Exploring the Mayan Underworld: Ancient Ruins Found

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  • Thread starter baywax
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In summary: The article does not mention this, but the archeologists believe that there may have been sacrifices here, as there are remains of human bones in the area.
  • #36
Their fishing and hunting environment

The bison - bear controversy...

The guy on the sun baked granite slab.

The dwelling was in a canyon with a 300 foot tall wall
of granite directly across from it. This wall served to
act as an acoustic warning system for any movement
in the canyon.


Lots of Lichen for Evo.

The pigment is iron based from the rocks in the area. Ochre
would have been used as well but it washes away easier
than iron.

This was a summer residence for not more than about 20-30 people.
Winter probably saw them further south through the Okanogan
down to Montana or even further. Perhaps they returned to a
larger group there.

This could be as old as 9000 years.
I'm conservatively calling it 6000 years old.

The continuous use of the site brings with it
the obscuring effect of recent cultural activity
but, nearby, found proximal sites with extremely
worn pictographs, covered in lichen suggesting
a long use of the area. Big horn sheep still
use the area for migration. The cougars seem to
know about that as well as the humans. All in
all its like a trip to heaven.


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Science news on Phys.org
  • #37
Now that I've found the site after taking long to register I'll copy the post here. Gave me time to realize who is the most capable and willing to discuss the issues passed thru here widely. Moises is the master of Mayan archaeoastronomy besides having lived with the Maya and proficient in speaking the language recorded in the glyphs. He will show the book that gives you the last words----so you can go listen yourself.
It's psychologically healthy to spend some time with a person who has been around the sun many times and knows the most important thing is to be happy. He bought a cattle ranch next to the ruins and allowed the jungle to return though he built inexpensive roofs(and walls for those needing them) so we can enjoy... Bring a pad and pen.
In 1492 when Colunbus sailed the ocean blue the Christians took over Spain, kicked out the Moslems and Jews who didn't change their names to a good Spanish name and worship Mary in public. Haven't looked yet at what a Morale is. They kicked out the Jews cause they got along, traded with the Moslems. The ones who actually came from the holy land did/do that.

I wanted to add to Underwater water Mayan sites or something and couldn't find it. The Director of the ruins at Chichen said that pilgrims to Chichen I. participated in a course of ceremonys at different temples after preparation(to stimulate body humors, chemicals) by priests/guides. First was an underground water site, last the pyramid. The guide most requested by European leaders, mentioned below, surely knows where the water site is in Palenque though I haven't asked him yet.
In '93 in a miniinterview he said that when thousands of bone packets were found hidden under stones in Chichen and Palenque "they" decided to not mention it for ten years and not exhibit the bones for 20 years. 13 years later I asked if "they" was INAH(Mex. Anthropologic Society) and he smiled. He is as attentive as Krishnamurti in not allowing memory to consume the present. His jungle is especially pretty; a stand of giant Hawaiian bamboo lies outside a sons restaurant. Special flora have been assisted in returning.

Predictions? Consider visiting Moises Morales in Panchon, campground next to Palenque Ruins. He was there when the tomb was opened and listened to the "experts." None have mentioned yet that the 5 ton rock on the sarcophagus pictures a man falling into meditatinal death beneath a cross...
He's partial to anthropologists, especially pretty female ones. Casteneda and R. Gordon Wasson were his friends; Wasson visited frequently. He knew the psychiatrist who helped Carlos write his first books and was the main model for "Don Juan's" teaching style.
Moises is '84 and will invite "experts" to confer in the "Linda Schele Sala" and present themselves for more questioning than the 30 minutes allowed in the Mesa Redondas(round table discussions of the Maya. He has lived with the most basic Maya and understands the Maya calendar and its relience on wheels turning against other wheels and the nature of wheels to complete cycles. And aware of man's tendency to imagination.
If anyone is interested in the Maya and current possibilitys for interaction please consider visiting him. Easier than the Dala Lama. Ask his opinion of grandmotherscouncil.com or anything about Casteneda or Wasson. Awake to monkeys in the trees near your hammock.

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