Exploring the Impact of Expanding Universe on Particle Attraction

In summary, the universe is expanding and the space between particles of an object is also expanding. This expansion is caused by a feeble force that is only apparent on a cosmological scale and is currently enough to overcome the force of gravity between galactic clusters. If the expansion continues to accelerate, it could eventually lead to the "Big Rip" where individual galaxies and even planets would be torn apart. This acceleration is caused by a repulsive force, possibly the cosmological constant, which becomes stronger as the expansion increases.
  • #1
the universe is expanding. The space between particles of an object is also expanding. So will the force of expanding eventually break the attractive force between particles?

stupid question.. help me please anyway
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
According to the mathematics, any two particles will always be attracted unless they are an infinite distance aways from each other. That will never happen so there will always be some force attracting different particles in the Universe.
  • #4
How about if the attractive force become very weak since the distance between particles is getter longer? Will the particles of an object move apart from each other?
  • #6
Um didn't they recently discover that the rate of expansion was not only increasing but accerlating? Doesn't that throw some of that expanation out the window so to speak?
  • #7
  • #9
Expansion is, at least at present, an extremely feeble force. It's effects are only apparent over cosmological distances, at which point it is sufficient of overcome the also very weak force of gravity. This causes clusters of galaxies separated by many millions of light years to move apart, rather than together as would be the case if only gravity was acting upon them. In the case of unchecked, accelerating expansion, the force pushing apart galactic clusters increases in strength to the point the clusters themselves would not have enough gravity to hold them together. And then it gets ugly. Ultimately individual galaxies would fall apart, planets fly away from their parent stars, stars stop burning, etc. This is called the 'Big Rip':


As if we don't already have enough things to worry about.
  • #10
pivoxa15 said:
According to the mathematics, any two particles will always be attracted unless they are an infinite distance aways from each other. That will never happen so there will always be some force attracting different particles in the Universe.

What type of force you are talking about ?

There is no meaning of force unless you specify it i.e., gravitational, electromagnetic...
  • #11
Phantom energy... also known as the cosmological constant.
  • #12
There's a lot of confusion about this, and you need to be sure what derivative of the distance between galaxies you're talking about.

Positive 0th derivative: Space is what prevents everything from being in the same place.

Positive 1st derivative: (Zero cosmological constant). The universe is expanding, but this is because it started out that way - there's no force acting to make the distance between objects increase if it isn't doing so already (Newton's 1st law)

Positive 2nd derivative (Positive cosmological constant). The expansion is accelerating. There will be a repulsive force between objects, acting as a sort of antigravity, but it will be tiny on most scales - it will mean that orbits are slightly larger than they would have been without it, but doesn't mean that the distance between objects is increasing over time.

Positive 3rd derivative (Increasing cosmological constant). The acceleration is increasing. Thus the repulsive force will increase and so the distance between objects will increase over time. Eventually you will get the 'Big Rip'

FAQ: Exploring the Impact of Expanding Universe on Particle Attraction

1. What is the expanding universe theory?

The expanding universe theory, also known as the Big Bang theory, is the prevailing scientific explanation for the origins and evolution of the universe. It states that the universe began as a single point and has been expanding and cooling over the course of billions of years.

2. How does the expanding universe affect particle attraction?

The expanding universe affects particle attraction by causing space to stretch and particles to move further apart. This reduces the strength of gravitational and electromagnetic forces between particles, making them less attracted to each other.

3. What is the evidence for the expanding universe theory?

The evidence for the expanding universe theory includes the observation of redshifted light from distant galaxies, the cosmic microwave background radiation, and the abundance of light elements such as hydrogen and helium. These observations support the idea that the universe is expanding and has been since the Big Bang.

4. How does the expansion of the universe impact our understanding of gravity?

The expansion of the universe challenges our understanding of gravity by suggesting that the force may not be constant over large distances and timescales. Additionally, the theory of general relativity, which describes gravity, may need to be modified to fully explain the expansion of the universe.

5. What are the implications of an expanding universe for the future of our universe?

The implications of an expanding universe for the future are still being studied and debated by scientists. One possibility is that the expansion will continue indefinitely, leading to a "heat death" where all matter and energy become evenly distributed and the universe becomes cold and dark. Alternatively, the expansion could eventually slow down and reverse, resulting in a "Big Crunch" where the universe collapses back in on itself.

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