Exploring the Mysteries of Black Holes and Dark Matter

In summary, according to this person, black holes are used to balance the universe, wormholes are black holes that have become separated from the edges of the universe, and if our hypersphere shifted of it's central inflation point, either nothing would happen or the next brane/bubble sneaks up and interacts with our trailing edge brane.
  • #1
I been thinking...

...anything falling into a black hole and assuming it gets reduced to it's basic "string" then by way of the spiralling effect of the black hole in an ever decreasing vortex becomes a very long very dense connection of strings only a Planck unit in diamater but infinitely long that stretches all the way to the edge/frontier/horizon of the expanding universe and accounts for the dark matter/energy that we don't see...dark strings

this kinda makes for our universe to be an expanding bubble membrane with permeating black holes leading to and from the edges and acting as balance mechanisms to keep the universe in equilibrium by shifting mass/energy around a fixed inflation point

wormholes being black holes not connected to the edges

anyone care to discuss, shoot down or steer me on the right path in layman's term please. It would be much apprecitated


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  • #2
all I'm looking for is a little feedback and some pointers in the right direction...

c'mon guys what you got to lose ?

the silence is getting deafening
  • #3
You assume to know a lot about what happens inside a black hole, and I thinkt he problem is that no one really knows that happens inside a black hole. There are many different theories and models. I could go grab my notebook but that is up stairs and I am quite tired at the moment but I think I understand what you are trying to say. Are you trying to say that the ever increasing matter added into a black hole being compressed toward the singularity streches space time to the point that it drops it off on the outside of the universe?
  • #4
Maybe if you restated it I could provide a response.
  • #5
truth be known, I don't really know anything especially about inside a black hole I'm just speculating a possibiblity or not.

but yeah exactly Tom...

The purpose of black holes being to act as balance mechanisms by shifting mass/energy around to keep the universe in equilibrium around a fixed inflation point, with wormhole being black holes that have become separated from the edges...

that would make wormholes very long dense strings connected end on end but only a Planck length in diameter...

...being strings,they would be very hard to distinguish and virtually impossible to locate.

So what would happen if our hypersphere shifted of it's central inflation point ?

..either nothing as it would correct itself by a new black hole being created or the next brane/bubble sneaks up and interacts with our trailing edge brane. That's if the bubbles inside bubbles type of multiverse exists...

Any way here's a question i been thinking about I hope someone can answer.

What would happen if you put a bigger black hole beside a littler one?... would it suck the information out of the little one or would they just merge to create an even bigger one...or both at some cross over of their event horizons.

Given the above postulate I don't think it could occur naturally but if we could make some in the lab...


FAQ: Exploring the Mysteries of Black Holes and Dark Matter

What are black holes and dark matter?

Black holes are regions of space with such strong gravitational force that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. Dark matter, on the other hand, is a type of matter that does not interact with light and cannot be seen directly, but it is believed to make up a large portion of the universe's mass.

How are black holes and dark matter discovered and studied?

Black holes are typically discovered through their effects on nearby matter, such as the gravitational pull on stars or gas. Dark matter is studied through its gravitational effects on galaxies and other large structures in the universe.

What is the relationship between black holes and dark matter?

There is currently no known direct relationship between black holes and dark matter. Black holes are thought to be a result of collapsed stars, while dark matter is a separate type of matter that is present throughout the universe.

What are some current theories and research surrounding black holes and dark matter?

Some current theories about black holes include the idea that they may merge with each other and release gravitational waves, as well as the possibility that they may contain wormholes that could allow for time travel. In terms of dark matter, researchers are working to better understand its properties and how it interacts with visible matter.

Why are black holes and dark matter important to our understanding of the universe?

Black holes and dark matter play significant roles in shaping the structure and evolution of the universe. By studying them, scientists are able to gain a better understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and the origins of the universe itself.

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