Exploring the Possibilities of Time Travel Through Black Holes

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of time travel and its relation to black holes. It is mentioned that according to a sci-tech magazine, traveling through a spinning black hole can potentially lead to time travel or transportation to another location. However, the concept is still considered theoretical and has not been proven. Additionally, the concept of wormholes, which could potentially allow for faster-than-light travel, is briefly mentioned. The existence of "white holes" is also brought up, but it is not confirmed whether they actually exist. More information can be found on this subject through various sources.
  • #1
Razi Abid
Hello friends,
Just some weeks before i read an article in a sci-tech magazine, which relates time travel and the black hole. The article said (although it looked quite absurd) that if one travels in a black hole, then he will reach in another part of the world, and if he goes with a speed nearly the speed of light, then he will reach in another part of the world as well as he willl travel time.
(I know it sounds funny)
But is this true
best regards,
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
This is about a SPINNING black hole. Such BH's generate what is called the Kerr metric of spacetime. If you followed just the right path through such a spacetime, you could exploit the tilting of lightcones to travel back in time. Or it has been asserted that if you follow a different path into the black hole you will wind up "someplace else" - nobody knows where.
  • #3
Sometime ago I compiled parts from various sources covering that subject. Click the various links to find more information. Keeps you busy for a while. :wink:

Black Holes, Singularities & Wormholes.
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  • #4

Thanks Madice this information was quiet interesting, and it proved to be quiet factual. but still can you explain a bit more of that wormhole phenomena. And can you please explain to me that are there some kinds of 'White holes' too.

FAQ: Exploring the Possibilities of Time Travel Through Black Holes

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region of space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star dies and collapses in on itself.

2. How does a black hole affect time?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the closer you get to a black hole, the stronger the gravitational pull becomes. This causes time to slow down, known as gravitational time dilation. This means that time passes more slowly for an object near a black hole compared to an object further away.

3. Can we use black holes for time travel?

Theoretically, it is possible to use black holes for time travel. The intense gravitational pull of a black hole can bend space and time, creating a shortcut through space-time. However, it is currently not possible for humans to travel through a black hole without being destroyed by its extreme conditions.

4. Is time travel through black holes a feasible concept?

While time travel through black holes is a fascinating concept, it is still purely theoretical. We do not currently have the technology or understanding to harness the power of black holes for time travel. Additionally, the extreme conditions near a black hole make it a dangerous and unpredictable method of time travel.

5. Can studying black holes help us understand time better?

Yes, studying black holes can help us understand time better. Black holes are one of the most extreme and mysterious phenomena in the universe, and by studying them, we can gain insight into the fundamental laws of physics, including the nature of time. It can also help us understand how time behaves in extreme conditions, such as near a black hole.

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