Exploring the Mystery of Quantum Mechanics

In summary, quantum mechanics is a mathematical framework used to understand physical phenomena at the atomic and subatomic level that cannot be explained by classical physics. It is based on the principle of superposition, which allows particles to exist in multiple states at once, and the concept of entanglement, where particles can be connected regardless of distance. It is a complex and ongoing field of study, but understanding the basics of quantum mechanics is essential for furthering our knowledge of the universe.
  • #1
i'm a high school student and a amateur astronomer as well i have also been interested in physics and i am wanting to become a theoretical physicist and i am trying to write equations so basically I'm wanting to know what is quantum mechanics .

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  • #2
  • #3
This may not be very educational but I will answer the question as I see it. Quantum Mechanics is mechanics that takes into account the phase of the particles involved. I would add Feynman's observation that a given particle can take all paths and the net result is the sum taking into account the phases.

The other thing is non locality. If we have two entangled photon and one goes one light year to the left and the other one light year to the right. If we then measure the spin of the left along the x-axis it seems that instantly the joint wave function of the two collapses and the photon two light years away "knows" what axis the first photon got measured on. (Bell's Inequality and Aspect's Delayed Choice Experiment). In my mind this is the hottest topic in current day physics. But few work on it because no one knows how to.

To simplify the two slit experiment basically covers all the features of QM. If you can understand that you are in great shape.
  • #4
Quantum mechanics is a mathematical framework for understanding physical phenomena that fail to be described sufficiently by classical physics: the work of Newton, Maxwell, and others. You might ask, 'Why can't we use classical methods at that point?' We're unable to sufficiently probe atoms and subatomic particles with classical instruments at that scale. The simplest instruments that we can use at that scale, like probing with an electron or photon, are either too energetic or don't have the right properties to measure what we want to measure. This doesn't just mean that WE are unable to measure it, but that, and this is what makes QM weird, physics doesn't allow us to learn any more about it. So instead of being able to watch particles zooming and blipping and popping about like we are able to watch a ball on a playground, we have to use statistical methods to determine where some particles might be and where it might be going. This is the very broad description of how QM works.

Wikipedia has a good historical intro which will provide you with who discovered what, when, and where, and how QM came to be essential for furthering our knowledge about the small-scale stuff. Unfortunately I lost my old account and can't post a link for you until I reach 10 posts again. But google 'intro to quantum mechanics' and it should take you straight there.
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  • #5
QM is based on the principle of superposition - it is its fundamental axiom and its essential mystery - it's what Feynman meant when he said the double slit experiment contains the essential mystery - it is this weird state of affairs when a particle goes through both holes that is its essence. Feynman explained it beautifully in his QED lectures:

But IMHO no one explained it better than Dirac in the first chapter of his famous book:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/30407433/Dirac-Principles-of-Quantum-Mechanics .

The probability stuff follows from Gleasons Theorem:

Schroedingers Equation etc follows from Galilean Invariance the details of which can be found in Chapter 3 of Ballentine - Quantum Mechanics.

All the other stuff is basically gloss and dross - very important gloss and dross - but not the essential mystery - that is and always will be the Superposition Principle. Why the Superposition Principle - check out:

Although the above explanation is insightful; when you really think about it, it is basically saying the same thing but in a more intuitive way. This idea you can apply vector space invariance to system states is simply - well - weird - but it does seem to be how nature works.

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FAQ: Exploring the Mystery of Quantum Mechanics

What is quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter and energy on a very small scale, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It describes the fundamental laws that govern the behavior of these particles, and explains phenomena that cannot be explained by classical mechanics.

How is quantum mechanics different from classical mechanics?

Classical mechanics is a theory that describes the behavior of macroscopic objects, while quantum mechanics deals with the behavior of subatomic particles. Unlike classical mechanics, quantum mechanics takes into account the wave-like nature of particles and the uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know both the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time.

What are some applications of quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics has a wide range of applications in various fields, such as electronics, materials science, and medicine. Some notable applications include transistors, lasers, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Who discovered quantum mechanics?

The foundations of quantum mechanics were laid down by several scientists, including Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, and Erwin Schrödinger. However, the modern interpretation of quantum mechanics is often attributed to a group of scientists known as the Copenhagen School, led by Bohr and Heisenberg.

How is quantum mechanics relevant to everyday life?

While quantum mechanics may seem like a complex and abstract theory, its effects can be seen in everyday life. For example, the functioning of electronic devices such as smartphones and computers relies on the principles of quantum mechanics. Additionally, quantum mechanics plays a crucial role in understanding chemical reactions, which are essential for various industries such as pharmaceuticals and materials science.

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