Exploring the Intricacies of Building Computer Games

In summary, computer games are carefully designed to entice gamers and require skills and creativity to make them captivating. The feeling of a game is the most important aspect, and sound plays a crucial role in enhancing the experience. Sometimes, popular games are just a result of good marketing, while lesser-known games can offer unique and enjoyable experiences. The best games are not always the most visually appealing, but they are fun and keep players coming back for years. Different people have different preferences, but ultimately, games are a form of escape and entertainment.
  • #1
For almost quite a time I observe that those computer games are remarkably woven carefully to entice gamers. From designing the webpage up to the building up the characters of the games. One of the games I like most is Ragnarok and Angry birds. With the latter I like the way how the game was foretold from the beginning up to how the game was played by the character of the birds and the pigs. Wow! it really amazed me how this genius makes this eye catching games. Really building computer games takes skills and a very big brainy head to make such captivating games.
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'm still trying to figure out how that chicken was able to beat me at tic-tac-toe.
  • #3
Making great games is an artform, just like making great movies or music. You need someone who knows how to convey feelings to people, the feeling of a game is the most important aspect. Try for example to play a game without sound, it will suck, it is the same game but you just lost a lot of the feeling.
  • #4
I like the music of lord of the rings the snes game. The music will stay with me until my death because I enjoyed the whole experience so much. Its funny but I've had such a good time playing old school video game and my opinion on those is atually incorrect. I came to that conclusion when professional reviewers that i respected reviewed old games like the old simpson arcade game and link on the nes. the reviewers said those games aged terribly. I've had so many fond memories of old games my mind refuses to believe they're terrible.
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  • #5
I agree its the game as a whole. It's all the little things that's bundled into a masterpeice that makes a game great. The simple and smooth interface. The rewarding coins and achievments and trophies, lullaby repetitive dreamy music. Games are an easy escape from reality. Maybe it's a flaw in us that allows us to get addicted to them. maybe there Over-glorified slot machines but man they are fun.
  • #6

I don't know what is it about that game, I play it for years :biggrin:
  • #7
I find that the best games are often not the prettiest games. I'm all for great graphics and flashy stuff, but the games that I go back to year after year are just plain fun. My favourites these days are Red Alert 2 which is about the best example of a action oriented real-time strategy game with an absolute minimum of micro-management and big emphasis on quickly building a small army and having at your opponent. I've been playing it for about 12 years! My other favourite game is Day Of Defeat, a team-based WWII game that was built as a mod for Half-Life (and then again for Half-Life 2). It looks like a thousand other games (most obviously Counter-Strike), but there is just something about it that beats them all. It's fast and tactical and you really have to work as a cohesive team to win the round.

Oh, and my favourite game of ALL TIME is Super Bomber Man which is kind of a variation on Pacman, with 4 players and it's absolutely the most fun ever with 4 people in the same room on a console!
  • #8
Klockan3 said:
Making great games is an artform, just like making great movies or music. You need someone who knows how to convey feelings to people, the feeling of a game is the most important aspect. Try for example to play a game without sound, it will suck, it is the same game but you just lost a lot of the feeling.

I thought Zork was pretty awesome.
  • #9
I like nethack, minecraft, klondike and Earth 2150, angry birds and ragnarok never really appealed to me

tbh I think it's more marketing and making people think that everyone else likes it that makes them so popular since, for angry birds at least, there have been 100+ flash games identical to it (up to a sprite swap) on newgrounds which, without any marketing, never became viral.
  • #10
On the Commodore 64, a game to play with friends (and beer) was Full Combat Jeopardy! It wasn't actually designed to involve full combat, but beer and no delay timer and beer virtually always wound up with the game ending in full combat (and being soaked in beer).

On a PC, best game I've played was SimCity 2000. Every game I start out as a Tea Party Republican and wind up a tax and spend and borrow liberal. I just can't help it. You can build so much more stuff when your government has money.
  • #11
genericusrnme said:
I like nethack, minecraft, klondike and Earth 2150, angry birds and ragnarok never really appealed to me

Not a Netback fan, myself; I prefer ADOM (and Dwarf Fortress, of course).
PF needs an official roguelike thread.

Related to Exploring the Intricacies of Building Computer Games

1. What is the process for building a computer game?

The process for building a computer game typically involves several stages, including brainstorming and concept development, designing the game mechanics and visual elements, programming the game, and testing and debugging. It can also involve collaboration with a team of designers, developers, and testers.

2. What programming languages are commonly used for building computer games?

Some commonly used programming languages for building computer games include C++, C#, Java, and Python. Each language has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice often depends on the type and complexity of the game being developed.

3. What skills are necessary for building computer games?

Building computer games requires a combination of technical skills such as programming, graphic design, and audio engineering, as well as creative skills such as storytelling and game design. Additionally, teamwork, problem-solving, and attention to detail are important skills for a successful game developer.

4. What are some challenges developers face when building computer games?

Developing a computer game can come with a variety of challenges, such as meeting deadlines, working within a budget, and ensuring the game is engaging and bug-free. Other challenges may include keeping up with rapidly changing technology and competition in the gaming industry.

5. How can I learn to build my own computer games?

There are many resources available for learning how to build computer games, including online tutorials, books, and courses. Additionally, joining a game development community or attending workshops and conferences can provide valuable knowledge and networking opportunities. Practice and experimentation are also important in honing your skills as a game developer.

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