Exploring the Physics of Fun: Neck Tension on a Water Slide

In summary: The angle of deviation is θ = atan(x). For the first case:C(Force of tension) = 55NA(gravity) = 9.8 m/s²B(4pi^2 r(planar radius)/T^2 ) = 2.40 mThen:Sin Law would tell me that θ = atan(x). For the second case:C(Force of tension) = 5.7 m/sA(gravity) = 10 m/s²B(4pi^2 r(planar radius)/T^2 ) = 2.40
  • #1
A child is lying on her back. The tension in the muscles of her neck is 55N as she raises her head to look past her toes and out the motel window. Ten minutes later she is screaming and sliding feet first down a water slide at a constant speed of 5.7 m/s in a horizontal curve of radius 2.40 m. She raises her head to look forward past her toes; find the tension in the muscles in her neck.

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
First case:
The tension provides the necessary force to balance the weight of the lifted part of her body (for simplicity, let's call that "the head" in the following)
Use this to determine the head's mass.
For the second case:
Note that when her head does NOT touch the slide, only the tension in her neck provides the force necessary for the centripetal acceleration the head experiences.
  • #3
So I would do the second part of the problem focusing around the head? Gotcha.
It'd be T=mv²/r, using the mass of her head I think. Thanks for responding.
  • #4
That's what I had in mind..
Welcome to PF, BTW.
  • #5
If you wouldn't mind helping me again, I have another question that I'm stumped on.

A plumb bob does not hang exactly along a line directed to the center of the Earth because of the Earth's rotation. How much does the plumb bob deviate from a radial line @ 35 degrees north latitude? Assume the Earth is spherical.

I combined the x and y components of the bob to get (4*pi²*r)/(T²g) = tan(x). What numbers would I use for r and T? I think I could use 24 hrs. for T, but r wouldn't be the Earth's radius.

EDIT: Thanks for the welcoming. :smile:
  • #6
First of all:
We both forgot that the tension in the first exercise b) ALSO must balance the weight, not only provide the centripetal acceleration..

You're right, r is the planar radius at 35 degrees latitude
  • #7
tension in the first exercise ALSO must balance the weight

Since it's a horizontal curve, the weight, down, should be balanced by a frictional force, up. I think that's how it works in a certain amusement park ride whose name escapes me at the moment.
  • #8
Your head is FREE, is it not?
(only connected to your body, not in touch with the slide, the only force which acts upon it other than the weight, is whatever your neck imparts to it..)
  • #9
I see what your saying now. Thanks, I'll grind through this problem later tonight.
  • #10
Note for Plumb bob question if it helps( i got the right answer using this)
It seems to work, since the angles aren't perpindicular

C(Force of Tension)^2 =A(gravity)^2 +B(4pi^2 r(planar radius)/T^2 )^2 -2ABCOS(θ(which is 35º))

Then use Sin Law to find the angle that the plumb bob deviates
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FAQ: Exploring the Physics of Fun: Neck Tension on a Water Slide

1. What is neck tension on a water slide?

Neck tension on a water slide refers to the strain and discomfort that can occur in the neck area while riding a water slide. It is often caused by the rapid changes in speed and direction that occur while sliding down, which can put stress on the muscles and ligaments in the neck.

2. Why does neck tension occur on water slides?

Neck tension on water slides is caused by the combination of gravity, acceleration, and friction. As the rider slides down the slide, their body is pulled downwards by gravity and experiences changes in speed and direction. This can cause the neck to move abruptly and result in tension and strain.

3. Can neck tension on a water slide be harmful?

In most cases, neck tension on a water slide is not harmful and will dissipate once the ride is over. However, if the tension is severe or persists after the ride, it is important to seek medical attention as it could be a sign of a more serious injury such as whiplash.

4. How can the physics of fun explain neck tension on a water slide?

The physics of fun can explain neck tension on a water slide by looking at the forces acting on the rider. The sudden changes in speed and direction create acceleration and deceleration forces, which can cause the neck to move in ways that it is not accustomed to, leading to tension and discomfort.

5. Are there ways to reduce neck tension on a water slide?

Yes, there are some ways to reduce neck tension on a water slide. Some tips include keeping your head and neck aligned with your body while sliding, avoiding sudden movements, and choosing slides with gentler curves and slopes. Additionally, staying hydrated and taking breaks between rides can help prevent muscle tension and fatigue.

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