Exploring the Limits: Planck Units and the Singularity of Black Holes

In summary: Sure, if you have a theory that says there is an 'infinite' amount of energy or mass then that could lead to a black hole with a finite radius. But that's a different theory.
  • #1
Do Planck units apply inside of black holes? Are they modified? Or are they irrelevant? If some Planck units remain unchanged and applicable in black holes, which ones would those be?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
BernieM said:
Do Planck units apply inside of black holes? Are they modified? Or are they irrelevant? If some Planck units remain unchanged and applicable in black holes, which ones would those be?

Not sure what you mean, Planck units are just that, just a specific choice of units. The question is equivalent to asking if the mks or cgs unit system still applies within a black hole, which of course it does.
  • #3
Planck length is the length at which quantum indeterminacy becomes absolute, for example. I don't think that is analogous to other conventional systems of measurement. But rather than debate that, perhaps I can explain further the reason for the question. If the radius of a black hole = 0 then gravity is infinite and physics breaks down in essence. But is it actually possible for something that begins by posessing properties of size, mass, energy, etc., to actually attain a size of ZERO? And if it can not become ZERO in size then the radius of the black hole can never have a radius of zero and no actual breakdown in physics occurs. Well I hope this helps to understand my real question then.
  • #4
black holes definitely have a non-zero radius, I'm not sure what you're trying to get at
  • #5
BernieM said:
Planck length is the length at which quantum indeterminacy becomes absolute, for example. I don't think that is analogous to other conventional systems of measurement.

The Planck length (or any other Planck unit) is simply defined as the collection of fundamental constants (speed of light, gravitational constant, fine structure constant, etc.) put together in the right combination to yield a quantity with dimension of length. It does indeed have physical meaning too, but the Planck length would only change inside a black hole if either [itex]G[/itex], [itex]c[/itex] or [itex]\hbar[/itex] changed inside a black hole.

But rather than debate that, perhaps I can explain further the reason for the question. If the radius of a black hole = 0 then gravity is infinite and physics breaks down in essence. But is it actually possible for something that begins by posessing properties of size, mass, energy, etc., to actually attain a size of ZERO? And if it can not become ZERO in size then the radius of the black hole can never have a radius of zero and no actual breakdown in physics occurs. Well I hope this helps to understand my real question then.

One possible meaning of the Planck length is that it is the smallest meaningful length scale, so that any object would at least have the size of the Planck length. This would preclude a black hole from having a size of zero. But this is far from a settled question.
  • #6
I assume you are talking about the singularity as opposed to the event horizon. I'm not sure the Planck length is relevant, but, the Planck density may be. At 10^93 gm/cm^3 it is really big, but, not infinite.
  • #7
Yes, I was not specific but I was referring to the singularity. I guess the problem I am having is that given that not even 'empty space' is ever truly empty, r could never = 0 as long as there is "something" there.
  • #8
BernieM said:
Planck length is the length at which quantum indeterminacy becomes absolute, for example.

No, Planck length is defined as:
L_p \equiv \sqrt{\frac{G \hbar}{c^3}}

Period! So, which one of these constants do you suspect to change within a black hole?
  • #9
G. That's the problem if r=0 then G=[itex]\infty[/itex] or at least that's how I understand the dilemma of why physics breaks down in the singularity.
  • #10
BernieM said:
G. That's the problem if r=0 then G=[itex]\infty[/itex] or at least that's how I understand the dilemma of why physics breaks down in the singularity.

This is a terrible way to try to understand it. In Einstein's theory, the constant G is the constant G, end of discussion. It never changes. Other theories of gravity might have a G that varies, but not GR. What happens at the singularity is the curvature of spacetime is predicted to be infinite: this is where we get a problem.

FAQ: Exploring the Limits: Planck Units and the Singularity of Black Holes

1. What are Planck units and how are they related to black holes?

Planck units are a system of units that are based on fundamental physical constants, such as the speed of light, Planck's constant, and the gravitational constant. These units are used to measure physical quantities in the context of quantum mechanics and general relativity. In black holes, Planck units are relevant because they represent the smallest possible scales at which quantum effects are significant, and they play a role in understanding the properties and behavior of black holes.

2. How do Planck units relate to the event horizon of a black hole?

The event horizon is the boundary beyond which nothing, including light, can escape the gravitational pull of a black hole. According to the theory of general relativity, the size of the event horizon is directly proportional to the mass of the black hole. However, when using Planck units, the event horizon is expressed in terms of the Planck length, which is the smallest length that has any physical meaning. This shows that the event horizon is a fundamental property of a black hole and is intimately connected to the Planck scale.

3. How do Planck units help us understand the singularity at the center of a black hole?

The singularity at the center of a black hole is a point of infinite density and curvature, where the laws of physics as we know them break down. However, using Planck units, we can express the size of the singularity in terms of the Planck length, providing a way to understand and study this mysterious phenomenon. Additionally, Planck units allow us to explore the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales, providing insights into the nature of singularities and the possibility of a quantum theory of gravity.

4. Can Planck units be used to measure the mass and size of a black hole?

Yes, Planck units can be used to measure the mass and size of a black hole. The Planck mass is the smallest possible mass that has any physical meaning and is equal to about 2.18 × 10^-8 kilograms. This means that any black hole with a mass greater than the Planck mass will have a size larger than the Planck length. Therefore, Planck units provide a useful scale for studying the properties of black holes, such as their mass and size.

5. Do Planck units have any significance in the study of black hole thermodynamics?

Yes, Planck units play a crucial role in the study of black hole thermodynamics. In particular, the Planck temperature, which is the highest possible temperature that can exist in nature, is an important concept in black hole thermodynamics. It is related to the entropy and area of a black hole's event horizon and is used to calculate the Hawking radiation emitted by black holes. Additionally, the Planck energy and Planck time are also relevant in understanding the thermodynamic properties of black holes.
