Exploring the Possibilities of an Infinite Universe

In summary: In my defense, I was a bit tired when I replied. :smile:So it's possible the universe could in fact be infinite and expanding?yes, it is certainly possibleand probably the simplest picture fitting the data currently available
  • #1
So it's possible the universe could in fact be infinite and expanding? A singularity has an finite volume but infinite density, correct? Then isn't it possible for an infinite expanding universe to have an end? I recall reading the Theory of Everything by Hawking where he talked about how if you were able to travel at the speed of light and make it to the end of the universe you'd end up on the opposite side. Would this also work for an infinite expanding universe? Also, is it possible for there to be more than one singularity?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
misanthropist said:
So it's possible the universe could in fact be infinite and expanding?

yes, it is certainly possible
and probably the simplest picture fitting the data currently available

misanthropist said:
A singularity has an finite volume but infinite density, correct?

no, not correct
a singularity is a region where the equations of the model fail to compute---where they get infinities instead of reasonable answers----it can be a region which is infinite in spatial extent, or it can be a single isolated point, or a line, and so on

a singularity represents a failure of the model and is a sign it needs to be fixed, or replaced by a better model

(the big bang singularity has been eliminated using an improved model, which growing numbers of researchers are adopting---but one can still argue about which improved model one should adopt to the classical General Relativty model that has the singularity, i.e. the failure)

misanthropist said:
... Then isn't it possible for an infinite expanding universe to have an end? I recall reading the Theory of Everything by Hawking where he talked about how if you were able to travel at the speed of light and make it to the end of the universe you'd end up on the opposite side. Would this also work for an infinite expanding universe? Also, is it possible for there to be more than one singularity?

many models of the universe are possible
an infinite universe could certainly expand for a while and then collapse
and experience a big crunch
but with the data they now have cosmologists are not predicting that.

since 1998 there has been a narrowing down of the range of different
versions of the story---mainly because of the Hubble space telescope and the microwave anisotopy probe satellite----a bunch of new unprecedentedly accurate data

cosmology has become more of an observational science and less of the old wild speculative field it used to be, where everybody including Stephen hawking had his own pet model. There is a "consensus" model now, some people call it cosmology's "standard" model. The agreement may not last, and the mainstream folks might be wrong (one always must allow for that) but there is a remarkable amount of agreement at least for the time being.

It is time for a new popular book, but i don't know of one. the cosmology consensus does not incorporate String theory, so a new popular book about the current mainstream vision of the cosmos would probably not be by Brian Greene. And it would probably not be by Stephen Hawking either.

Sean Carroll could write one I guess
Eric Linder has an undergrad Cosmology textbook
Ned Wright and some others have great intro to cosmology websites
Lineweaver's introductory survey article is still pretty good
Anyone who wants can look at the PF Astronomy and Cosmology sticky thread that has a collection of links to cosmology stuff online
including some I've mentioned.

the field has in some sense gotten a lot simpler and easier to understand since 1998 or so, but a popular book hasnt AFAIK been written
if you want links to online articles keep asking, I or somebody will get some

hope this is helpful
  • #3
marcus, you say an infinite universe can expand...do you mean that a universe that is infinite along some dimensions/coordinates can expand along those others in which it is finite?
  • #4
limited universe

This does not help much but -- when people talk about what may happen or could be I try to remember the following if you take serious astronomical measurement it's only a few hundred years old , so taking the Earth as center we are surrounded by a sphere a few hundred light years in radius ( mainly the closest stars ) outside of which we have received no upto date info within that recorded history -- so in a sense ANYTHING could be out there and we would not know. Considering the age of the universe ( and size ) estimates of >100 billion light years , we are reading mail THAT OLD , until someone breaks the light barrier we will never know for sure WHAT is out there , it's extent, it's conditions, or anything else.
In a light hearted scenario Andromeda may blink out tomorrow -- I don't suppose it will -- but for sure other things will a star which has disappeared down a black hole ( and is no longer in existence ) as of the 'now' our time.
  • #5
Mentat said:
marcus, you say an infinite universe can expand...do you mean that a universe that is infinite along some dimensions/coordinates can expand along those others in which it is finite?

Take the real line and mark units on it. Now make the transformation x => 2x. All the marks are now two units apart. This one dimensional universe has expanded; it was infinite before and is now still infinite, but people (dots) living on it will see the galaxies (marks) twice as far away.
  • #6
selfAdjoint said:
Take the real line and mark units on it. Now make the transformation x => 2x. All the marks are now two units apart. This one dimensional universe has expanded; it was infinite before and is now still infinite, but people (dots) living on it will see the galaxies (marks) twice as far away.

Yeah, sorry about that. I wasn't thinking of the right kind of "expansion".

FAQ: Exploring the Possibilities of an Infinite Universe

1. What is an infinite universe?

An infinite universe is a theoretical concept that suggests the universe has no boundaries and goes on forever. It is a concept that challenges our understanding of space and raises questions about the nature of our universe.

2. How do scientists explore the possibilities of an infinite universe?

Scientists explore the possibilities of an infinite universe through various methods such as mathematical calculations, studying the behavior of galaxies and other celestial bodies, and analyzing data from telescopes and other space exploration technology.

3. What are some potential implications of an infinite universe?

The concept of an infinite universe has many implications, including the idea that there could be an infinite number of planets and civilizations, the possibility of parallel universes, and the potential for an endless cycle of creation and destruction in the universe.

4. Can we ever prove or disprove the existence of an infinite universe?

At this point, we do not have enough evidence to definitively prove or disprove the existence of an infinite universe. However, scientists continue to explore and gather data that may shed more light on this concept in the future.

5. What are some current theories about the nature of an infinite universe?

One theory suggests that the universe is infinite in size, but not necessarily infinite in age. Another theory proposes that the universe may be constantly expanding and contracting, creating an infinite cycle of expansion and contraction. There are also theories that suggest the possibility of multiple universes, each with their own set of physical laws and dimensions.
