Exploring the Gravity/Casimir Effect Relationship: Evidence and Experiments

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential relationship between gravity and the Casimir effect, with some mentioning ongoing experiments to neutralize gravity using different materials. The speaker mentions a possible mathematical coincidence or applicability to current studies, and asks if this effect has been studied or proven incorrect. They also inquire about separate experiments conducted on Earth's surface and in deep mines or space. The conversation also explores the potential for a repulsive Casimir effect and its dynamics, with some mentioning the work of Ephraim Fischbach in this area.
  • #1
Articles on the Casimir effect do not mention any relationship between gravity and the Casimir effect although an article on (http://physicsweb.org/articles/world/15/9/6) does mention ongoing experiments using different materials to neutralize the local gravity.

I have come across a gravity/Casimir effect relationship that might be just a mathematical coincidence or it might be applicable to current studies; it implies that the force of the Casimir effect should vary with changes in the Earth’s gravitational force affecting the experiment.
I should like to know if this is a known or predictable effect, or if it has already been proven to be incorrect. Have separate experiments (preferably using the same equipment), been conducted on the Earth's surface and repeated in deep mines or space?

Please keep in mind that I have no professional training and do my work using linear (not quantum) physics, so replies need to be simple.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Please, I also need to know how to calculate at what distance the Casimir effect changes from attractive to repulsive?
  • #3
I did a ctrl f to search for the word gravity and did not get a result. I did read that fluctuations in temperature may alter the results but not gravity.

"...at what distance the Casimir effect changes from attractive to repulsive?"

My understanding is that is has to do with materials of certain permittivity and permeability rather that it changing from one to the other outright/ with distance.
  • #4
Researchers at the Tampere University of Technology in Finland claim to have an anti-gravity device using the Casimir effect. NASA is interested, so there may be something to it.

Linky thingy: http://members.fortunecity.com/templarser/antigrav.html

Edit- Casimir effect is not discussed in the link. I'm confusing my articles - if I find the other link I'll post it.
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  • #5
  • #6
elas said:
the Casimir effect changes from attractive to repulsive?
When is the Casimir effect repulsive?
  • #7
Casimir effect is always attractive. :/
Also, how can it be used to neutralize gravity. :/ It is a symmterical force, acting in both directions and it can't be limited to one direction.

P.S. Gravity might have an effect on strength of the casimir effect since it alters the wavelength of particles and casimir effect is a result of difference in particle concentration between the plates and outside them.
  • #8

The quote I give in italics is dated 2003 and mentions the possible repulsive effect, it is by no means the only mention of a repulsive Casimir effect

according to Wikpedia:
"Further research has shown that, with materials of certain permittivity and permeability, or with a certain configuration, the Casimir effect can be repulsive instead of attractive".


The quote also makes clear the uncertainty surrounding the current understanding of the Casimir effect. I am trying to decide whether the constant I show in the table is or is not of some value in the debate about the Casimir effect.

Four or more bodies (large mass or particles) have a common centre of gravity; is it, or is it not of value to know that the gravitational force between the two largest is related to the Casimir force between the two smallest? Does this indicate that gravitons have a particle field structure with a central ZP, in the same manner as say, baryons or atoms; only on a much larger scale.
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  • #9
Well, will someone please describe the dynamics of a repulsive Casimir effect? I think me and Ryoukomaru are still on the side that says otherwise.
  • #10
Well, will someone please describe the dynamics of a repulsive Casimir effect? I think me and Ryoukomaru are still on the side that says otherwise.

All I can reply is that the experts state that the repulsive force is there. My own opinion enters areas that always result in the forum being closed down. I am not going there at present because I want to keep this discussion going, on the Casimir effect and the significance, if any, of the constant.

If you want to think further on the subject, recall that both the strong force and the magnetic force have a repulsive effect and ask if there is a common factor at work in all natural forces. Think of a rubber ball, pull to expand, push to compress; and each time you create an opposing force; hence force and anti-force, but what is the rubber?
  • #11
elas said:
Articles on the Casimir effect do not mention any relationship between gravity and the Casimir effect although an article on (http://physicsweb.org/articles/world/15/9/6) does mention ongoing experiments using different materials to neutralize the local gravity.

I have come across a gravity/Casimir effect relationship that might be just a mathematical coincidence or it might be applicable to current studies; it implies that the force of the Casimir effect should vary with changes in the Earth’s gravitational force affecting the experiment.
I should like to know if this is a known or predictable effect, or if it has already been proven to be incorrect. Have separate experiments (preferably using the same equipment), been conducted on the Earth's surface and repeated in deep mines or space?

Please keep in mind that I have no professional training and do my work using linear (not quantum) physics, so replies need to be simple.

Ephraim Fischbach has been working on variations in the way gravity changes at scales or places wher has not been measured with sufficent precision at least since 18 years before. Some titles, (and you can find it in arxiv) are "IMPROVED TESTS OF EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL PHYSICS AND THERMAL QUANTUM FIELD THEORY FROM NEW CASIMIR FORCES MEASUREMENT", "SEARCHING FOR EXTRA DIMENSIONS AND NEW-STRING INSPIRED FORCES IN THE CASIMIR REGIME", and more, maybe it can be useful for you. Actually, the same person (Fischbach) where making experiments to test in deep mines the change in gravitation. In fact that things of "searching extra-dimensions" is to measure the change in the way gravity changes at low scales, and is related with your questions. :wink:

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  • #12

Dissapointed to find I am not first.
Delighted to find I am not the complete nutcase some subscribers said I was.
Your reply is exactly what I was looking for.
Thanks and thanks again,

FAQ: Exploring the Gravity/Casimir Effect Relationship: Evidence and Experiments

What is the gravity/Casimir effect relationship?

The gravity/Casimir effect relationship refers to the potential connection between the force of gravity and the Casimir effect, which is a phenomenon in quantum field theory where two metal plates placed in close proximity experience an attractive force due to the presence of virtual particles in the vacuum.

What evidence supports the gravity/Casimir effect relationship?

There have been a few experiments that have shown a possible connection between gravity and the Casimir effect. For example, a study published in 2011 found that the Casimir force between two parallel plates could be affected by a nearby gravitational field. Additionally, a 2019 study showed that the Casimir force between two plates changed when one of the plates was rotated, potentially indicating a link to the rotation of the Earth.

Are there any experiments specifically designed to explore the gravity/Casimir effect relationship?

While there are ongoing experiments that could potentially shed light on this relationship, there is currently no experiment that is solely focused on exploring the connection between gravity and the Casimir effect. Most studies have been conducted as a part of larger research on the Casimir effect or gravity, rather than specifically targeting this relationship.

What are the implications of a confirmed gravity/Casimir effect relationship?

If a definitive connection between gravity and the Casimir effect were established, it could have significant implications for our understanding of both forces. It could also potentially lead to new applications for the Casimir effect, such as a means of manipulating gravity.

Is there any controversy surrounding the gravity/Casimir effect relationship?

While there is ongoing research and debate about the potential relationship between gravity and the Casimir effect, it is still a largely unproven hypothesis. Some scientists argue that the observed effects could be explained by other factors, and more research is needed to definitively establish a connection between these two forces.
