Exploring the Possibilities: Higgs Boson Interactions and Energy Release

In summary, The Higgs boson decays very quickly, making it impossible to build a "Higgs collider". While interactions between Higgs bosons can happen at the LHC, they are rare and will take time to study. The Higgs boson decays into a variety of particles, including W and Z bosons, photons, quarks, leptons, and gluons. However, it is unlikely to decay into dark matter particles due to their high mass. The decay to neutrinos is also rare, and the LHC experiments have set upper limits for decays to unknown particles. It cannot decay into antiparticles, as it is its own antiparticle. The decay to two Z bosons is not a regular
  • #1
I'm not very good at physics but please forgive me.
What will hapen now when we found the higgs boson:
I have a proposition i don't know if it is posible but if someone can help and explain to me i will be greatiful.
Is it possible that now when thay found the higgs to do the same like the protons to smash a higgs boson into higgs boson what will hapen then and one more thing when the higgs decay did it release any kind of energy like the atom when it goes thru the fussion process.

Thank you.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The Higgs boson decays so fast (~10-21 seconds) that it is impossible to build a "Higgs collider". Interactions between Higgs bosons can happen at the LHC, but they are rare, so it will take a while to study them.

when the higgs decay did it release any kind of energy like the atom when it goes thru the fussion process.
Every particle decay releases energy, the Higgs is not special in that respect.
  • #3
OK it decays very fast for now but maybe some day after we learn more about the higgs it will be posible to colide them.
About the energy any idea how much energy it releases and can we increase it somehow.
And one more idea nuclear weapon=higgs weapon :)
  • #4
Jak7 said:
OK it decays very fast for now but maybe some day after we learn more about the higgs it will be posible to colide them.
Very improbable.

About the energy any idea how much energy it releases and can we increase it somehow.
It just releases the energy you needed to create it before. You cannot increase its mass, so you cannot increase the released energy. Energy is conserved.

And one more idea nuclear weapon=higgs weapon :)
  • #5
I think that it is very probable look at the history 1-st they though that the atom was the smallest part then they broke it,after that was the proton i think that the next is the higgs.
But first they need to find out how to keep it as long as they can + that they can use the same LHC for the higgs(maybe) with little adjustments.
Why not?

And what will happen when they collide Higgs with Higgs it is unnaturale not like any particles in the universe,because all of those known collison happens in the universe some times,but what about the Higgs did 2 Higgs ever collide with each another?
  • #6
Jak7 said:
I think that it is very probable look at the history 1-st they though that the atom was the smallest part then they broke it,after that was the proton i think that the next is the higgs.
But first they need to find out how to keep it as long as they can + that they can use the same LHC for the higgs(maybe) with little adjustments.
Why not?

Which part of
Higgs boson decays so fast (~10-21 seconds) ...
do you not understand?
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  • #7
Since a lot of people without a technical background may not understand scientific notation, maybe this will help:

10-21 seconds is 0.000000000000000000001 seconds. That's a decimal point, 20 zeros, and a 1. A tiny tiny fraction of a second.
  • #8
OK i get it but I'm talking about the not so near or maybe near future when maybe they can stop or slow that decay of the Higgs why not then for now it is impossible.
What will they need to slow the decay do you know?
  • #9
Jak7 said:
What will they need to slow the decay do you know?

  • #10
Jak7 said:
What will they need to slow the decay do you know?

A complete and utter breakdown in the laws of physics. Or, as Vanadium said, magic.

You really need to read some fundamental physics.
  • #11
Can you please explain why it cannot be done please in physics language i will try to understand it.
  • #12
Jak7 said:
I'm not very good at physics but please forgive me.

Jak7 said:
Can you please explain why it cannot be done please in physics language i will try to understand it.

Are you certain about this?

  • #13
OK i get it forget about explaining,i have just read a post about why the higgs decay and the answer is very simple because it can:) and it will decay if it can:) but another question it decays to W and Z,or photons,or quarks and leptons,but what it will decays to in dark matter?:)
Is it going to decay into anti W and Z,or antiphotons and so on?
Sorry for that I'm like a machine full with questions but first come the question then the answer:)
  • #14
but another question it decays to W and Z,or photons,or quarks and leptons
Or gluons. Basically every pair of particle+antiparticle in the Standard Model is possible, with the exception of the top quark (too heavy) and the Higgs itself (...). The decay to neutrinos should be extremely rare I think. Some other decays are possible, too, but very unlikely.
but what it will decays to in dark matter?:)
It is unlikely that a dark matter particle is light enough for that. By comparing the observed number of decays with the predicted number of Higgs bosons, the LHC experiments set upper limits for the decays to unknown particles (the upper limit (!) is a few % if I remember correctly).

Is it going to decay into anti W and Z,or antiphotons and so on?
Those decays are always particle+antiparticle.
Z and photon are their own antiparticles, so it just decays to two photons, for example.

Normally, Z bosons would be too heavy to get produced as a pair - it is not a regular decay to two Z bosons, one of the bosons has to be virtual.
  • #15
"but what it will decays to in dark matter?:)
It is unlikely that a dark matter particle is light enough for that"

So did that mean that it will not decay or I'm wrong?
Is that the magic:)?
Can it stops the decay of the particles?
  • #16

It just means that one specific decay mode is not possible. All other decays are still possible, and happen.
If you play darts and have no sector for "1" for whatever reason, you (can) still hit the disk - you just don't get a 1, but you can get all other results.
  • #17
When I saw the title of this thread, "Higgs boson vs higgs boson", I was wondering if someone else picked up on the fact that naming the particle the Higgs is a passive aggressive dig against Higgs. Naming it the higgs would have been much higher praise. Note that difference: It's Newtons, pascals, volts, ohms, kelvins versus degrees Celsius, and now Higgs boson. The important concepts are lowercase. Having ones name lowercased is high praise in physics. Degrees Celsius, Higgs boson: That's damning with faint praise, or in this case, with uppercase letters.

But alas, that's not what this discussion is about.
  • #18
mfb said:

It just means that one specific decay mode is not possible. All other decays are still possible, and happen.
If you play darts and have no sector for "1" for whatever reason, you (can) still hit the disk - you just don't get a 1, but you can get all other results.

Which of the decays that we know happens in the dark matter do we know that?
Or is it too early to know the answer?

And to put it simple we cannot stop the decay even the dark matter decays(or have decays inside I'm not so sure:)
  • #19
Jak7 said:
Which of the decays that we know happens in the dark matter do we know that?
Or is it too early to know the answer?

We don't know what dark matter IS, so of course we don't know what its decay characterizes are. Since it's believed most likely to be a WIMP, that may say something about the general decay characteristics, but I don't know.
  • #20
Jak7 said:
Which of the decays that we know happens in the dark matter do we know that?
Or is it too early to know the answer?

And to put it simple we cannot stop the decay even the dark matter decays(or have decays inside I'm not so sure:)

This is getting to be highly speculative. Why are you bringing dark matter into this when you have barely learned about the established set of elementary particles?

Please ensure that your questions here are within the PF Rules that you had agreed to. Highly speculative topics based on lack of knowledge of known physics will be shut down.

  • #21
Man i know I'm an amateur in the physics but this is why I'm asking questions so i can learn i don't see anything wrong with that and yes I'm googling almost everything that we write here so i can learn and yes i don't have money and the time to get into a university for physics I'm just a little curios and i think that this is a free forum for the people to write they question's and get answers but why am i even bothering with you a lot of other people have answered my question's and helped me a lot.
  • #22
Jak7 said:
Man i know I'm an amateur in the physics but this is why I'm asking questions so i can learn i don't see anything wrong with that and yes I'm googling almost everything that we write here so i can learn and yes i don't have money and the time to get into a university for physics I'm just a little curios and i think that this is a free forum for the people to write they question's and get answers but why am i even bothering with you a lot of other people have answered my question's and helped me a lot.

Please re-read that I wrote carefully! No one is telling you not to ask such questions! I mean, look at this thread. It has gone on to its second page! If we do not allow you to ask such questions, it would have been closed or deleted already!

But you need to be VERY careful and be mindful of not violating the terms of our rules, i.e. you should not start making your own speculations! For example, have you established a valid connection between Higgs bosons and dark matter? I haven't seen it.

That is what we do prohibit!

  • #23
Jak7 said:
Man i know I'm an amateur in the physics but this is why I'm asking questions so i can learn i don't see anything wrong with that and yes I'm googling almost everything that we write here so i can learn and yes i don't have money and the time to get into a university for physics I'm just a little curios and i think that this is a free forum for the people to write they question's and get answers but why am i even bothering with you a lot of other people have answered my question's and helped me a lot.

Getting snitty with a mod not only isn't going to help you any here, it's bad manners. These folks VOLUNTEER their time to help keep this forum on track and they do a great job. Just throwing out wild questions, as you seem sometimes to do, it not a good approach. Yes, people are giving you answers but if you don't reign in the speculation that may not last.
  • #24
Dark matter has been there for the last 13 billion years, so it should be stable or have a very long lifetime.

And to put it simple we cannot stop the decay even the dark matter decays(or have decays inside I'm not so sure:)
Why do you want to stop the decays of dark matter (if they exist)?

We cannot change the laws of the universe - just by definition of "laws of the universe". The decay of particles is probably a direct result of those laws, so we cannot stop it. Everything beyond that is speculation.
  • #25
ZapperZ said:
Please re-read that I wrote carefully! No one is telling you not to ask such questions! I mean, look at this thread. It has gone on to its second page! If we do not allow you to ask such questions, it would have been closed or deleted already!

But you need to be VERY careful and be mindful of not violating the terms of our rules, i.e. you should not start making your own speculations! For example, have you established a valid connection between Higgs bosons and dark matter? I haven't seen it.

That is what we do prohibit!


Ok sorry for that it was just an idea not speculations(maybe a stuped one but ...:)

mfb said:
Dark matter has been there for the last 13 billion years, so it should be stable or have a very long lifetime.

Why do you want to stop the decays of dark matter (if they exist)?

We cannot change the laws of the universe - just by definition of "laws of the universe". The decay of particles is probably a direct restult of those laws, so we cannot stop it. Everything beyond that is speculation.

I don't want to stop it i was just curios if the dark matter decays but i found the answer in google,but if we could stop it we could use it like a "box" and if we could put any particle inside we can keep it forever but as i apologise to ZapperZ again just an idea.
  • #26
Jak7 said:
Ok sorry for that it was just an idea not speculations(maybe a stuped one but ...:)
I don't want to stop it i was just curios if the dark matter decays but i found the answer in google,but if we could stop it we could use it like a "box" and if we could put any particle inside we can keep it forever but as i apologise to ZapperZ again just an idea.

I don't want just to put a damper on your interest but I think you are just playing word games here. Until you have more idea of the actual meanings of some of the words you are using, this is no more fruitful than playing 'Top Trumps'. I appreciate that 17 year olds are now told about many of the fundamental particles and a number of the 'rules' they follow but it I think it just encourages people to make really unwarranted conclusions on the basis of very scant knowledge. You need to realize that some really really well informed people are still struggling with all of this stuff.

"Why not" - type questions can be just as pointless a "Why" - type questions - and we all know what the Blessed Richard Feynman had to say about "Why".
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FAQ: Exploring the Possibilities: Higgs Boson Interactions and Energy Release

What is a Higgs boson?

The Higgs boson is a subatomic particle that is thought to give mass to other particles through the Higgs field, which is a field that permeates the universe.

What is the difference between Higgs boson and Higgs boson?

Higgs boson and Higgs boson are often used interchangeably, but technically Higgs boson refers to the particle itself, while Higgs field refers to the field that gives mass to particles.

Why is the discovery of the Higgs boson important?

The discovery of the Higgs boson confirms the existence of the Higgs field, which is a crucial component of the Standard Model of particle physics. This discovery helps us better understand the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

How was the Higgs boson discovered?

The Higgs boson was discovered in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Scientists observed evidence of the particle through the decay of other particles produced during high-energy collisions.

What are the potential implications of the Higgs boson?

The Higgs boson could help us understand the mechanisms behind mass and could also provide insight into physics beyond the Standard Model. It may also have practical applications in technology, such as in the development of new energy sources.

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