational Constant was first calculated by Sir Isaac Newton in his law of universal gravitation, which he published in 1687 in his work "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica."

How is the Gravitational Constant measured?

The Gravitational Constant is typically measured using a torsion balance, which measures the torque between two masses due to their gravitational attraction. This allows for a precise determination of G.

Why is the Gravitational Constant important?

The Gravitational Constant is a crucial component in many important equations, such as Newton's law of universal gravitation and Einstein's theory of general relativity. It also plays a key role in understanding the behavior of celestial bodies and the formation of the universe.

Does the Gravitational Constant ever change?

While there has been some debate and speculation about the possible variation of the Gravitational Constant, current evidence suggests that it is a constant value and does not change over time.
