Exploring the Natural World: My Journey into Self-Taught Physics and Mathematics

  • Thread starter jez_h
  • Start date
In summary, my journey into self-taught physics and mathematics has been a challenging and rewarding experience. By immersing myself in the natural world and using online resources, I have been able to gain a deep understanding of complex concepts and theories. Through self-motivation and determination, I have expanded my knowledge and developed a strong foundation in these subjects. Exploring the natural world has allowed me to see the beauty and complexity of the universe, and I am excited to continue my journey and learn more about the laws that govern our world.
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I was previously a member a few years back but I have forgotten both the log in and recovery email, so since I didn't contribute much outside of the sci fi fiction section I thought I'd start from scratch.

So, I'm in my late 20s and like many before me (and no doubt many after), I didn't do as well in school as I could have done and this in turn put me off pursuing anything much. I've been in and out of various educational institutions (no, I left of my own accord!) trying to find what was best for me. Still not 100% certain but I have in the last few years developed a real hunger for the rawest understanding and knowledge of the natural world.

As such I'm self-teaching myself physics and mathematics to resit them as a private candidate, really for self validation to prove to myself, but I don't want to stop there. I am a hands on person and hope to learn electronics and basic robotics and combine the two for information gathering, like the old weather balloon and box trick.

I don't know where my pursuit will take me, or if there is an end. But I hope not. I made it way through Brian Cox's "Why Does E = mc2?" (but had to box it away for a house move) and now making my way through "Universal, A Journey Through The Cosmos" and a couple of relevant textbooks and right now I am making the most of what little enthusiasm I have coping with anxiety issues. I'm a full on noob of physics and mathematics, even though I find them addictive, so I can't really contribute much other than an enquiring mind for now but hey, maybe I'll at least be able to test some of you on your ability to explain concepts to other people eh? My particular interests are in astrophysics and astrogeology (as a kid, if I wasn't looking at the stars, I was looking at rocks) and the associated topics.

See you around!
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